Official 2016-2017 NBA Season Thread - NBA rules Chris Bosh has a career ending injury

Who is the MVP?

  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kawhi Leonard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Harden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lebron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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As a former Westbrook hater, his supporting cast only looks above average because HE makes them look above average. Sabonis, Roberson, Adams, McDermott and basically anybody else not named Kanter, benefit incredibly from the attention Westbrook draws and are able to flourish because of it. But he's not playing with great shooters like Harden or even people who can create their own shot.
hate this narrative. NAME a team that wouldnt sign kanter or adams or oladipo right now? who doesnt want gibson as a vet on the team? kanter still eating under westbrook. adams is in a slump this year, but please dont act like hes been a scrub. both adams AND roberson saved okc multiple times last post season. adams was the only reason they even could hand around. dude is a TOUGH center. a skilled one at that. any team would take him IMMEDIATELY.

roberson CAN play when he gets in a rhythm... but hes never in rhythm. in fact... nobody on okc is ever in a rhythm. i wonder why. *sees westbrook usage rate*
Houston is at 54 wins. How would 3 more wins (OKC is at 46 now) put them in 3rd?
im disputing what the other dude said. thats not MY opinion. someone a page back said if kd was there theyd be in 3rd place. the gentlemen said that means kd would get them 2 more wins. im saying that makes no sense.
1. Shut your fake *** up for I slap you tasteless.
 a-friend, you too grown for all that **** bro.
Never too grown to smack a Man for the right reason.

Wavy is good people but that doesn't mean he can't get slapped, right @The Collector  
im disputing what the other dude said. thats not MY opinion. someone a page back said if kd was there theyd be in 3rd place. the gentlemen said that means kd would get them 2 more wins. im saying that makes no sense.

He actually said the 4th seed. Which is at 49 wins right now. 3 wins better.

It's not similar at all when the two leading candidates were KD and LeBron. If James wants to bring up winning. Curry won justly in 15 and he should win again this year.
im disputing what the other dude said. thats not MY opinion. someone a page back said if kd was there theyd be in 3rd place. the gentlemen said that means kd would get them 2 more wins. im saying that makes no sense.

He actually said the 4th seed. Which is at 49 wins right now. 3 wins better.

3rd seed has 54 wins so let's say 3rd seed has the tie-breaker, it can be as many as 54 wins to be in the 4th seed.
It's not similar at all when the two leading candidates were KD and LeBron. If James wants to bring up winning. Curry won justly in 15 and he should win again this year.
So Harden losing Dwight for half the season isn't similar to KD losing Westbrook for 36 games?  You should know it's not just strictly wins, but that is definitely the biggest factor.

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