***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The Dems just need to play dirty too. Hell play dirtier then the GOP if they have to.
They don't need to play dirty, as in "lie like republicans". They need to accomplish what they were voted in to do.

For example:

They dropped the ball here.
That was a GOP own goal, and the geriatric Democrats couldn't seize the opportunity and flip the script on Republicans by calling them unamerican for supporting the Jan 6th attempt.

Jan 6th Commission: "We're gonna subpoena Bannon"
Bannon: "catch me if you can"
Commission: "Welp, he ran away. Let's talk to the DOJ about it and what the proper course of action should"
That swing in black women is surprising

Much like interest rates, there was really only one direction they could have moved in.

But maybe instructive that their swing was about the same as white women.

Not sure if that will stoke or tamp the misplaced misogyny around here.

If it is true that there is anti-teacher backlash, I think it would be pretty foolish to just dismiss it as just racism.

I think there’s some decent quantitative evidence that some of the swing was driven by women’s issues.

It’s a bit insane in light of what’s going on nationally, but this might have been more a vote for change than forRepublicans. Likely a lot of economic pain among less politically savvy mothers.
It’s unpopular opinion. But I would have no problem with the Dems trying to suppress gop votes and gerrymandering the hell out things if they ever had the numbers to do so. I’m fine with them out gop’ing the gop if it gives them the necessary numbers and power to push their agenda through either the easy way or the hard way.

The GOP makes and breaks the rules as they see fit on the fly. They changed the rules of battle so I see nothing wrong with the Dems matching their energy and taking it up a notch. Like that turtle faced rat bastard mitch McConnell said. Winners make policy, losers go home. They’re over here downplaying January 6th and turning a blind eye toward the foolishness and corruption within their party. There’s no reasoning or finding middle ground with those people.

And if the GOP takes back the house and senate. They’re going to do everything humanly possible legal and illegal to never relinquish that power. All that when they go low we go high stuff sounds nice on paper. But when the opposition has no morals whatsoever. That line of thinking doesn’t work unfortunately.
I was gonna add to this joke by saying "The US needs to go back to how things were in da Golden Era of the 50s, when coal was booming, and men could be men"

But then I realized it would not be particularly funny, because Ninja seriously said that ****

Athletes were Athletes and stood up for the anthem and kneeled for prayer

Youngkin won there apparently.

Property taxes are expected to rise by $115 to $171 a year for a home of median assessed value, city officials say.

The land in Virginia Beach is sinking and the seas are rising at an alarming rate. Since 1960, sea levels have risen by nearly a foot (0.3 meter). And they’re likely to rise by 1.5 feet to 3 feet (0.5 to 1 meter) over the next half-century.

Voters are not rational.

I see they want to increase the salt cap to 72.5k. I will admit that that’s a lot higher than I anticipated. I was thinking closer to 50k. While I think there should be no salt cap, I get why they want to increase it. It helps blue states significantly especially those that drive most of the tax base for them.

When you live in the suburbs or NY you are dropping. 25-50k in property tax alone.

I’d rather they focus on something else as a revenue deficiency.
Ninjahood spent years living in his mom's rent controlled apartment saving up for a Jesus peice going to bat for billionaires on a sneaker forum.

No billionaires were bribing him. :lol:

Joe Manchin is going to be rich for the rest of his life no matter what he does.

Do you really think Joe Manchin is conciously voting against his constituents because a billionaire is going to give him...what exactly?
It's almost like you think rich people don't want to become richer. If it talks like a corrupt politician and votes like a corrupt politician.....

it's Joe Manchin. Joe bought and paid for like Tony on Blue Chips.
I think Osh is saying the money is a nice benefit but not the reason Manchin does what he does
Which I don't think it's as simple as he either does it for the money or because he's an *******
It can very easily be both, he is an ******* and it enriches him to do what he does
Blue States had better increase State taxes on the wealthiest residents if the SALT cap is raised or eliminated. Tax the same amount of money away as the federal government gives back to well off people.

A dollar going to the coffers in Sacramento, Salem, Olympia, Denver, Boston, Annapolis, and (maaaaaybe) Albany, will do much more good than a dollar going to Washington, DC.

With that extra money, blue States could improve or implement some of the programs that have been taken out of the BBB reconciliation bill.

If we really want to get creative, Blue States would form a shared “crypto currency” that can be used to pay your State taxes and vendors to the State, could accept payment in the form of this currency. If that currency takes off, maybe this collection of blue States would have sufficient monetary sovereignty to do things that the federal government is unwilling to do.

That’s unlikely to work right now but we shouldn’t rule out States being opportunistic and seizing more and more power as the federal government becomes more and more sclerotic.
Turns out that the McAuliffe campaign was doing GOTV, for Youngkin.

Negative mobilization rarely works. It definitely doesn’t work when the guy, who’s expected to cause this negative mobilization, is not on the ballot.

In this case, it’s the worst of all worlds. You allow Youngkin to present as moderate and then the McAuliffe campaign reassures the types of voters who only turn out to vote for Trump, that McAuliffe is no RINO and will trigger the libs.

It’d have been better to circulate fliers saying that Trump called Youngkin a loser and a globalist.

From a week ago:

SOLOMON: It's Republican playbook 101. Ciattarelli says Murphy is a tax and spend liberal. And if he's elected, he'll cut them. What's unusual this time around is that Murphy makes no bones about New Jersey being a high tax state. Instead of promising to cut them, Murphy told WNYC that residents get good value back.

PHIL MURPHY: That means the best public schools in America. It means among the best health care systems in America. It means a location second to none that we need to invest aggressively in.

SOLOMON: Murphy's honesty about taxes has picked up support from some unlikely quarters. Harry Hurley is the host of a conservative talk radio show for WPGG, which broadcasts in the Republican-leaning southern part of the state.

HARRY HURLEY: He's honest about what he believes. I will tell you that I had great respect for him. He campaigned saying he was going to raise certain taxes, and nobody does that. They lie. They lie to get elected and then they raise the taxes.

SOLOMON: Murphy accomplished almost everything he campaigned on four years ago. He's now considered the most progressive governor in the country. He raised taxes on millionaires, made community colleges free for those who can't afford them, raised the minimum wage and kick-started a wind energy sector that now leads the region. But polls show the reason he's leading the race is due to something he didn't plan on.

MATT HALE: At the end of the day, Murphy's handling of COVID is really going to be the determination for most people.

SOLOMON: Matt Hale is a professor of political science at Seton Hall University in South Orange, N.J.

HALE: He's done a very workmanlike, very professional and very quiet job, but I think that's exactly what people want. So I think that people are going to reward that boring competence.
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