***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I mean it can’t be all bad with no government.

we just pay taxes for a bunch of bs and police to murder us all.
What happens in our case is that everything just stays the same. You can't pass any new laws, change any law, change any government programs, funding, ...
The only thing you can do is re-approve things that were already approved while there was a government. The main problem comes with the budget because you can't change it, you can only continually approve the same budget and can't allocate any new funds.

Parliament turns into a daily ****show because virtually all they can do is argue with eachother during this time. Even our emergency powers are extremely limited.
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It all makes sense now.

Griddy coming with those NEW prices

Funny enough in that same episode (from 1994) we also got these gems:
Republican convention:

Democratic convention:

Took me looking through this and 3 more articles to try to find out what changes are being proposed. We all know it's republican *******, can they leave the commentary at the end and get to the changes, sheesh.
  • Limiting ballot boxes
  • Requiring voters to request mail ballots more frequently than they already do (about every two years)
  • Prohibiting ballot collection
  • Real-time reporting of voter turnout data
  • Codifying into law that unsolicited ballots won't be mailed to voters (something Florida already doesn't do)
An NBC news article notes:

"The Brennan Center recently reported that there are more than 165 restrictive voting bills in the works in 33 states."

Problem is it's easy to get stupid people to keep voting for you. The old LBJ strategy works really well for Republicans. As long as they can convince redneck trailer trash they're better than: minorities, snowflakes, losers who just need to use their bootstraps, people who "hate America," liberals, AOC and so forth, this country is always gonna be trash.

I wish I could say I'm optimistic about the furute of America, but I'm not. Maybe our kids and grand kids will have a better place to live, although that's not guaranteed either.

A perfect example of this: Like I always say, they look exactly like you'd expect them to.
It should be illegal for elected officials to have any impact at all on elections.

Where else is this a thing?

Imagine Jordan being able to decide how many points a dunk is worth.

You're completely correct - but fiddling elections has been rife in the US (and other places) for centuries now.

The amount of gerrymandering that goes on along with this blatant voter suppression is criminal - and I don't say that lightly, if it’s not an offence to prevent citizens performing their democratic duty then what is?

There needs to be some sort of independent commission who keep it fair - but I don’t know how you could do that. It would become like the Supreme Court or a few other institutions where each side would get representatives and with time it would get more and more politicised and partisan and you’d be back to square one.
Problem is it's easy to get stupid people to keep voting for you. The old LBJ strategy works really well for Republicans. As long as they can convince redneck trailer trash they're better than: minorities, snowflakes, losers who just need to use their bootstraps, people who "hate America," liberals, AOC and so forth, this country is always gonna be trash.

I wish I could say I'm optimistic about the furute of America, but I'm not. Maybe our kids and grand kids will have a better place to live, although that's not guaranteed either.

A perfect example of this: Like I always say, they look exactly like you'd expect them to.

On the bright side.

It is nice to see thatl ksteezy ksteezy has started to monetize his Jimmy wine. Instead of continuing to get high on his on supply.

J/k :lol:
“Republican activists” is just another way to describe terrorists and Klansmen

The funniest thing about the rights new crusade against “Cancel Culture” is that they are comparing themselves to Bill Cosby, Louis CK and Harvey Weinstein. When activists online used the term “cancel” unironically, it was in the context of a hitherto beloved and/or influential figure in entertainment getting out as a sexual predator.

These right wing journalists and politicians are putting themselves in the same category as the Hollywood sickos whom they cite as proof of liberal and left perversion writ large.
Why didn’t they just nuke the snow storm?

The real ones know the B side of the Trump album. Everybody knows the A side: “grab em””rapists and criminals,””your cities are on fire.” But the real magic of Donald J Trump resides in the statements that were not repeated by late night talk shows. When he compared migrants to poisonous snakes, when he demanded that mag lev catapults on air craft carries be replaced with an older system that created steam, when he told April Ryan to set up a meeting with CBC, when he told his rally attendees that they beat Elton John’s attendance record at that same venue, when he suggested nuclear weapons be used on hurricanes, thise are moments where the white supremacy and lack of intellectual curiosity and advancing dementia all shine the brightest.
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