***Official Political Discussion Thread***

-We don't know if the movement in the distributions is a laterally shift. Ideological shift could have just changed the shape of the left-wing distribution

Which would move the measures of central tenacity, but it says nothing of what is happened on the tails...

So if you want to use simple statistics to conceptualize your analysis, then I will naturally question how you are modeling the shift in the distributions

Yes that's possible
but do you think that's likely tho?

if we have more progressive teachers over the past 10-20 years,
what do you think is the reasonable assumption, the number extremely progressive teachers has increased, decreased or stayed the same?

like why would that result in less extreme progressives?

And you have offered nothing to prove your claimed type of shift except for saying we should accept the assumption

accept it or don't, I think It's reasonable default assumption, that teachers become more progressive
would also result in an increase in extremely progressive teachers.

-You are conflating Administrators, school boards, teachers, and teachers unions
the demographics of all those groups are similar no? college educated, majority women?
I don't understand why they would be immune to the partisan dynamics of, age, gender, and education polarization.

T-Mac is a hardcore centrist, his comments were bad to say but saying don't directly offer up red meat to your opponent, it is a different argument that suggests you need to actively throw teachers under the bus to push back on the criticism.

If you want to act like people aren't understanding what your point is, then flush it out better. Because I am having a tough time following

i mean this is a constant disagreement, I think there is a value in publicly opposing unpopular parts of your base.
Youngkin did that with the extreme MAGA stuff and Januray 6th stuff.
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Completely predictable response. And it actually illustrates my point.
Mr. I want to destroy the social safety net, wants to talk about understanding issues

Mr. I support the appointment of conservative judges, wants to talk about pragmatism

Mr. I support Donald Trump, wants to talk about the ills of name-calling

Dude, spare me. You are the most morally bankrupt black men I have ever engaged with

All you have now is tone policing to grab the normal high ground, because the day after the election you tried to wipe the slate clean

But you still think you can lecture anyone


But it is not surprising like Meth said...

Always bet on shamelessness.

Survive the rest of your Thursday.
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Mr. I want to destroy the social safety net, wants to talk about understanding issues

Mr. I support the appointment of conservative judges, wants to talk about pragmatism

Mr. I support Donald Trump, wants to talk about the ills of name-calling

Dude, spare me. You are the most morally bankrupt black men I have ever engaged with

All you have now is tone policing to grab the normal high ground, because the day after the election you tried to wipe the slate clean

But you still think you can lecture anyone


But it is not surprising like Meth said...

Survive the rest of your Thursday.

Completely Ad Hominem, as usual. And further illustration of my point.

Condemning the messenger does not alter the merits of the message.
osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh , if you want to make this “higher chance of outliers” claim, then really you should be looking at changes in kurtosis (fat tales) and not mean shifts. Outliers are relative to the mean and so mean shifts aren’t relevant.

I actually agree that there is some blowback for keeping schools closed. Too bad Joey is doing his best to keep the Dems from actually addressing the issues of working parents.

im am certainly no math and statistics expert, so ill defer to you

I just struggle to understand how

Women have gotten more progressive.
College educated people have gotten more progressive
college educated people have gotten more racially liberal.
young people are more progressive

teachers are 74% college educated women.
how that would lead to decrease in the number of extremely progressive people becoming teachers than say 20 years ago?
Yes that's possible
but do you think that's likely tho?

if we have more progressive teachers over the past 10-20 years,
what do you think is the reasonable assumption, the number extremely progressive teachers has increased, decreased or stayed the same?

The issue is that you have to prove this has resulted in a measurable shift in outlier behavior. You assuming it has, but that is just a guess.

Like I said, it could be the same, given what I used to here about when I was in school

Just that news speeds at a much faster pace. It can be weaponized faster and easier

like why would that result in less extreme progressives?

I am not saying it would result in less. I am saying it could be at the same level.

And it doesn't matter, the right would weaponize it anyway.

A lot of the things you mentioned is not extreme progressive behavior either. If conservatives took advantage of issues that were hardly extreme progressive behavior

accept it or don't, I think It's reasonable default assumption, that teachers become more progressive
would also result in an increase in extremely progressive teachers.

Right now, I won't. Believing your assumption for the sake of it doesn't seem like the best move.

the demographics of all those groups are similar no? college educated, majority women?
I don't understand why they would be aimmune to the partisan dynamics of, age, gender, and education polarization.

But what is under their control is different. The incentives are different

In your world, everything a progressive does is motivated by their politics.

