NT, how do you know when she's the "one"?

I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with my girl,

Before her, I used to care what other people thought about me. I used to try and please others, no longer.

Also when something bad happens, nothing seems that bad because I know she'll always be here for me. I'll always go home and have her. Nights used tobe colder, now I sleep better even when Im half way across the country. (I have to travel a lot)

I've found an inner peace in my life for the first time. Everything I've been through, all the anger and the grudges....

They have been eased, I laugh heartier now, and I love life more.

Ask your self this? Does she make you a better MAN? Does she make you STRIVE to do more with your life?
SneakerHeathen is onto sumthin
Indeed he is.

First off to the OP, IMO there is no "one" in particular. Make sure who ever you decide to spend the rest of your life with matcheswhat your looking for in a woman. Just know that every relationship has its moments so don't be so fast to throw in the towel when tough times come, andbest believe they will come. Most importanly if you two do decide to get married, be sure to attend marriage counseling sessions at a church.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Are you faithful?

Does the thought of hurting her put your heart in a vice?

When you aren't around her, do certain things make you think about her?

Can you picture you two together in old age?

With kids?

Is she faithful?

Do your morals and goals coincide?
I'd like to think I'm reasonably faithful.


I think about her all the time.

More clearly than I have with any other female.


Yes, she wants to practice medicine and me, law. But her grades are slipping
I'm not doubting my faith in our relationship if that's what most of you are thinking. I was more so asking those of you who actually have that"one". How do you know when it's her?
Youll know on your own...BUT.... Let me give you this advice from experience. Just because she might be "the one",doesnt mean that you will end upbeing with her forever. Some %@!% just aint meant to be
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Are you faithful?

Does the thought of hurting her put your heart in a vice?

When you aren't around her, do certain things make you think about her?

Can you picture you two together in old age?

With kids?

Is she faithful?

Do your morals and goals coincide?
I'd like to think I'm reasonably faithful.


I think about her all the time.

More clearly than I have with any other female.


Yes, she wants to practice medicine and me, law. But her grades are slipping

If you don't mind me asking, why are her grades slipping?

I'm glad to hear she is goal oriented. Grades can be improved.

Two hard workers,

So that brings up other questions.....

Can you two have a fulfilling relationship regardless of a demanding schedule?

Any trust issues that may arise from not seeing one another very often?
Originally Posted by iBlink

I'm not doubting my faith in our relationship if that's what most of you are thinking. I was more so asking those of you who actually have that "one". How do you know when it's her?

Look into her eyes next time you see her, don't say anything...

Can you imagine seeing these LOOKING INTO those eyes for the rest of your life?

Do you get lost in her eyes?

I look into her eyes and I see the best of me, I see the future and what it could be, without her I see despair and a life that isn't as fulfilling as itcould be with her.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by iBlink

I'm not doubting my faith in our relationship if that's what most of you are thinking. I was more so asking those of you who actually have that "one". How do you know when it's her?

Look into her eyes next time you see her, don't say anything...

Can you imagine seeing these LOOKING INTO those eyes for the rest of your life?

Do you get lost in her eyes?

I look into her eyes and I see the best of me, I see the future and what it could be, without her I see despair and a life that isn't as fulfilling as it could be with her.


You sound like you in some super deep,different type of love. I wish you the best of luck in your relationship
Perhaps seeing the union of my own parents fall apart before my eyes has made me more perceptive of what true love is...

Before you know love you must know despair, you must know sadness....

Then once you find love,

revaluate pain, and how you thought you knew it.

And imagine the pain you'd feel leading a life without her.
SneakerHeathen wrote:

If you don't mind me asking, why are her grades slipping?

I'm glad to hear she is goal oriented. Grades can be improved.

Two hard workers,

So that brings up other questions.....

Can you two have a fulfilling relationship regardless of a demanding schedule?

Any trust issues that may arise from not seeing one another very often?

I'll probably catch flack for telling this portion of the story, but whatever.

