Official: Lakers @ Spurs 1/14 6PM PST Game on ESPN HD

I told you so "Check PAGE 3" Roger Mason does this practically ever close game.

Seriously, we heard you the first 25 times. Congratulations your psychic. Yippee
lol out the roasts on Fish.
i seriously loved this guy but lately he sucks.
missing layups.. misses like 3-4 a game
looks for contact instead of completing the play.
Like today Pau thought we was going to take the layup since he thinks hes AI but passes it
then its like 1 on 4 him and the other team and takes a 3ptr
every point guard schools him.
good off the bench but as a starter.......
also just makes dumb decisions
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

You know Laker fans can continue to make excuses about how the refs cost us the game tonight.

But really tonight what killed the Lakers tonight and cost them a L was horrible pick & roll defense, not closing out and giving Roger Mason, Matt Bonner, Manu Gibobili open the 3's all game tonight. I really had a bad feeling after Manu hit that crazy 3 at the end of the 3rd quarter.

Ariza did the best job anyone could do guarding Tony Parker in the 4th quarter where he basically shut him down.

Also Duncan's crazy running baby hook shot in the final seconds was nuts. Dude didnt even have control of the ball and got lucky and chucked it up and it went down for him. I don't know how many times I've seen Timmy do this to the Lakers in the clutch. Remember Fisher's 0.4 shot game in the 2004 playoffs, that same game Duncan also hit a crazy fall away 20 foot shot with Shaq all over him before Fisher's miracle 0.4 shot during that game.
the lakers usually win when they fould duncan cause he chokes at the line
should be an option next time
uncanny how bynum doesnt foul when he needs to
Originally Posted by Sole MAX

For those who said Ariza traveled, do you guys know how to count? He took 2 steps. Refs stole the game from us. End of story.
i agree he did not travel after seeing the replay but he still missed the shot and duncan i think got the rebound
i just watched a replay and it wasn't a travel - it just looked really awkward.

regardless, lakers had NO TIMEOUTS, everyone in the building knew Kobe was gonna get doubled - ariza was just put in a strange position.

as for dfish - you gamble, you lose. roger mason is a knockdown shooter, he sold that "foul" well.

kobe did everything in his power to win the game, but sometimes you lose some.

all good, move on to the cavs.
One thing I did like seeing: Ariza on Parker the few possessions it happened.

We'll have to try that for critical possessions against the skilled PGs of the league.
no big deal though

I expected to split the two game road trip in Texas because of our injuries and heavy minutes to the starters

It's a long season and losses like this make the team stronger


next 6 games at Staples, I expect them to win them all and be 37-7 in two weeks
Originally Posted by bright nikes

i just watched a replay and it wasn't a travel - it just looked really awkward.

regardless, lakers had NO TIMEOUTS, everyone in the building knew Kobe was gonna get doubled - ariza was just put in a strange position.

as for dfish - you gamble, you lose. roger mason is a knockdown shooter, he sold that "foul" well.

kobe did everything in his power to win the game, but sometimes you lose some.

all good, move on to the cavs.
well said
^^I agree SKA I mean Ariza really won't be able to stay in front of him either. However, at least he'll be able to affect Parker's shots with hislength.
damn i've been so busy lately i forgot this game was tonight. Seeing the score though puts the perfect cap on one of my best days ever though.
Kobe in 8 mins. in the 4th quarter:

Assist to Powell on the Pick-n-Roll
Knocks down a deep 3
Assist to Powell on the Pick-n-Roll
Assist to Powell on the Pick-n-Roll
Assist to Lamar on a jump pass(Kobe was about to shoot a 3 but saw LO for the easy 2 in the last second)
Assist to Pau on the Pick-N-Roll
Knocks down a runnig shot on 2 people
Kobe makes another deep 3

So that's 5 assists, 8 points (on 3/4 shooting), and 2 boards in 8 mins.

One of the best 4th quarters I have ever seen him play.
He should have taken the shot at the end.

Oh well, onto the next games
Yo, I wanna be a good sport and not stir any fires in here. I understand it's frustrating when your team loses a close one.

So to avoid any potential issues, I'll take my foot off the gas.

I love y'all though. (At least the ones who can take as good as they give).

That was fun.


i thought the nba was supposed to call offensive fouls when the shooter sticks out his foot.