Ignoring all other forces that often put them at odds with one another

i mean this is a constant disagreement, I think there is a value in publicly opposing unpopular parts of your base.
Youngkin did that with the extreme MAGA stuff and Januray 6th stuff.
Again you conveniently ignore the power of the right-wing propaganda machine

Youngkin was able to reject MAGA in public because the right-wing propaganda machine whipped up the MAGA energy for him. SO he could be two-faced

You are saying T-Mac should have acted just like Youngkin, will ignoring the clear differences in the messaging infrastructure backing both candidates
im am certainly no math and statistics expert, so ill defer to you

I just struggle to understand how

Women have gotten more progressive.
College educated people have gotten more progressive
college educated people have gotten more racially liberal.
young people are more progressive

teachers are 74% college educated women.
how that would lead to decrease in the number of extremely progressive people becoming teachers than say 20 years ago?
That is different than saying the shift in politics has caused an increase in more instances of unreasonable goofy behavior
Progressive with the party did everything centrist ask them to do regarding these elections

And they still somehow to blame for the defeat

Now we have to blame the extreme progressivism of K-12 teachers.

Welp, at least Twitter activist are getting a break
Progressive with the party did everything centrist ask them to do regarding these elections

And they still somehow to blame for the defeat

Now we have to blame the extreme progressivism of K-12 teachers.

Welp, at least Twitter activist are getting a break

im not really blaming them.
if im blaming anyone its centrists from not adequately distancing themselves from them.
i think the proportion of goofy behavior is the same,
population of goofy people is just further to the left so you have more left wing unreasonable people but the percetage is the same.

im not really blaming them.
if im blaming anyone its centrists from not adequately distancing themselves from them.
Note how this example, what teachers did was not goofy at all

It just pissed off some parents

Teachers' actions were completely reasonable.

So your analysis is that teachers should get thrown under the bus when acting reasonably if bad faith actors can weaponize it
BTW, bless libby Jesus for Oat Milk

That and homemade almond milk have made me able to give up cow's milk

My girl put me on. Cow's milk was kicking my ***.

The last time I was at Sprouts I was grabbing someone and this other black dude was getting some too.

This was us in the refrigeration section, recognizing our liberation for ole head induced moderate lactose intolerance from the white man's cow juice...

Free at last from the bathroom runs, free at last.
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Note how this example, what teachers did was not goofy at all

It just pissed off some parents

Teachers' actions were completely reasonable.

So your analysis is that teachers should get thrown under the bus when acting reasonably if bad faith actors can weaponize it

well goofy in the eyes of swing voters I should say.
If swing voters are mad at schools for not opening faster then yeah im throwing the teachers under the bus,

what are they gunna do vote republican?

Biden urged schools to reopen despite opposition from some unions no?

T-Mac not only offered red meat but he basically doubled down on it after.
what ever disagreements we have I think we can agree that was the wrong approach. :lol:
well goofy in the eyes of swing voters I should say.
If swing voters are mad at schools for not opening faster then yeah im throwing the teachers under the bus,

what are they gunna do vote republican?

Biden urged schools to reopen despite opposition from some unions no?

T-Mac not only offered red meat but he basically doubled down on it after.
what ever disagreements we have I think we can agree that was the wrong approach. :lol:
I already made a point criticizing him for that

I agreed with him in principle, what he said was right. But it was bad sound bite

T-Mac just seemed like a bad candidate. If you run a centrist, at least have one that can triangulate his rhetoric appropriately
im am certainly no math and statistics expert, so ill defer to you

I initially understood you the way RustyShackleford RustyShackleford did. Your clarification was helpful.

well goofy in the eyes of swing voters I should say.

You can address people's legitimate concerns, in this case access to child care, without throwing reasonable people under the bus. The fact that there are fewer teachers than gullible parents is not a justification for endangering their safety. Tyranny of the majority and all that.

But aside, from this particular example, you don't seem to be addressing Rusty's point that the right wing propaganda machine is very, very good at getting swing voters to worry about fabricated issues. It's not like you can just disavow tan suits or embrace Dr. Seusss and you've solved everything. It's easier to manufacture lies than it is to refute them. So your approach would have Dems on an ever-moving treadmill of throwing stupid stuff under the bus. And that would certainly start to look like they were back footed.

I don't pretend to know what the answer is for a well-funded, extremely effective propaganda system is. But I don't think it's as simple as "just agree with the nonsense for now".
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