***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It seems as if reactionary whites perceive everything the Democratic Party does as a transfer of wealth to black and brown people. So if you’re a Democrat and there’s a tape of you saying that policy x will help black and brown people in an especially big way, the benefits of mobilizing BIPOC voters far outweighs the negative mobilization that would come from conservative whites hearing that audio.
It is because of their pricing structure. Most states have laws against surge pricing like this.

Secondly, brah what the hell :lol: You pay that little. These Vegas summers be having me crying when the bill comes in. And that is just for my apartment.

Last summer I paid the electric bills for the family I rent my house to. When I saw them bills, I was in the crib wildin...

Thank goodness that I paid you in Soros bucks so that you could get a free Soy latte. Tell George Soros to stop raising your rates and he will do it.
Legendary opponent of Wall Street and famed defender of the marginalized, Larry Summers opposes student debt relief.

The bill is the most crucial legislation considered by Congress in decades and would change the core structure of U.S. politics.

SINCE THE 117TH Congress was convened on January 3, over 2,000 bills have been introduced in the House and Senate. But the very first legislation proposed by the Democratic Party majorities in both chambers — making it both H.R.1 and S.1 — is the “For the People Act” of 2021.

This is appropriate, because the For the People Act is plausibly the most important legislation considered by Congress in decades. It would change the basic structure of U.S. politics, making it far more small-d democratic. The bill makes illegal essentially all of the anti-enfranchisement tactics perfected by the right over the past decades. It then creates a new infrastructure to permanently bolster the influence of regular people.

The bill’s provisions largely fall into three categories: First, it makes it far easier to vote, both by eliminating barriers and enhancing basic outreach to citizens. Second, it makes everyone’s vote count more equally, especially by reducing gerrymandering. Third, it hugely amplifies the power of small political donors, allowing them to match and possibly swamp the power of big money.

Make Voting Simple
There’s a popular, weary American aphorism (often attributed to the anarchist Emma Goldman, although she apparently did not say it): “If voting could change anything, it would be made illegal.” The meaning is always taken to be that voting is pointless.

However, the past decades of U.S. politics demonstrate that this saying is accurate — but in fact its meaning is exactly the opposite. We can gauge how much voting can change important things by the lengths to which America’s conservatives have gone to make voting difficult for the wrong people.

The For the People Act would require states with voter ID requirements to allow people to vote without identification if they complete a sworn statement attesting that they are who they say they are. It would make it impossible for states to engage in bogus purging of voter rolls. States could no longer stop people with felony convictions from voting after they’ve served their time — and would be required to inform them in writing that they now can vote again.

It is becoming clear to me is that Summers is really pissed that progressive economist have taken over the wonk class and forced a situation where he didn't get a call from the Biden Administration, hell I doubt Biden takes anything he says seriously, so he has committed to ****ting on progressives every chance he gets.

Mans outchea being more petty than 2009 Cornell West.
This morning I made the mistake of checking Mathew Yglesias's blog, and his intern wrote a heater :lol: Arguing that Democrats are sabotaging themselves because they are making everything about race. How are they making everything about race? They are making it known their policies, even their economic policies, will help close racial income gaps. That's pretty much it, they make everything about race by....check notes...speaking about racism.

He of course cherry-picked the words of a few black people for cover. The usual "see I'm right, these black people agree" steez.

Little mention of the fact that the reason Dems don't win power as much as they should is not their messaging, but a rigged electoral system

Pic of the dude upset Dems are sabotaging themselves by mentioning race...


Amazing, truly amazing.

At least some people took issue with it in the comments.
He's just mad that CBS won't greenlight his sitcom.


Mans outchea being more petty than 2009 Cornell West.
Or Harvard right now:

Yea nope, I'd be chillin w/o power then

What I ordered:
lowered expectations.png

What I got:
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