***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Sarah Silverman with a TRASH both sides take. And white libertarians, conservatives and the horshoe theory left are eating it up. Just stupid :lol:

The Democratic party is far from perfect. You should be politically homeless, and work with what gets your interest passed and for the good of humanity. But my god, white people are more concerned with the horrors of “cancel culture” and “woke mob” than actual things being done :lol: :smh:

I think Silverman is confusing online progressive culture for "the democratic party"

this is a mistake a lot of people make,
where they view political parties as cultural brands instead of political part with concrete policy aims.

it's not great
as it seems like it generally plays to the advantage of republicans.
Sarah Silverman with a TRASH both sides take. And white libertarians, conservatives and the horshoe theory left are eating it up. Just stupid :lol:

The Democratic party is far from perfect. You should be politically homeless, and work with what gets your interest passed and for the good of humanity. But my god, white people are more concerned with the horrors of “cancel culture” and “woke mob” than actual things being done :lol: :smh:

Couple thoughts...

1) I have no idea what she is talking about, nothing about being a Democrat demands you don't listen to the other side. Being a regular citizen and a active member of the Democratic Party is actually mostly very boring. You raise money for elections, you register voters, you write people, you attend boring *** meetings. The Democratic Party doesn't ask its members to much beyond that. The more activist members of the Democratic Party spend most of their time bringing attention to actual policy matter, not online beef. The few Dems that get involved in these arguments from time to time are hardly representative of the party.

Beyond the local stuff that is similar among the parties, national politicians in the Republican party seem to push intolerance to the other sides ideas way more that any Democrat

2) Besides Romney's childcare thing (which was actually praised by many liberals pundits, partially because Dems been pushing for something similar) what great ideas are the right pushing in good faith that Democrats are ignoring? This both sides framing he adopts pretty erases all nuance from the discussion. If she as a leftist wants to make this claim, then please give an example of is. Without an example this boths sides stuff gives a lot of cover to the right.

3) People gotta face reality, in America, there are two viable parties. If you care about politics, then you have to choose who you prefer running things, the Dems or the GOP. At the end of the day, that is really the fundamental choice. I went through my "I'm independent, I see both sides" liberal phase, but the more I got into politics the more I realized that the differences between the two parties and political movements are stark, and it is important that the Dems win and keep power for this country to have a real chance. Like it or not, you have to live in a political home in America. So if you are on the left, you either pick the Democratic home which while decent needs a lot more remodeling, or live in the Republican home with is at this point a run-down bando with a burning cross on the front yard.

You don't need to be a registered member of a party, or argue every point, or ideologically align with everyone in a specific party, but at the end of the day you are gonna have to make a choice as to where you land at the ballot box. If left leaning politically homeless people want to not engage, welp, that helps the right and they should be ready to be governed by conservatives.

4) Sarah Silverman is generally an entitled. In the 90s she was telling jokes with racial slurs and was getting upset when people called her out for it. She has been bemoaning progressive social pressure for a long time. This was her on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (watch to the end 9 min mark, for Maher explaining that the n-word is now harmless and he a white person should be allowed to say it. That came back to bit him in a *** hard :lol:)...

She also argued that she should be allowed to say the n-word in jokes (without blowback) because she is liberal and against racism. Imagine how full of **** a white person has to be to think they should be allowed to say the n-word with impunity because "hey, I'm against racism".

History kinda proved she was on the wrong side of the argument, and to her credit she has admitted she was wrong about these things, but it seems now she is back again to bemoan left wing intolerance again. But she has chosen to do it in a way that makes no real sense.

She needs to be specific about her grievances. But this stuff is just some basic both side independent thinker talk that everyone pushes thinking they are impartial, but in reality helps the right.
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Couple thoughts...

4) Sarah Silverman is generally an entitled. In the 90s she was telling jokes with racial slurs and was getting upset when people called her out for it. She has been bemoaning progressive social pressure for a long time. This was her on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (watch to the end 9 min mark, for Maher explaining that the n-word is now harmless and he a white person should be allowed to say it. That came back to bit him in a *** hard :lol:)...

without blowback obviously doesn't make any sense.

but ill say in general the speech standards of comedy are inherently sociopathic
right or wrong the speech norms of everyday life don't really apply to comedy.

