***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ok, I apologize, I did some research and see the narrative from 2016 that Bernie got screwed but super delegate Tuesday apparently wasn’t correct.

I still think he would have been a better nominee. Maybe not. But I still think nominating Hillary was a huge mistake that year.
6 years later, you just now decided to do the research? You dudes are amazing :lol:

"Would still like to read a detailed concrete breakdown of how the Democratic Party's leadership could have prevented this. With verification that they had the votes to execute the plan"

That literally isn’t written in the form of a question. You said you “would like to read.” Maybe if you would like that, you should have written it in the form of a question. In fact though, even if you rearranged that to be in the form of a question, it would require a much more complex answer than answering “could Bernie have won an election.”

Also, never even said they could have prevented it, all I did was ask if Bernie could have won an election, so not sure why you are even directing this at me.

Sure I have said the Dems do nothing, didn’t say they could have “prevented” anything.

It’s kind of crazy though how you low key bully anyone who doesn’t completely fall in line of thinking the Dems are the good guys. You act just as smug as the terrible conservative replies I see on social media. And I’m going to give you a piece of advice, trying to get your point across by coming accross that way, isn’t going to make people want to respond to you favorably.

You STAY in “debates” with everyone who disagrees with you, and it almost comes off as trolling at times, but we all know it isn’t.

And you love saying “I’ll respond to whatever I want”

That’s fair, just like it’s fair for people to not be enthusiastic about an establishment Democratic Party that has given no indication they actually care about the everyday person other than saying “we are going to fight this!”

And Trump STILL won’t be prosecuted. A man tried to overtake the Government, and he’s going to get away with a slap on the wrist.

But keep voting like crazy for Dems and keep hoping one day they will actually pass real change, my personal opinion, the entire thing needs to be restarted from the very bottom. How that will happen? I do not know.
She got way more votes than Bernie

So yes, she won fairly.

Bernie loss in the primary for the same reason Hillary lost to Obama in 2008. The Dems most loyal voting bloc preferred one person over the other.

So unless you can prove southern black voters screwed over Bernie, I'm not buying it.

To answer your question. I think Trump beats Bernie. He was polling worst that Clinton and people underestimate how much a propaganda campaign would have dragged him down. After a loss, it is easy to think if you made other choices the end result to be different.

The most convincing argument to me for Bernie over Hillary is that there is no Comey letter that hurts Bernie. People underestimate how that swung the election to Trump.
People also forget the Trump-lite bit he tried to add to his bag. Excusing the the deplorables as just having economic anxiety wasn't going to help.
6 years later, you just now decided to do the research? You dudes are amazing :lol:

Nobody ever said otherwise to me before, and the media sources I followed at the time pushed that narrative, my apologies, that was before I became wise to all poor sources all over the internet that are not accurately reporting/pushing an agenda.

There is a lot wilder stuff one could believe lol
That literally isn’t written in the form of a question. You said you “would like to read.” Maybe if you would like that, you should have written it in the form of a question. In fact though, even if you rearranged that to be in the form of a question, it would require a much more complex answer than answering “could Bernie have won an election.”

Also, never even said they could have prevented it, all I did was ask if Bernie could have won an election, so not sure why you are even directing this at me.

Sure I have said the Dems do nothing, didn’t say they could have “prevented” anything.

It’s kind of crazy though how you low key bully anyone who doesn’t completely fall in line of thinking the Dems are the good guys. You act just as smug as the terrible conservative replies I see on social media. And I’m going to give you a piece of advice, trying to get your point across by coming accross that way, isn’t going to make people want to respond to you favorably.

You STAY in “debates” with everyone who disagrees with you, and it almost comes off as trolling at times, but we all know it isn’t.

And you love saying “I’ll respond to whatever I want”

That’s fair, just like it’s fair for people to not be enthusiastic about an establishment Democratic Party that has given no indication they actually care about the everyday person other than saying “we are going to fight this!”

And Trump STILL won’t be prosecuted. A man tried to overtake the Government, and he’s going to get away with a slap on the wrist.

But keep voting like crazy for Dems and keep hoping one day they will actually pass real change, my personal opinion, the entire thing needs to be restarted from the very bottom. How that will happen? I do not know.

so just so im clear.

you acknowledge that there is nothing the democrats could have done to avert this outcome.

but you are mad at them
for not doing totally unrelated things that would have no impact on abortion rights?
Dems could lab create and legally insert that Supreme Court Justice right now per the constitution but of course they won't. Cowards.
That literally isn’t written in the form of a question. You said you “would like to read.” Maybe if you would like that, you should have written it in the form of a question. In fact though, even if you rearranged that to be in the form of a question, it would require a much more complex answer than answering “could Bernie have won an election.”

Also, never even said they could have prevented it, all I did was ask if Bernie could have won an election, so not sure why you are even directing this at me.