The foul wasn't on the kick out. The kick out was just Jr selling the foul. Jr stepped back for his jumper as Fish was moving into him. Fish hit the backof the leg just a blink of an eye after Jr started going up for his shot. The foul was legit.

The travel call was not. They showed the play after the game and I've got to agree with Mark Jackson, two steps before Ginobili bumped Ariza and thecontact was enough to change his shot. We should have see a Lakers win, overtime, or a bigtime choke job.

I was going to disagree with ska's opinion that Kobe should've taken the shot and still do, but for a different reason. Ariza was past hisrange and Kobe's first move on Mason Jr created enough space for Kobe to rise up for the jumper.

Now, the reason I disagree is because I'm upset that the Lakers didn't have better spacing and time recognition.

- Ariza could've moved closer to the 3-point line so as to set Bonner up for the pump fake & drive while not giving Ginobili the time to recover

- Odom could've screened Parker to set up a passing lane for Ariza and good shot for Fish.

- Ariza could have cut to the basket as soon as Ginobili went to trap Kobe.

- A cutting Ariza would've allowed Odom to move towards Kobe giving Odom the jumper or possibly the pass to Fish depending on what Parker did.
Spurs are going to win the next meeting. The Lakers were even lucky the Spurs let them comeback. All the Spurs needed was at least two more players fromtheir bench and Roger Mason along with George Hill are those guys. These guys step up when its time. Every now and then you'll get one from Matt Bonerto. Thats that Bowen didn't even play much even though hes downhilled a bit but I think he would have contested Kobes 3's.
Originally Posted by BCF06

Spurs are going to win the next meeting. The Lakers were even lucky the Spurs let them comeback. All the Spurs needed was at least two more players from their bench and Roger Mason along with George Hill are those guys. These guys step up when its time. Every now and then you'll get one from Matt Boner to. Thats that Bowen didn't even play much even though hes downhilled a bit but I think he would have contested Kobes 3's.
lakers have people out and were playng the second ofa back to back. good win for the spurs but lets not get carried away
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Tony Romo collapsed in the locker room because of the loss. I don't know where u got your info from
You didn't catch the interview after the game?
I'll try and find a link, I saw it on TV.
What you expect him to say, he's not that emotional type of player on the outside but when in the huddles and locker room how you know he's not emotional about the lost.

Yes Kobe shows that he was angry but it just shows how much of a pre madonna he is.

Complaining about every call against him and when its in his favor he's okay by it.


anyway GG spurs. i was impressed with our pick and roll in the 4th quarter. but we had a some bad shots towards the end. both teams were shooting lights outthe whole game
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I'll have a response for everybody that quoted me later. But right now, I'm still celebrating!

It's like, Kobe knew BEFORE the game even started that the Lakers would lose tonight.


And to think, I was *****ing about the Lakers being on tv so often. Shoot, if this is what happens from here on out whenever they play on national tv, I'm all for it.
You're life must be real pathetic to put so much negative energy towards one person who doesn't even know you exist.
You're trying to personally insult ('Your life must be pretty athetic') a guy just because he hate a player who happen to be one of your favorite players, if not your favorite player.

How awesome is that?

Answer: not very
. I

Don't even bother responding, dude. Talk about the game, or the players, or heck... anything sports related, but not who you think is pathetic or not on NT... because that would be pretty pathetic.

Well I will respond. Ska, you're a moderator for this board to make sure its running properly and people are following the rules, not moderating opinions,
In the illustrious words of Pedro Martinez "who are you" to tell me not to bother to respond. One other thing, cut back on the emoticons, theydon't make your opinions looks any cooler by adding a
at the end.

When someone garners an extreme amount of joy when an individual he doesn't know personally or have any interaction with is upset, angry, sad etc. I findthat sad or pathetic. Thats my own opinion and if I feel like posting that I will. It would be one thing if he posted once or maybe twice with kobe hate, butwhen it is constant then I'm gonna call him out on it.

Ska, you're a moderator for this board to make sure its running properly and people are following the rules, not moderating opinions,
Originally Posted by BCF06

Spurs are going to win the next meeting. The Lakers were even lucky the Spurs let them comeback. All the Spurs needed was at least two more players from their bench and Roger Mason along with George Hill are those guys. These guys step up when its time. Every now and then you'll get one from Matt Boner to. Thats that Bowen didn't even play much even though hes downhilled a bit but I think he would have contested Kobes 3's.
yup. don't forget that we did not have two of our players also
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