Official Madden NFL 12 Thread

dude cheesed on me with the raiders and terrelle pryor.. scored, went for 2, kicked onsides in the first quatter, got it back, scored again, cord pulled, and it gave me the loss.
dude cheesed on me with the raiders and terrelle pryor.. scored, went for 2, kicked onsides in the first quatter, got it back, scored again, cord pulled, and it gave me the loss.
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Ran into my first cheeser and learned that online uses the playoff overtime rule the hard way.

Am now 12-1.

Doesn't it suck getting beat by a cheeser? You look back at and see the plays you SHOULD have found a way to stop
.Ah well, learning experience.
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Ran into my first cheeser and learned that online uses the playoff overtime rule the hard way.

Am now 12-1.

Doesn't it suck getting beat by a cheeser? You look back at and see the plays you SHOULD have found a way to stop
.Ah well, learning experience.
Had an epic comeback against a cheeser last night. I was down 7-30 in the 2nd quarter. FINALLY figured out what he was doing and came back to win 50-36. FELT GOOD MAN.
Had an epic comeback against a cheeser last night. I was down 7-30 in the 2nd quarter. FINALLY figured out what he was doing and came back to win 50-36. FELT GOOD MAN.
Originally Posted by Shadi914

Played my first ranked match this dude was going in with Mark Ingram, I couldn't stop him

That's one of the few flaws in Madden this year. Sometimes you just can't stop people. They'll elude tackles and break them like its nothing.

Also. The dropped picks. I've had at least 20 in my 11 games online. The ball just floats and bounce off their hand. Feels bad man.
Originally Posted by Shadi914

Played my first ranked match this dude was going in with Mark Ingram, I couldn't stop him

That's one of the few flaws in Madden this year. Sometimes you just can't stop people. They'll elude tackles and break them like its nothing.

Also. The dropped picks. I've had at least 20 in my 11 games online. The ball just floats and bounce off their hand. Feels bad man.
Believe I'm 3-2 now, this guy I played last night had his mic on the whole game, talking with his friends the entire time. Every sentence started with "motherf..."
C'mon son.
Believe I'm 3-2 now, this guy I played last night had his mic on the whole game, talking with his friends the entire time. Every sentence started with "motherf..."
C'mon son.
Im 4-0 with my Boys. Dez, Austin, and Witten are $$$$$$. Jones and Murray combo is killer.
Still need more players for NT League for PS3, hit me up.
Im 4-0 with my Boys. Dez, Austin, and Witten are $$$$$$. Jones and Murray combo is killer.
Still need more players for NT League for PS3, hit me up.
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Going to sleep with a loss just might be the worst feeling in the world

Bro...losing & then playing another game to try to go to sleep on a good note...And then losing again?!?? #FeelsBatMan
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Going to sleep with a loss just might be the worst feeling in the world

Bro...losing & then playing another game to try to go to sleep on a good note...And then losing again?!?? #FeelsBatMan
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