***Official Political Discussion Thread***

almost nobody really operates like a fetus or fertilized egg is literally a person.
otherwise the amount of miscarriages in america would be treated like a true moral stain on the nation.

and very few people actually operate like terminating a pregnancy is an act with zero moral weight.

you don't need christian fundamentalism, to come to either conclusion.
almost nobody really operates like a fetus or fertilized egg is literally a person.
otherwise the amount of miscarriages in america would be treated like a true moral stain on the nation.

and very few people actually operate like terminating a pregnancy is an act with zero moral weight.

you don't need christian fundamentalism, to come to either conclusion.

People certainly treat unborn babies as people. They are given names. They are viewed during the ultrasound. You see the heartbeat. You can feel them kick. You can see arms, legs, head, etc.

It is honestly a bit shocking the level of indifference that people seem to have with killing unborn babies in the second and/or third trimester. I think reasonable people can agree that after 12-15 weeks, terminating a pregnancy is more like murder absent health concerns, rape, and/or incest.
Until the fetus can survive on its own it’s technically a parasite.

Peoples feelings and religion and all that doesn’t matter to me. That’s scientifically what it is.

i mean okay. but recognize the you are in a pretty small minority of people with that view.

I think the overwhelming majority of americans give a fetus more moral weight than a parasite.
Until the fetus can survive on its own it’s technically a parasite.

Peoples feelings and religion and all that doesn’t matter to me. That’s scientifically what it is.

Are you under the impression that babies can survive on their own after they are born?

The parasite/host type of relationship does not end at the moment a baby is born.
you're proving my point,
murdering a baby doesn't become justifiable, because of rape or incest or health concerns.

so you are not treating it like a person

Why doesn’t it?

Murder has long been justified for self-defense and/or defense of another. It’s the same concept.
Why doesn’t it?

Murder has long been justified for self-defense and/or defense of another. It’s the same concept.

so murdering a unborn baby is self defense by your logic?

Are you under the impression that babies can survive on their own after they are born?

The parasite/host type of relationship does not end at the moment a baby is born.
It can survive outside the womb though and anybody who cares to could raise it from grandma to an older brother.
Why doesn’t it?

Murder has long been justified for self-defense and/or defense of another. It’s the same concept.

The US will be tackling the outrageous (for an advanced country) infant mortality rate next right?

I mean it’s not murder but it feels like negligent homicide in your system.
The US will be tackling the outrageous (for an advanced country) infant mortality rate next right?

I mean it’s not murder but it feels like negligent homicide in your system.

This is a very fair point. The conversation cannot end at birth.
I don’t mean anything negative by the word “parasite”.

It just is literally a parasite.

i didn't say it was negative.

im just saying you have a relatively fringe minority view.
most people don't think it's a parasite even if you subtract the negative connotation of the word.

The Nonhuman Rights Project should've filed in Kentucky.

What’s stopping a donation funded shuttle service to states like mn and Colorado that are surrounded by places where abortion is banned?
Republican legislatures and this same Court:

For his part, Kavanaugh claimed that the "constitutional right to travel" protects against this, but this requires us to take him at his word, and who among us is still that gullible?

"Personhood" is a subjective moral category guided mostly by peoples moral intuitions.
imo I think it's impractical, and really difficult in practice to apply that to a fetus.
It is subjective, and that's exactly the point.

Some laws go by heartbeat, but if a heartbeat is all that's required for personhood, why is empathic (if not legal) consideration not granted to members of other species whose heartbeats are no less measurable?

What is the standard?

If, for all legal intents and purposes, a fetus is a child, you should be able to transfer custody.

Laughed that you worried enough about the word “trolling” being thrown around. Wonder no more.

I'm not sure why that's amusing to you, either. As one of NikeTalk's founders, I routinely address matters of policy.
Some laws go by heartbeat, but if a heartbeat is all that's required for personhood, why is empathic (if not legal) consideration not granted to members of other species whose heartbeats are no less measurable?

What is the standard?

If, for all legal intents and purposes, a fetus is a child, you should be able to transfer custody.

This is an extremely bizarre question. Other species do not have human heartbeats. Dead people’s hearts don’t beat, but they are still dead people.
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