Official Bitcoin Thread

Yeah, let me add to my op: the rebases are still accruing, but the UI isnt reflecting the additional rebases to your position until you un-stake (I believe). So, the only thing changing is that you cant actively track your rebases with v1 sOHM. But migrating is worth it anyways since gOHM gives you voting power, since it's a governance token. Also your position grows in $ value now, not size.
anomolie anomolie Welcome to the thread first and foremost family. You may feel late but trust me when I say you are still in the early stages of this movement.

There are far too many pages in this thread to digest all the info but there have been some good tips regarding how to set up your portfolio for the long game.

Remember to do your own research and be careful with what you post online regarding your holdings. Otherwise family welcome to the revolution.
It is a lil disheartening to hear that time will stop with the rebases eventually but its to be expected. We all knew the crazy interest rates were just a tool to get people onboard.

Despite the massive price drop Time is still probably my favorite project of late. Gonna be holding for quite some time. Lambo or not!
It is a lil disheartening to hear that time will stop with the rebases eventually but its to be expected. We all knew the crazy interest rates were just a tool to get people onboard.

Despite the massive price drop Time is still probably my favorite project of late. Gonna be holding for quite some time. Lambo or not!
Yeah I like that the team is realizing that you cant grow 75K% (APY) in a year and expect your token price and market cap to not crater. Creating a cash-flow machine is a better plan. Wonderland could just become a serial entrepreneurial enterprise backed by a bunch of degens 8)
sneakaprince sneakaprince when you gunna come invest man? 22% returns this fiscal
Bro I thought you were joking in your post above. I already have a traditional FAer. I tend to navigate the crypto space on my own. To some extent this is play money for me. If I lose it at least I know it's my own doing.

If you're serious though shoot me some info. Maybe a breakdown of the portfolio etc and we can talk. I like to hedge my own bets though.
Bro I thought you were joking in your post above. I already have a traditional FAer. I tend to navigate the crypto space on my own. To some extent this is play money for me. If I lose it at least I know it's my own doing.

If you're serious though shoot me some info. Maybe a breakdown of the portfolio etc and we can talk. I like to hedge my own bets though.

Joking? Everyone here knows what I do man - I know you are in and out the thread. Doesn’t seem like a fit if you like to do your own buying!
Joking? Everyone here knows what I do man - I know you are in and out the thread. Doesn’t seem like a fit if you like to do your own buying!
Yeah bro sorry I wasn't hip. Like u said I'm in and out but hit me with the deets. I definitely believe in the power of collective bargaining etc and by no means am I the smartest guy in the room.
He’s a rotatoooooooor

grabbed a vortex by Jen stark today. Super cool and interactive. Floor is up 25% from my buy
That story has been going on for years and it gets worse every time because of BTC's price. :lol:

Man will be on suicide watch when BTC hits 500K
He gotta stop letting these sites interview him tbh. Yall not bout to make a mockery of me every year.

Homie spent the last 8 years looking for money thats basically done for instead of learning from his mistake and moving forward. He easily could've bought back in via DCAing and at least feel somewhat vindicated.
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