***Official Political Discussion Thread***

White people learning the word "woke" has helped no one
The problem isn't centrists not supporting popular legislation
The problem apparently is hotep memes on twitter

Carville is just using this opportunity to whine about greivences with progressives.

Regarding the recent elections His analysis makes little sense and handwaved a ton of ****

The candidate in VA was a centrist. Joe Biden is the furthest thing from "woke". Not every liberal that exists works for the Democratic Party

If his theory was right, then we have observed the same shifts in the Cali recall.

This dude brought up Defund the Police. It is clear he is not making a good faith take here.

People run their mouth about this ****. Then when they bump into the slightest bit of inspection they have to recalibrate their take and admit they are painting with too wide a brush. But even then, they are still right about everything.
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recently Ontario School held a book burning for problematic books.

"The “flame purification” ceremony, first reported by Radio Canada , was held in 2019 by the Conseil scolaire catholique Providence, which oversees elementary and secondary schools in southwestern Ontario. Some 30 books, the national broadcaster reported, were burned for “educational purposes” and then the ashes were used as fertilizer to plant a tree."

it turns out the native activist who sold them on this "flame purification" ceremony has been faking her native ancestry, figures. :lol:

I think teaching has become so left wing that they don't think about how some of this stuff looks and sounds to regular people.

and it's a big enough country that it's really easy to find stories about school boards saying and doing goofy ****.

combine that with teachers unions being unreasonable during the pandemic
you get a recipe for an anti teacher backlash.
and since democrats are seen as the party of the teachers unions.

its a probably not great for democrats.
Or stuff like this, San Francisco school board spending time changing the name of a schools named after Lincoln and Washington.

while teachers unions were fighting reopening.

im not sure what dems can do about this stuff,
but it seems like it's pretty unhelpful.
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:lol: Hilarious that ppl fall for the Joe Manchin types thinking they’re “blue collar” type ppl that support the “common man” but they’re driving around in Maseratis and own yachts. Let a Black politician show up somewhere with ANYTHING flashy and it’d be mayhem on the cable news.
The milk thing stands out, but my main issue with this is that this is not a representative family

They have 6 adopted kids, and 1 foster kid, on top of their two biological kids.

And it ignores the fact they are probably getting thousands from the Federal government from the enhanced childcare credit

This is just sloppy journalism
Correct me if I'm wrong but there's a difference between inflation and price fluctuations that no one in the media seems to be pointing out

Inflation is currently high, but not to the point that it can solely account for the increase in the price of goods that we're seeing

It would appear to me to be more of a supply issue than an inflationary one. No doubt linked to the global ******* pandemic that many of these middle class middle of nowhere rubes seem to believe doesn't exist

Also people arent suffering because of ******* milk prices. Supermarket trips, even for a family as large as theirs, isn't what's making it hard to survive. It certainly doesn't help, but "inflation" making oreos 43 cents more expensive isn't the angle that should be explored when talking about middle and lower class peoples struggle to avoid insolvency.
I think teaching has become so left wing that they don't think about how some of this stuff looks and sounds to regular people.
Why do you keep on taking extreme examples to generalize issues?

Is there an epidemic of left-wing book-burning going on?

Do 50.1% of teachers promote that kind of behavior?

This is a ridiculous statement. You'd think that all the applications to teach in this country get sent to the DNC headquarters.

combine that with teachers unions being unreasonable during the pandemic
Yeah, it's unreasonable for teachers to ask for minimum safety standards in crowded classrooms, especially since they tend to be among those more vulnerable to COVID (compared to the kids they spend their whole day with).
Why do you keep on taking extreme examples to generalize issues?

Is there an epidemic of left-wing book-burning going on?

Do 50.1% of teachers promote that kind of behavior?

This is a ridiculous statement. You'd think that all the applications to teach in this country get sent to the DNC headquarters.
No. No.

literally read what I said after.

" and it's a big enough country that it's really easy to find stories about school boards saying and doing goofy ****. "

I didn't say that teachers are all behaving this way, I said in a country with a gaint populations
it's easy to find a couple examples of teachers doing goofy ****, and (disingenuously) use that to tar the democratic party.

since teachers are mostly left wing, and teachers unions are democratically aligned, the goofy **** tends to cut leftward.
The issue is that the right-wing propaganda machine, from conservative writers at the Atlantic and NYT to Newsmax signal boosts any and all the goofy ****. Even when it is not even that goofy.

You can find tons of examples of goofy and racist **** that go on regarding teachers

But that is mostly criticized is the moment, and left-wing people move on

Right-wing goofiness is treated like "bad apples" just like cops. Let it go the other way, and it is a national emergency

The right has a better messaging infrastructure working 24/7. The left doesn't have that.
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