Before I came to college, we spent the earlier months of this year planning out our lives together - what under grad school to go to, what grad schools wewanted to go to, etc - and it all revolved around us being together". Then things hit a snag, the relationship started going downhill, I got accepted tothe college I'm at now and she didn't, she gets pissed and things go even further down hill, one thing leads to another, etc. We're practically atthe point of calling it quits over the summer because I left her in Atlanta. So since I left, she's felt as though she doesn't have anyone to help herthrough the day. Before I left, we practically lived together, so she had my help all the time with whatever she needed. Now, she doesn't and I thinkit's my fault that her grades are slipping. Since this semester began, I've been extremely busy and it's hard to maintain a long distancerelationship while juggling other aspects of life. So that's my idea as to why she's slipping. (sorry for the paragraph, but I'm known for beingdescriptive so you get the whole idea)

And if we make it to the point of marriage and both lead the careers we envisioned, I'm sure we can manage to make time for one another.

And unfortunately, yes. Even now there are trust issues with me being away for school.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Perhaps seeing the union of my own parents fall apart before my eyes has made me more perceptive of what true love is...

Before you know love you must know despair, you must know sadness....

Then once you find love,

revaluate pain, and how you thought you knew it.

And imagine the pain you'd feel leading a life without her.
I hear that.%!$# is 100% True
Originally Posted by iBlink

I'll probably catch flack for telling this portion of the story, but whatever.

Before I came to college, we spent the earlier months of this year planning out our lives together - what under grad school to go to, what grad schools we wanted to go to, etc - and it all revolved around us being together". Then things hit a snag, the relationship started going downhill, I got accepted to the college I'm at now and she didn't, she gets pissed and things go even further down hill, one thing leads to another, etc. We're practically at the point of calling it quits over the summer because I left her in Atlanta. So since I left, she's felt as though she doesn't have anyone to help her through the day. Before I left, we practically lived together, so she had my help all the time with whatever she needed. Now, she doesn't and I think it's my fault that her grades are slipping. Since this semester began, I've been extremely busy and it's hard to maintain a long distance relationship while juggling other aspects of life. So that's my idea as to why she's slipping. (sorry for the paragraph, but I'm known for being descriptive so you get the whole idea)

And if we make it to the point of marriage and both lead the careers we envisioned, I'm sure we can manage to make time for one another.

And unfortunately, yes. Even now there are trust issues with me being away for school.
In this case,she might be the one or she might not. I would just let the chips fall where they may with her.It looks like there are TOO manyobstacles
when you're drunk off your +!+ and you're taking a dump and you pass out on the can and she wipes your +!+, she's a keeper.

i found mine.
Originally Posted by iBlink

SneakerHeathen wrote:

If you don't mind me asking, why are her grades slipping?

I'm glad to hear she is goal oriented. Grades can be improved.

Two hard workers,

So that brings up other questions.....

Can you two have a fulfilling relationship regardless of a demanding schedule?

Any trust issues that may arise from not seeing one another very often?
I'll probably catch flack for telling this portion of the story, but whatever.

Before I came to college, we spent the earlier months of this year planning out our lives together - what under grad school to go to, what grad schools we wanted to go to, etc - and it all revolved around us being together". Then things hit a snag, the relationship started going downhill, I got accepted to the college I'm at now and she didn't, she gets pissed and things go even further down hill, one thing leads to another, etc. We're practically at the point of calling it quits over the summer because I left her in Atlanta. So since I left, she's felt as though she doesn't have anyone to help her through the day. Before I left, we practically lived together, so she had my help all the time with whatever she needed. Now, she doesn't and I think it's my fault that her grades are slipping. Since this semester began, I've been extremely busy and it's hard to maintain a long distance relationship while juggling other aspects of life. So that's my idea as to why she's slipping. (sorry for the paragraph, but I'm known for being descriptive so you get the whole idea)

And if we make it to the point of marriage and both lead the careers we envisioned, I'm sure we can manage to make time for one another.

And unfortunately, yes. Even now there are trust issues with me being away for school.

Before I get into the career portion of that paragraph,

I'll talk about the latter half of what you wrote...

Trust issues...

See the thing about trust issues, they're an indication of care.

I'd be more concerned if there wasn't any trust issues as opposed to a big trust issue.

I love my girl to death, I'm her first and only. She's the epitome of faith, I'm her religion

But I'm human, damn it I'm a man...

And I've been played....(By other females)

And damn it I'm a man...