Sure I have said the Dems do nothing, didn’t say they could have “prevented” anything.

It’s kind of crazy though how you low key bully anyone who doesn’t completely fall in line of thinking the Dems are the good guys. You act just as smug as the terrible conservative replies I see on social media. And I’m going to give you a piece of advice, trying to get your point across by coming accross that way, isn’t going to make people want to respond to you favorably.

You STAY in “debates” with everyone who disagrees with you, and it almost comes off as trolling at times, but we all know it isn’t.

And you love saying “I’ll respond to whatever I want”

That’s fair, just like it’s fair for people to not be enthusiastic about an establishment Democratic Party that has given no indication they actually care about the everyday person other than saying “we are going to fight this!”

And Trump STILL won’t be prosecuted. A man tried to overtake the Government, and he’s going to get away with a slap on the wrist.

But keep voting like crazy for Dems and keep hoping one day they will actually pass real change, my personal opinion, the entire thing needs to be restarted from the very bottom. How that will happen? I do not know.
I answered your question and restated my prior post directly at you. I am not critiquing you for not answering it before, I was just asking you to answer it now.

Spare the lecture on my behavior, I don't care. You just want to tone police because you feel that I don't sufficiently coddle your points.

This is a discussion forum, I don't break the rules, if you think that I do report me to Methodical Management Methodical Management . He deletes my post, warns me, and has threatened me with a ban when I was breaking the rules when my behavior warranted it. I feel he has been a fair judge of my behavior. Otherwise, this just reads like someone that can't answer my question so he is deflecting.

You routinely make hot takes, ones I feel that I wrong, I say something about. You just did it a few minutes ago. You then base your new takes on false and bad information and now are mad that I am not nice enough when I respond. Dude, spare me.

You basically admit here you don't have an answer to my question. You have no idea how this situation could be avoided. You just wanted to take the opportunity of the horrible Roe news as a vehicle to air your general grievances about the party. But because I point out your venting is irreverent to want is happening, you want to clutch your pearls about it now.

Your opinions are not entitled to coddling, they are not entitled to a soft tone, so there is no reason for me to give one. Anyone can shut me up with a better point. But you and others chose to whine and whine and whine about me personally just because me challenging your post seemingly upset you

Again, I don't care

If you want to type stuff unchallenged, you can start a blog for free. Or you could block me because I am not changing for you
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What’s crazy to me is the Supreme Court making these moves before the midterms rather than waiting until after the midterm election.

I mean things looked bleak before all this. I doubt it rallies the base in terms of giving them a path to the numbers to be successful in minimizing the damage in the mid terms. But it gives the Dems a rallying cry and something to hammer home with a legit actual major ramification they can attribute directly to the GOP.

The GOP has drilled home the defund the police and woke progressive DA’s letting crime run wild in Democrat cities narratives in so hard that there’s been people taking the bait and falling for the bs bad faith propaganda. They’ve done the same with gas prices and inflation to where it’s so many people eating up the bs. Even those who are traditionally left leaning. The Dems need to do the same with Roe vs Wade and any other relatable issues. Dumb it down, simplify things, have some funny cute quotables or whatever. But the messenger needs to be just as effective as the content of the message.

I know what the Dems are up against, and unless they were on some hostile takeover, taking out conservative senators and Supreme Court justices through unconventional means, they would be in the same position with more aggressive senators and leadership.
The Federalist society has been working toward this for decades. The court had a conservative majority in the early 90s and had a chance to strike down Roe back then but they couldn't.

After that the conservative movement became even more committed to grabbing control of the court and packing it with reactionaries. Roe, the VRA, and EPA being the main targets

Sure the midterms are right there but they didn't care. Justices don't run for election, they will hold the majority for the next few decades. There is little to no chance of backlash is such a partisan environment anyway

They gather all the Cruelty Stones for the gauntlet. It took them generations. Of course they are gonna snap it.
If I'm to take your post literally, can you tell me what you think is evil about, for example, the Green party?


Oh, I meant voting for the Dems in national elections under the current conditions is less evil than voting for any other party, for example the Green Party. I don’t have much of a view on the party itself.
On another note. I’m all for calling peoples posts out and challenging the hell out of them and making them answer their opinions/takes on a forum like this. People shouldn’t have their opinions coddled and explained to them in a super kind spoon fed way.

But in real life. I’m more for the patient and simplifying things approach to those who are willing to listen. Because there’s so many people in this country who don’t understand how politics work, how stuff gets passed and are literally in the dark to the GOP’s bs. Sometimes you gotta spoon feed people and show them direct ways how the GOP nonsense negatively impacts them.

