***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The way in which we idolize anything associated with the military should be even more concerning.

There are way too many people who use their militaristic background (a top-down, authoritarian entity by necessity) to gain political clout in a system that must encourage dissent, meaningful compromise, and empathy in order to survive.

American generals may still be apolitical, but I'd bet that the next high ranking servicemember we have as a presidential candidate will be closer to Bolsonaro than Eisenhower.
The way in which we idolize anything associated with the military should be even more concerning.

There are way too many people who use their militaristic background (a top-down, authoritarian entity by necessity) to gain political clout in a system that must encourage dissent, meaningful compromise, and empathy in order to survive.

American generals may still be apolitical, but I'd bet that the next high ranking servicemember we have as a presidential candidate will be closer to Bolsonaro than Eisenhower.

bigger issue of concern to me on that front is how police have gradually gotten lumped in with the military

But police actually get the protections and payouts

whereas with the military it’s kinda like the whole pro life thing with republicans, all the money goes into the actual fighting part.. they don’t give a shh about the servicemen when they’re out and trying to readjust to life after their time in service

The only current servicemen that seemed to get screwed are those who are victims of sexual assault.. or those of a different sexual orientation

this dude more than anyone has been heavy on his rounds with noted and very vocal white supremacists while sill reamining relatively under the radar. his own family came out against him stating his more than problematic ideals and the news just faded leaving him to continue. this dude is a danger
This person claims to have a degree in political science, so she SHOULD know better but alas, attacking from the left takes priority over defending against the right

man...... this sort of pessimistic complaining ALL the damn time :smh:

what kind of a BS message is that? if you tell people Dems are ineffectual because you didn't get everything you wanted, then YOU are the one responsible for creating the impression that Dems are ineffective and voting for them is useless

in related news, progressives rarely win elections
Let's go live to her bedroom where she's living in the mansion of her dreams, with the man of her dreams, eating lobster and steak off gold bars because her life is completely ideal and she only ever gets exactly what she wants in the direct things she can control, so it should be the same in the things she can't.
Because Loeffler was appointed to fill the seat of a retiring republican. The runoff was to determine who got to complete that senator's remaining term.
Yup. Kelly literally bought her seat and lost it the first time she could to a black man in Georgia. Complete failure
man...... this sort of pessimistic complaining ALL the damn time :smh:

what kind of a BS message is that? if you tell people Dems are ineffectual because you didn't get everything you wanted, then YOU are the one responsible for creating the impression that Dems are ineffective and voting for them is useless

in related news, progressives rarely win elections

Not to mention people are leaving out the massive tax cuts that families could be getting in 2021. A family of 5 with 3 kids under 6 are going to see their tax liability decrease by $4,800. People need to cut the ****
Arkansas governor signs near-total abortion ban into law

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Tuesday signed into law legislation banning nearly all abortions in the state, a sweeping measure that supporters hope will force the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit its landmark Roe v. Wade decision but opponents vow to block before it takes effect later this year.

The Republican governor had expressed reservations about the bill, which only allows the procedure to save the life of the mother and does not provide exceptions for those impregnated in an act of rape or incest. Arkansas is one of at least 14 states where legislators have proposed outright abortion bans this year.

Hutchinson said he was signing the bill because of its “overwhelming legislative support and my sincere and long-held pro-life convictions.”

The bans were pushed by Republicans who want to force the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion nationwide. Conservatives believe the court is more open to striking down the decision following former President Donald Trump’s three appointments to the court.

“We must abolish abortion in this nation just as we abolished slavery in the 19th century – all lives matter,” Republican Sen. Jason Rapert, the bill’s sponsor said in a statement.

Hutchinson has signed several major abortion restrictions into law since taking office in 2015, but he had voiced concerns that this bill directly challenges Roe and about the lack of rape and incest exceptions. He repeated those concerns as he announced his decision.

“(The ban) is in contradiction of binding precedents of the U.S. Supreme Court, but it is the intent of the legislation to set the stage for the Supreme Court overturning current case law,” he said in a statement released by his office. “I would have preferred the legislation to include the exceptions for rape and incest, which has been my consistent view, and such exceptions would increase the chances for a review by the U.S. Supreme Court.”

As the Legislature considered the measure, Hutchinson shared with lawmakers a letter written by an attorney for abortion opponents National Right to Life that said the chances of the bill leading to Roe being overturned were “very small and remote.” National Right to Life didn’t take a position on the bill, though its Arkansas affiliate supported the ban.

The legislation won’t take effect until 90 days after the majority-Republican Legislature adjourns this year’s session. That means it can’t be enforced until this summer at the earliest. Abortion rights supporters said they plan to challenge the ban in court before then.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas called the ban “cruel and unconstitutional.”

“Governor Hutchinson: we’ll see you in court,” ACLU of Arkansas Executive Director Holly Dickson said.

“This is politics at its very worst,” Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said in a statement. “At a time when people need economic relief and basic safety precautions, dismantling abortion access is cruel, dangerous, and blatantly unjust.”

Hutchinson had until Wednesday afternoon to take action on the bill before it would have become law without his signature, a move past governors have taken to express displeasure with a bill without risking an override fight with the Legislature. It takes a simple majority for the Legislature to override a governor’s veto in Arkansas.

Arkansas has some of the strictest abortion measures in the country and two years ago Hutchinson signed into law a measure that would ban the procedure if the Roe decision was overturned. Another measure Hutchinson signed in 2019 banning abortions after 18 weeks of pregnancy is on hold due to a legal challenge.

Several other restrictions are still being considered in the Legislature, including one approved by the Senate a day earlier that would require a woman having an abortion to first be shown an ultrasound.

Another sweeping abortion ban was signed into law by South Carolina’s governor last month but was quickly blocked by a federal judge due to a legal challenge by Planned Parenthood. Alabama enacted a near-total ban on abortions in 2019 that has been blocked because of court challenges.


I said if he kept support he would ride this scandal out but I think it’s over. Just a matter of when than if. No chance he would be re-elected after this and IDC and the Nursing home scandal.

You could see it fall apart too. Cuomo is generally hated, then the nursing home scandal putting him in the spotlight that he hates, finally these aides coming forth with the scum baggers he’s mostly kept behind the scenes through a combination of fear tactics and just based on his prior reputation shielding him....

He’s done.
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