***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yeah, it's unreasonable for teachers to ask for minimum safety standards in crowded classrooms, especially since they tend to be among those more vulnerable to COVID (compared to the kids they spend their whole day with).

Whatever you think of think of their demands,
If it is true that many parents of school aged children found them unreasonable it's a political problem for democrats.

I know locally here, teachers unions initially resisted vaccine mandates while also opposing reopening
they got huge backlash and had to change their tune.

my point is if it is an issue democrats gotta address it
but pretending it's all CRT related propaganda when it might not be the case is not good.

Teacher unions were not being unreasonable about the school reopenings

They were doing basic union work. Protecting their workers from unsafe work environments

I'm not surprised that teachers didn't want to get treated like frontline workers.

I understand parents getting pissed off, but it is completely reasonable for teachers to say they don't want to go back into the classroom

With the vaccine mandates I feel differently though
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Terry McAuliffe was campaigning with randi weingarten president of federation of teachers who tweeted this article


like whatever you think about the merits of this idea, it seems like after a year of schools being closed,
and an angry electorate, seems like bad politics to me.

Teacher unions were not being unreasonable about the school reopenings

They were doing basic union work. Protecting their workers from unsafe work environments

I'm not surprised that teachers didn't want to get treated like frontline workers.

I understand parents getting pissed off, but it is completely reasonable for teachers to say they don't want to go back into the classroom

With the vaccine mandates I feel differently though

sure, that's all good, that's their right.

but unfortunately there are more parents than teachers. and if the people are mad,
seems to me if you are a politician you should prob throw the teachers under next available bus

Teacher unions were not being unreasonable about the school reopenings

They were doing basic union work. Protecting their workers from unsafe work environments

I'm not surprised that teachers didn't want to get treated like frontline workers.

I understand parents getting pissed off, but it is completely reasonable for teachers to say they don't want to go back into the classroom

With the vaccine mandates I feel differently though
Because teachers are just as chaotic as the parents when it comes to becoming a united front. When Oklahoma did the teacher walkout they had about a solid week left to hold out before they did serious financial damage to the state (not testing) and would of had leverage to make a change. Instead, they folded. A month later the guy who started it all was outed as a pedo, sexting middle school girls. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Thinking that American schools are becoming too left wing while never having set foot in an American school is Osh for the course.

I don't need to, I can use my brain.

Younger people are more progressive so naturally as older teacher retire
younger more progressive teachers take their place.

so obviously teachers would be more progressive than teachers 10-20 years ago.

it would pretty wild if teachers weren't getting more progressive over time.
I don't need to, I can use my brain.

Younger people are more progressive so naturally as older teacher retire
younger more progressive teachers take their place.

so obviously teachers would be more progressive than teachers 10-20 years ago.

it would pretty wild if teachers weren't getting more progressive over time.
If it is that simple, then....

Why hasn't this happened to the police?
I don't need to, I can use my brain.

Younger people are more progressive so naturally as older teacher retire
younger more progressive teachers take their place.

so obviously teachers would be more progressive than teachers 10-20 years ago.

it would pretty wild if teachers weren't getting more progressive over time.

But you have zero idea about American schools :lol:. Your reference point is articles and debates that are either happening in the mainstream media or on Twitter. Even then, there are so many types of different schools in the U.S. and I can assure you that the education system isn't becoming that much more progressive. Higher education is in no way a reflection of Pre-K-12. It's like watching the NBA and claiming that you understand college basketball as a result. Completely different games.
But you have zero idea about American schools :lol:. Your reference point is articles and debates that are either happening in the mainstream media or on Twitter. Even then, there are so many types of different schools in the U.S. and I can assure you that the education system isn't becoming that much more progressive. Higher education is in no way a reflection of Pre-K-12. It's like watching the NBA and claiming that you understand college basketball as a result. Completely different games.

so you believe that the average K-12 teacher is has the same politics as a teacher 20 years ago?

you can believe it or not. im not using it as evidence of anything.

I was like 5 or 6 years old. :lol:

The funny thing is in my memory I was still one of the only black kids in my class.
but then again im told it was a private school in the white part of Birmingham I belive so maybe it was just segregation at work?
The only evidence I can see of K-12 being clearly more progressive than it was when we were going, is teachers no longer being outright *******s to kids now that everything is recorded. 20 years is nothing. That's nowhere near enough time for there to have been some major shift in who's teaching and their politics. Also the content of the textbooks being used hasn't been altered in some drastic way either and won't be as long as Texas influences what's being taught.
so you believe that the average K-12 teacher is has the same politics as a teacher 20 years ago?
It doesn't matter as much as you think because teachers are not allowed to peddle progressive politics in the classroom like that

The curriculum is not determined by the politics of teachers

When I went to school in the DC metro area that includes most NoVa. In Montgomery Couty Maryland.

When I moved to the US the middle school I went to was named after Benjamin Banneker. They put my sister in an HS named after James Hubert Blake. It was only named that after the Jim Henson Foundation declined the school being named after him and felt it better named after an African American. The same liberalism you see display today was alive 20 years ago

There were African American studies classes taught at the HS in my district

Liberal parents trying to hoard resources for their affluent kids. Especially the white ones

Both are liberal areas, but most of the stories you would hear of teachers doing stuff are some passive-aggressive racist **** in the classroom

These are the school districts that members of Congress and Cabinet Secs. send their kids too, Republicans included.

I know people that I went to school there and now work in the area in the schools.

They pretty much say **** is the same as when we went there in the early 2000s.

Sure people's politics shift from generation to generation but it does not have a direct and proportional shift in the classroom.
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education polarization?
being non college educated didn't corelate as much with voting in the past.
But 20 years ago cops were unaccountable to the public, civil rights violating institution

And they are still now

So your theory is the educational demographics of the police stayed the same and things stayed the same

But the educational demographics of teaching stayed the same, and things shifted noticeably
im not goal post shifting. :rolleyes
im asking you a question.

Do you think the politics of the average teacher has moved to the left or the right or has stayed the same?

See below. It's an irrelevant question and quite obvious for someone who has never been in the American school system. You're just eating up right wing talking points and being bothered by Becky in the break room (as usual).

Sure people's politics shift from generation to generation but it does not have a direction and proportional shift in the classroom.
74% of teachers are college educated women
It doesn't matter as much as you think because teachers are not allowed to peddle progressive politics in the classroom like that

of course they aren't,

my point is it's a big country.
It's bell curve, the vast vast majority of teachers are normal and don't peddle progressive politics.

but some small small percentage of people do it,
and if the profession shifts leftward even by a couple points you get more extreme outlier people

then the right wing propaganda machine then uses the outlier examples, and uses it to tar all teachers and democrats by proxy.
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