I can understand the frustration of a comedian, because audiences are totally hypocritical about these things.
most people pretty much determine their level of offense based on how funny they think it is.
I think Silverman is confusing online progressive culture for "the democratic party"

this is a mistake a lot of people make,
where they view political parties as cultural brands instead of political part with concrete policy aims.

it's not great
as it seems like it generally plays to the advantage of republicans.
My Green Greenwald loving friend does this ALL THE TIME. He’s always talking about “the left is saying this” or “the left is doing this”. I ask him who said or did said thing, and then he goes well it’s happening on Twitter. A group of people on Twitter does not represent the Democratic Party. It’s never even the politicians, even the furthest left elected officials who he can tie these statements to.
Couple thoughts...

1) I have no idea what she is talking about, nothing about being a Democrat demands you don't listen to the other side. Being a regular citizen and a active member of the Democratic Party is actually mostly very boring. You raise money for elections, you register voters, you write people, you attend boring *** meetings. The Democratic Party doesn't ask its members to much beyond that. The more activist members of the Democratic Party spend most of their time bringing attention to actual policy matter, not online beef. The few Dems that get involved in these arguments from time to time are hardly representative of the party.

Beyond the local stuff that is similar among the parties, national politicians in the Republican party seem to push intolerance to the other sides ideas way more that any Democrat

2) Besides Romney's childcare thing (which was actually praised by many liberals pundits, partially because Dems been pushing for something similar) what great ideas are the right pushing in good faith that Democrats are ignoring? This both sides framing he adopts pretty erases all nuance from the discussion. If she as a leftist wants to make this claim, then please give an example of is. Without an example this boths sides stuff gives a lot of cover to the right.

3) People gotta face reality, in America, there are two viable parties. If you care about politics, then you have to choose who you prefer running things, the Dems or the GOP. At the end of the day, that is really the fundamental choice. I went through my "I'm independent, I see both sides" liberal phase, but the more I got into politics the more I realized that the differences between the two parties and political movements are stark, and it is important that the Dems win and keep power for this country to have a real chance. Like it or not, you have to live in a political home in America. So if you are on the left, you either pick the Democratic home which while decent needs a lot more remodeling, or live in the Republican home with is at this point a run-down bando with a burning cross on the front yard.

You don't need to be a registered member of a party, or argue every point, or ideologically align with everyone in a specific party, but at the end of the day you are gonna have to make a choice as to where you land at the ballot box. If left leaning politically homeless people want to not engage, welp, that helps the right and they should be ready to be governed by conservatives.

4) Sarah Silverman is generally an entitled. In the 90s she was telling jokes with racial slurs and was getting upset when people called her out for it. She has been bemoaning progressive social pressure for a long time. This was her on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (watch to the end 9 min mark, for Maher explaining that the n-word is now harmless and he a white person should be allowed to say it. That came back to bit him in a *** hard :lol:)...

She also argued that she should be allowed to say the n-word in jokes (without blowback) because she is liberal and against racism. Imagine how full of **** a white person has to be to think they should be allowed to say the n-word with impunity because "hey, I'm against racism".

History kinda proved she was on the wrong side of the argument, and to her credit she has admitted she was wrong about these things, but it seems now she is back again to bemoan left wing intolerance again. But she has chosen to do it in a way that makes no real sense.

She needs to be specific about her grievances. But this stuff is just some basic both side independent thinker talk that everyone pushes thinking they are impartial, but in reality helps the right.

She is a contrarian comedian who needs something to complain about.

The world is trying to recover from being on the brink due to a pandemic.... but “oh no!! How dare people shun racist and sexist for being openly racist or sexist.” We’re spending too much brain cells even entertaining she has a logic to this when it’s likely self serving to make her seem edgy as she complains about the fact that she can no longer be as edgy as she was in the early 2000’s.

