Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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don't take "regular" season Bron serious..but but but steph robbed him on mvp two years ago!!

No one steph steph didn't deserve MVP, I've Said he deserved MVP many of times. My point was that he's not better nor has ever been better than lebron. So stop stop stop creating your own narrative.

not a narrative i'm creating...i don't care to "pull receipts" but in that bron vs steph thread alone this strong arm MVP robbery was stated PLENTY of times
Wonder if Spree gonna choke someone out in this league 
if the warriors lose tonight and their 8 game win streak gets snapped and steph finally has a bad game does that mean afriend will have been right all along and the warriors and splash brothers are in fact not back? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
that man shouldnt even been able to walk out on his own feet. where's the security and entourage that is suppose to be the muscle?

smh at these soft dark skin brothas

Jahlil okafor would've had the guy eating out of a straw
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If Jennings acts the same way off the court that he does on, he probably instigated the whole thing. :lol:
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