offical 10/14/08 thread

Originally Posted by G2345

Originally Posted by seaner23

OGbobbyjohnson773 wrote:



ROFL, this whole entire thread is comedy from beginning to end. If you guys want a good laugh go back to the first couple pages and re-read me dyingover here.
No fail...we had the wrong date guise, sorry about that...

[h2]Friday, October 17, 2008[/h2]http:// [h3]Where our focus lies...[/h3]
Although there is a lot of excitement regarding the possibility of October 24th or perhaps November 11th, or whatever date has been mentioned, it's always important to keep an open mind about these dates, but not to guarantee that something is going to happen. Granted, I along with many of us did that with October 14th, and of course we were disappointed by the results of a no show. Although the event did turn out positive with people awakening prior to the date, what was predicted did not appear.

Should we be hyped up and excited about these dates? That's truly up to you, but I would have to say no. I would definitely keep an open mind about them, but I don't plan to repeat history and go over the top for either October 24th and November 11th.

Because the bottom line is, all of us have come here to complete a mission. As much as we all would love to see our interstellar family make some sort of contact or sighting for us, that would indeed be beneficial, but that's not the reason why every single human being is on this planet right now. As much as we love our ancestors, we should never depict them as saviors. We love them, but we do not need them to fix our problems for us. We as ourselves need to be this light ship. We ourselves need to be the love and light that will turn this planet around. It will not be done by extra terrestrials, it will not be done by world leaders...It will only be done by us.

This is what I've come to terms with after October 14th occurred. We really need to focus on the real heart of the matter which is to turn this planet around. Stop living the way we're living. Don't take the Earth for granted. Do not trust our leaders to try and clean everything up. We are the difference makers. The system busters. Meeting our allies right now is secondary to what we have been sent here to do. They are here to assist, but they are not here to babysit us.

So if they come, possibly before 2008, then excellent. I'll be glad to see them. But it shouldn't take away the reason why all of us have spent many life times on this planet to perform a task. The ascension is in 4 years. That is not a lot of time. Events will be increasing 100 to 1000 fold. We are transmutating and we are evolving. Let's do our part for this earth, for our race. We are the saviors, we are the difference, and let's not lose focus on this.

So as far as dates go, take them as you want to, but for me and what I now know...It happens when it happens, that's all.

Originally Posted by TD The God

No fail...we had the wrong date guise, sorry about that...

[h2]Friday, October 17, 2008[/h2]http:// [h3]Where our focus lies...[/h3]
Although there is a lot of excitement regarding the possibility of October 24th or perhaps November 11th, or whatever date has been mentioned, it's always important to keep an open mind about these dates, but not to guarantee that something is going to happen. Granted, I along with many of us did that with October 14th, and of course we were disappointed by the results of a no show. Although the event did turn out positive with people awakening prior to the date, what was predicted did not appear.

Should we be hyped up and excited about these dates? That's truly up to you, but I would have to say no. I would definitely keep an open mind about them, but I don't plan to repeat history and go over the top for either October 24th and November 11th.

Because the bottom line is, all of us have come here to complete a mission. As much as we all would love to see our interstellar family make some sort of contact or sighting for us, that would indeed be beneficial, but that's not the reason why every single human being is on this planet right now. As much as we love our ancestors, we should never depict them as saviors. We love them, but we do not need them to fix our problems for us. We as ourselves need to be this light ship. We ourselves need to be the love and light that will turn this planet around. It will not be done by extra terrestrials, it will not be done by world leaders...It will only be done by us.

This is what I've come to terms with after October 14th occurred. We really need to focus on the real heart of the matter which is to turn this planet around. Stop living the way we're living. Don't take the Earth for granted. Do not trust our leaders to try and clean everything up. We are the difference makers. The system busters. Meeting our allies right now is secondary to what we have been sent here to do. They are here to assist, but they are not here to babysit us.

So if they come, possibly before 2008, then excellent. I'll be glad to see them. But it shouldn't take away the reason why all of us have spent many life times on this planet to perform a task. The ascension is in 4 years. That is not a lot of time. Events will be increasing 100 to 1000 fold. We are transmutating and we are evolving. Let's do our part for this earth, for our race. We are the saviors, we are the difference, and let's not lose focus on this.

So as far as dates go, take them as you want to, but for me and what I now know...It happens when it happens, that's all.


Seriously they need to stop
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