And men are petty, so I do be going hard with interrogations.

Thats all good though, if my girl stopped asking me,

What am I doing,
Where am I going
Who I'm with

I'd be more than a bit suspicious as to why. Trust issues on both sides of the relationship is a crazy way of saying "I care, and I'm greedy, Iwant YOU baby, all to my self"....

To an extent...

If something isn't sitting well with either party then trust issues can become ugly...

I don't know your history or hers, so for now I'll assume both parties have been completely honest and faithful throughout the relationship....

As for goals/careers....

You just told me an integral piece of info...

Long distance...

This is usually a problem, but honestly I don't see the problem in your case.

Yes her grades are slipping, I'll get to that in a bit.

But why? Because of you, she loves you, ya big heart breaker you.....

Thats beautiful man, she needs you. She is a better person because of you, without YOU she isn't complete....


Her grades are slipping, and thats not good. So what I'd do in this situation is give the relationship a minor hiatus until both parties can concentrate onwhat they're doing RIGHT now...

But, you're talking marriage, so what I'd do is out the window....

Can a transfer be possible? Because you two need each other. From what it sounds like to me, both of you have a some ways to go before finishing each oneseducation....

A long distance relationship isn't always strained by distance....

But by time...
SneakerHeathen wrote:

Before I get into the career portion of that paragraph,

I'll talk about the latter half of what you wrote...

Trust issues...

See the thing about trust issues, they're an indication of care.

I'd be more concerned if there wasn't any trust issues as opposed to a big trust issue.

I love my girl to death, I'm her first and only. She's the epitome of faith, I'm her religion

But I'm human, damn it I'm a man...

And I've been played....(By other females)

And damn it I'm a man...

I don't know your history or hers, so for now I'll assume both parties have been completely honest and faithful throughout the relationship....

As for goals/careers....

You just told me an integral piece of info...

Long distance...

This is usually a problem, but honestly I don't see the problem in your case.

Yes her grades are slipping, I'll get to that in a bit.

But why? Because of you, she loves you, ya big heart breaker you.....

Thats beautiful man, she needs you. She is a better person because of you, without YOU she isn't complete....


Her grades are slipping, and thats not good. So what I'd do in this situation is give the relationship a minor hiatus until both parties can concentrate on what they're doing RIGHT now...

But, you're talking marriage, so what I'd do is out the window....

Can a transfer be possible? Because you two need each other. From what it sounds like to me, both of you have a some ways to go before finishing each ones education....

A long distance relationship isn't always strained by distance....

But by time...

I've used the "I'm a man" excuse too many times. I'll be honest with you, I've had the opp to have a few flings since I've beenhere, but I've never given into it. I've wanted to, but I never went through with it. I'd like to think the reason I've refrained from addingthose notches to my belt is because I'm in love with my lady.

As far as the distance factor, she's back in Atlanta, which is two and a half hours away. It's not that far, but any space seems far whenyou've spent a year+ with someone. But the thing is, I'm not going back to Atlanta. As much as I love the place, it's not where I need to be duringthis point in my life. Being in a small town at a school where the party life isn't that hectic is what I need because it's more stable. If I were togo back to Atlanta, I know I'd fall off academically because my old group of friends are still there.

So the only way a transfer would work is if she were to come here, or we both go to a new school in another small town.
SneakerHeathen ... you sound like my boyfriend .

Sometimes I just have to STARE at him because the things he's says are simply amazing . A long time ago he told me that he hopes he knows what I'mgetting myself into because he claimed he had the potential to fall hard when it came to me , and he did .

He says I'm the one , he tells me that I make him a better man , that with me he strives to better , that I changed his life .

I taught him how to express , how to have ambitions , how to cry ... he taught me that also .

I can stare into his eyes knowing that no harm can be done to me .

I asked him why was he like this , because like all females , I was reluctant to believe all that he was telling me . His father committed suicide because hedid (my boyfriends mother) wrong . He treated her wrong , and my boyfriend says this is the reason for his actions now . Seeing them fall , made him want toget the girl he knows is the one &nd not let her go for anything in the world .

SneakerHeathen , you're spitting that real , and I agree wholeheartedly .
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