***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Watch closely what happens next:

You're right. That was an assumption on my part, no argument at all from me. My bad.

(Still keeping notes or nah?)

Not need to apologize

Making assumptions based on things you read is a natural part of discussions.

I forgive the hypocrisy.

And I appreciate your consistency

That both parties are racist by the use of the KKK and that you’re against the racist 2 parties.
I see that as more of an opinion than a virtue but I see your point.
You and @RustyShackleford are derailing this thread and offering not even a scintilla or worthwhile conversation. On a day where Roe v Wade was overturned and stare decisis was ignored by a hyper partisan Right wing court, there’s much better topics of discussion for this thread then these silly semantic games you and @RustyShackleford are offering.
Fixed and agreed. I wasn't just responding to myself.

you havent challenged anything dweeb. you are the one who's been throwing out insults in a generous manner without anyone calling on your opinions or hall monitoring. **** aint necessary. you got like 3 arguments going on at once just causing tension here for no reason at all.

also who the hell are you? let people express themselves as they see fit in this thread. **** off clown
I called your post horrible, because I felt it was. I mocked what I viewed were bad arguments. I didn't direct personal insults at you. You are the one doing that

I mean I could shade you back, but I feel that is unnecessary and would be silly when a mod is in here.

But this is not your blog or a therapy session. I get you are upset, but I haven't broken any rules. I simply disagree with you on a discussion forum in a manner that clearly hurt your feelings.

I apologize if I did, but all of my objections to the content of your argument still stands.

And I simply don't care what your opinion is of me personally. That is your problem not mine. So continue with the buffoonery in that area of it makes you feel better.
you havent challenged anything dweeb. you are the one who's been throwing out insults in a generous manner without anyone calling on your opinions or hall monitoring. **** aint necessary. you got like 3 arguments going on at once just causing tension here for no reason at all.

also who the hell are you? let people express themselves as they see fit in this thread. **** off clown


Personal attacks still aren't allowed, disagreements be damned.

Would still like to read a detailed concrete break down of how the Democratic Parties leadership could have prevented this. With verification that they had the votes to execute the plan.

Like osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh pointed out, you can put blame on RGB. But she is not part of the Dem establishment. Actually her error was not listening to Obama and Reid. So that could have mean today would have been horrible with the viability criteria dropping to 15 weeks, but not a disaster

So at best you can be mad at one deceased judge or her moment narcissistism.

Other than that, Dem could have codified Roe a thousand times through the legislative process since the original ruling came out in the 70s. It would not have made any difference. The Supreme Court would have washed that all away to today anyway.

Elections matter, and everyone is still paying the price for the 2014 and 2016 election. And will probably bring paying that priced for a very long time.

It sucks, it isn't fair, but that is what it is.
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i'll continue as i see fit. you can block me altogether and keep your opinion of me to yourself. i certainly haven't asked you for your opinion or input, but here you are giving it to me and anyone else. you did try this same **** with me with once before trying to play hall monitor when at no point you were being addressed. is this your personality? narcissism isn't good. don't involve me in your ****
i'll continue as i see fit. you can block me altogether and keep your opinion of me to yourself. i certainly haven't asked you for your opinion or input, but here you are giving it to me and anyone else. you did try this same **** with me with once before trying to play hall monitor when at no point you were being addressed. is this your personality? narcissism isn't good. don't involve me in your ****
I won't block you

And I will respond to your post whenever I feel like.

You can block me if you would like, but unless I am breaking the rules and you report me you really have no say in what I post on NT.

You can't dictate to me how I move on here. Sorry famb 🤷‍♂️
Without a time machine to go back and give them the votes they needed in 2014 & 2016, there is nothing democrats could have done to prevent this, short of a constitutional amendment. The only answer we had then and now is voting. It's not a fun answer. It's not like the movies or TV. I get it, I truly do. But the reality of the situation is grim, all other answers are unserious. And I wish that wasn't true. But it is.
Serious question….

