***Official Political Discussion Thread***

There is a point in time it isn’t worth working anymore though because it’s just a waste. You don’t lose money it’s just stupid to work when it’s taxed so hard.
I get that. I'm saying, there's people out there who really believe they would make nothing by working overtime though, all because of taxes.
America will be fine, there will be some riots and revolutions along the way.
I don't know about fine.

There are too many separatist ideologies in this country, and recent social changes have created more isolated and self-contained communities. I see a lot of parallels between the US and the Balkans, and having more leaders like Trump, Abbotts and DeSantis could nudge us further towards separation.
Maybe fine is being optimistic.

Id like to think in 300 years our government as we know it will have a big overall for the better.

Trump this and desantis that will pass, there have been wanna be dictators before them and they won’t be the last either.
SS will be here. I just can't stand the regular GOP mouthpieces who constantly call SS an "entitlement program"! Entitlement my ***! I paid into that my whole working life. Give me what I've paid! That's my money!! And it's always those weak GOP bleepholes like Cruz, or Moscow Ron, Hawley, Graham or most specifically Medicaid Fraud Rick Scott who constantly call SS this! Want to gut it? Fine, pay me and EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN who has paid into it everything they paid into it back WITH interest! This is why the GOP is NOT the party of the working class.
Assuming no nuclear war or runaway climate change, I’m pretty optimistic about humanity’s future.

Overall, our views on suffering are changing and more and more people agree that suffering is either categorically bad or should be applied as a political and social tool in the most extreme cases.

The minority, those who believe that suffering should be used extensively to maintain hierarchies currently make a lot of noise and their views on suffering still drive most institution’s core missions e.g. Fortune 500 companies and the military. But even those institutions have to publically act like they want to reduce suffering. Meanwhile the real silent majority of people in America are trying to reduce suffering even if it’s only in their own lives. Right now, that usually takes the form of trying to avoid micro aggressions, use the right pronouns, be aware of mental health, etc. But the fact that so many Americans are part of a quite moral revolution means that an anti suffering ethos will eventually take over one institution after another.

We need the material to catch up with the moral as soon as possible.
What happened with DeSantis and his racist law that was supposed to kill their construction and farms? I haven’t heard anything
The situation in Israel and Palestine is both sad and scary

It had been that way for a while but now there was a perfect storm brewing for things to get out of hand :smh:

Well the other thing is the Israel government may really push that court reform due to being at war and a democracy dies. That’s what I’m scared of more.
“decolonization is always a violent phenomenon” - Frantz Fanon
If decolonization is the goal, Hamas is helping make that already slim possibility even less likely

This **** is just gonna help Israel's murderous racist right-wing government entrench their power further

And hundreds of innocent people are gonna lose their lives in the process.

This is all bad
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