A lot of schools suck when it comes to political science classes and even on the high school level, not everyone is fully interested and invested in it. And for alot of Americans those high school classes are the extent of their exposure to any type of political related education. There’s so many people I know from where I grew up and went to school with who are just turned off my politics even though the results of politics directly impact them. A lot of times they’ll resort to memes or whatever due to not fully understanding the political process. They’ll think the Dems can and should just wave a magic wand to fix this mess. A lot of people understandably want immediate results and get disinterested and checked out when that doesn’t happen It is what it is. But their votes, awareness, and involvement politics wise is needed however that can be obtained and their interest sparked.
The term “trolling” has been thrown around pretty loosely in here today, so let me clarify what that means from a moderation perspective:

Trolling is negative, disruptive behavior that serves to frustrate and antagonize good faith participants in a discussion or activity.

If someone is personally disrespectful to you in the process of making a point you don’t like, they may still be violating the rules, but trolling refers to a very specific type of offense and shouldn’t be diluted to the point of meaninglessness, as an expression of general disagreement.

And the rate more than doubles among Black women, to more than 55 deaths per 100,000 live births according to WHO figures - over 2.9 times the rate of non-Hispanic White women.

It’s important to bear in mind that we are talking about restricting access to potentially life-saving healthcare, and the brunt of this decision will be unequally distributed.
That literally isn’t written in the form of a question. You said you “would like to read.” Maybe if you would like that, you should have written it in the form of a question. In fact though, even if you rearranged that to be in the form of a question, it would require a much more complex answer than answering “could Bernie have won an election.”

Also, never even said they could have prevented it, all I did was ask if Bernie could have won an election, so not sure why you are even directing this at me.

Sure I have said the Dems do nothing, didn’t say they could have “prevented” anything.

It’s kind of crazy though how you low key bully anyone who doesn’t completely fall in line of thinking the Dems are the good guys. You act just as smug as the terrible conservative replies I see on social media. And I’m going to give you a piece of advice, trying to get your point across by coming accross that way, isn’t going to make people want to respond to you favorably.

You STAY in “debates” with everyone who disagrees with you, and it almost comes off as trolling at times, but we all know it isn’t.

And you love saying “I’ll respond to whatever I want”

That’s fair, just like it’s fair for people to not be enthusiastic about an establishment Democratic Party that has given no indication they actually care about the everyday person other than saying “we are going to fight this!”

And Trump STILL won’t be prosecuted. A man tried to overtake the Government, and he’s going to get away with a slap on the wrist.

But keep voting like crazy for Dems and keep hoping one day they will actually pass real change, my personal opinion, the entire thing needs to be restarted from the very bottom. How that will happen? I do not know.

Voted for Bernie twice in the primaries. He wasn't robbed.

He wasn't going to win. If you can't get your young and diverse coalitions to back you then what makes you think he was going to carry the party that would have included alot more moderate voters?
I believe he was. the SuperDelegates backed Hillary due to their fear of Sander's social reforms that would affect their businesses. popularity-wise, Hillary is weak. it was also the reason why Bernie vouched his support for Hillary since Trump is killing Hillary. unfortunately, diehard Sanders supporters hated Hillary more than Trump.
so just so im clear.

you acknowledge that there is nothing the democrats could have done to avert this outcome.

but you are mad at them
for not doing totally unrelated things that would have no impact on abortion rights?

Not saying there is nothing they could do. I’m saying they do nothing.
I answered your question and restated my prior post directly at you. I am not critiquing you for not answering it before, I was just asking you to answer it now.

Spare the lecture on my behavior, I don't care. You just want to tone police because you feel that I don't sufficiently coddle your points.

This is a discussion forum, I don't break the rules, if you think that I do report me to Methodical Management Methodical Management . He deletes my post, warns me, and has threatened me with a ban when I was breaking the rules when my behavior warranted it. I feel he has been a fair judge of my behavior. Otherwise, this just reads like someone that can't answer my question so he is deflecting.

You routinely make hot takes, ones I feel that I wrong, I say something about. You just did it a few minutes ago. You then base your new takes on false and bad information and now are mad that I am not nice enough when I respond. Dude, spare me.

You basically admit here you don't have an answer to my question. You have no idea how this situation could be avoided. You just wanted to take the opportunity of the horrible Roe news as a vehicle to air your general grievances about the party. But because I point out your venting is irreverent to want is happening, you want to clutch your pearls about it now.

Your opinions are not entitled to coddling, they are not entitled to a soft tone, so there is no reason for me to give one. Anyone can shut me up with a better point. But you and others chose to whine and whine and whine about me personally just because me challenging your post seemingly upset you

Again, I don't care

If you want to type stuff unchallenged, you can start a blog for free. Or you could block me because I am not changing for you

Not asking you to change for me buddy.

But believing the Dems care about you is like believing a stripper likes you, it’s like believing professional wrestling is real.

But please continue to be smug and condescending.
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