From a comedy standpoint I do wonder if this is her response to Bill Burr calling white women ungrateful *****es for pretending they didn’t benefit from white privilege like white men.
My Green Greenwald loving friend does this ALL THE TIME. He’s always talking about “the left is saying this” or “the left is doing this”. I ask him who said or did said thing, and then he goes well it’s happening on Twitter. A group of people on Twitter does not represent the Democratic Party. It’s never even the politicians, even the furthest left elected officials who he can tie these statements to.
People seem to forget that despite how many people active on Twitter that’s still nowhere near the majority of the population. It’s probably not even above 10% of the population that’s active twitter users
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without blowback obviously doesn't make any sense.

but ill say in general the speech standards of comedy are inherently sociopathic
right or wrong the speech norms of everyday life don't really apply to comedy.

I can understand the frustration of a comedian, because audiences are totally hypocritical about these things.
most people pretty much determine their level of offense based on how funny they think it is.
Eh I kinda agree

Comedy does operate in a different realm of everyday speech norms. People should accept that, but I also think comedians should realize times change.

I think a lot of comedians whine about audiences being hypersensitive are kinda full of **** too IMO.

Audiences of comedy are consumers, consumer preferences change. Older comics complaining that they don't play colleges anymore because young people are hypersensitive are really just saying "the market changed, my product is no longer appealing, and that is somehow not fair".

And some comedians take the whining to the next level to complain that there is something wrong with society since they can't let them punch down on people with lazy jokes.

I agree there is some hypocrisy, which I can understand would be frustrating. Sometimes I think of jokes (in my real life and even on NT) that I know are inappropriate, and I don't say it, where I stand now I don't think it should be something that is siad. But 10 years ago, I definitely would have said it because 10 years ago I was more ignorant of certain things, saw the world differently, and it was a more socially acceptable to say. This has gotten to the point where my cousins and dudes on NT tell me that I was funnier before I got woke. :lol: Now I am just a regular dude that likes to make jokes, so changing with the times seems like nothing to me.

If my profession depended on making jokes, if that is how I fed my family, then that would put me in a very frustrating position.

But at the same time, still, the market changed, so as professionals people need to learn to adapt one way or the other. If you want access and profits from certain audiences, you play by their rules. So write better jokes, or cater to a different small and more problematic audience.

So I get the frustration, I am just not that sympathetic to how much some comedians whine about things changing.
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Eh I kinda agree

Comedy does operate in a different realm of everyday speech norms. People should accept that, but I also think comedians should realize times change.

I think a lot of comedians whine about audiences being hypersensitive are kinda full of **** too IMO.

Audiences of comedy are consumers, consumer preferences change. Older comics complaining that they don't play colleges anymore because young people are hypersensitive are really just saying "the market changed, my product is no longer appealing, and that is somehow not fair".

And some comedians take the whining to the next level to complain that there is something wrong with society since they can't let them punch down on people with lazy jokes.

I agree there is some hypocrisy, which I can understand would be frustrating. Sometimes I think of jokes (in my real life and even on NT) that I know are inappropriate, and I don't say it, where I stand now I don't think it should be something that is siad. But 10 years ago, I definitely would have said it because 10 years ago I was more ignorant of certain things, saw the world differently, and it was a more socially acceptable to say. This has gotten to the point where my cousins and dudes on NT tell me that I was funnier before I got woke. :lol: Now I am just a regular dude that likes to make jokes, so changing with the times seems like nothing to me.

If my profession depended on making jokes, if that is how I fed my family, then that would put me in a very frustrating position.

But at the same time, still, the market changed, so as professionals people need to learn to adapt one way or the other. If you want access and profits from certain audiences, you play by their rules. So write better jokes, or cater to a different small and more problematic audience.

So I get the frustration, I am just not that sympathetic to how much some comedians whine about things changing.

I agree, the market changes and comedians have to adapt.
the special pleading from comedians I agree gets pretty excessive.

but I will say, that a comedian's job has been made uniquely difficult by the modern speech codes of young people.

like the whole speech as violence framework, is kind of uniquely damaging to comedy so I some special pleading is warranted.

there job imo has gotten significantly more difficult.
but at a certain point the complaints about that face become tiresome.

but I do think it's unfair to pretend like we weren't alive in the early 2000's

clearly Sarah Silverman's character, a satirical obliviously racist and anti semitic white woman shtick she did in the past wouldn't fly now.

the only difference between us and sarah silverman is her outdated comedy has been recorded for posterity. . :lol:
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