I haven’t caught up with all the replies yet, but have seen discussion of folks who blame the Dems..

So my question, if hypothetically the Dems didn’t screw Bernie over in 2016, and hypothetically he had been the nominee, do we think he could have realistically have won? Or would Trump still have taken it?
"If the Dems didn't screw over Bernie in 2016"...
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Serious question….

I haven’t caught up with all the replies yet, but have seen discussion of folks who blame the Dems..

So my question, if hypothetically the Dems didn’t screw Bernie over in 2016, and hypothetically he had been the nominee, do we think he could have realistically have won? Or would Trump still have taken it?

I don't think so now...but I didn't expect Trump to win in 2016...although I
may have if Bernie was on the ticket...so I don't know if it makes a difference.

cragmatic cragmatic
I think Bernie had a good chance to beat Trump. It's impossible to ignore how prepared the republican establishment was for Hilary's candidacy. They began targeting her before it was even clear she was going to run. By election day they had more than successfully defamed her. People actively didn't want to vote for her with no other reason than "I just don't like her". Bernie didn't have that same toxicity attached to his name. Who knows how it would've gone?

With all that being said, do I think Bernie was screwed in the primaries? No. He lost in a fair election. He could've beat Trump, but he couldn't beat Hilary. It is what it is.
For all the discussion of different factions and parties, it’s worth bearing in mind that today members of ONE party, elected by a minority of voters, moved to annihilate the right to bodily autonomy for anyone who is or may become pregnant.

The defense and restoration of these rights will require concerted action from all those of good conscience in the months and years ahead, but there are also efforts we can and should make today to help those most impacted by this decision.

As some of you know, we have an account upgrade that offers a reduced advertising experience for a flat annual contribution. We then donate everything we receive, less transaction fees associated with credit cards/PayPal, to worthy causes.

This year, we had planned to make the full contribution to Doctors Without Borders.

We will now be splitting that amount with the Brigid Alliance, an organization that provides funding and logistical support for those who must travel long distances to access reproductive healthcare services.

The organization has received a rare perfect score from Charity Navigator, so if you’d like to join us in making a contribution today, you may do so with confidence:

For all the discussion of different factions and parties, it’s worth bearing in mind that today members of ONE party, elected by a minority of voters, moved to annihilate the right to bodily autonomy for anyone who is or may become pregnant.

The defense and restoration of these rights will require concerted action from all those of good conscience in the months and years ahead, but there are also efforts we can and should make today to help those most impacted by this decision.

As some of you know, we have an account upgrade that offers a reduced advertising experience for a flat annual contribution. We then donate everything we receive, less transaction fees associated with credit cards/PayPal, to worthy causes.

This year, we had planned to make the full contribution to Doctors Without Borders.

We will now be splitting that amount with the Brigid Alliance, an organization that provides funding and logistical support for those who must travel long distances to access reproductive healthcare services.

The organization has received a rare perfect score from Charity Navigator, so if you’d like to join us in making a contribution today, you may do so with confidence:

By "...reproductive healthcare services." you mean abortion, right?
I think Bernie had a good chance to beat Trump. It's impossible to ignore how prepared the republican establishment was for Hilary's candidacy. They began targeting her before it was even clear she was going to run. By election day they had more than successfully defamed her. People actively didn't want to vote for her with no other reason than "I just don't like her". Bernie didn't have that same toxicity attached to his name. Who knows how it would've gone?

With all that being said, do I think Bernie was screwed in the primaries? No. He lost in a fair election. He could've beat Trump, but he couldn't beat Hilary. It is what it is.

bernie is a white male

as much as republicans have tried the only white men they have successfully demonized to the same degree that they have women or people of color is bill and soros

they have been attacking the Clintons since the 90s and were preparing for Hillary in ‘08

but the fact remains she was easily 1 of the most qualified people for the presidency.. and then there was trump who burned down most of the things he touched and we are witnessing the very same impact he had on the USFL now take affect on the whole USA
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