***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Joy Gray is obviously a moron.


the amount of people I talk with strong takes about this conflict
but also think Israel is all white people from Poland is wild.

so no rexanglorum rexanglorum I don't think this reflects young people sober minded commitment to social justice.
yah I think it means less than nothing to spend hours making "Genocide Joe" content.
and in the end tossing in a "vote blue no matter who" and think you aren't harming the Democratic party.

yah I think this is a crazy hyper charitable representation of the online left.

they are absolutely not by in large not just "educational" and "fun and approachable"
Bernie Bro's weren't non for their "fun" and "approachability"

there are tons of hyper aggressive, super confrontational people who signal boost the most coalition splitting parts of the Dem party.

and there's tons of aggressive factional infighting

The most popular Twitch streamer, is calling people "genocidal freaks" for even questioning that hospital bombing story.

not to mention he'll dip into strange denial of chinese interment of the Uyghur

You have Cenk from the Yong Turk literally trying to run a spoiler campaign against Biden.

you have the David Sirota, Briana Joy Gray crowd who are obviously just anti dem.

then you have the various tiktok creators who basically exist on "america bad" takes they spit into the CCP controlled algorithm

the "Osama Bin Landan letter to America was cool" that went viral

including weirdo North Korea apologia takes.

this is a repost originals vid had 100k+ likes

I don't see any evidence of that, I see lots of people with very strong takes on the conflict pulled from snappy TikTok's or Instagram carousels images that fall apart at the slightest bit of questioning.

I think you are fooling yourself.
If online alt media can radicalize young conservatives no reason it can't radicalize the young progressives.

The fact that Hasan Piker is by far the most popular figure/influencer in leftist social media (at least in terms of streaming numbers) is mindboggling. I struggle to think of a worse representative.
He's a self-described 'full socialist', not a mere Democratic Socialist peasant, yet doesn't pay his editors, flagrantly violates copyright law day in day out and goes even further by issuing false DMCA strikes against people he thinks 'steal' his content.

He is every bad stereotype rolled into one. Doesn't fact check anything, makes sweeping claims about breaking news immediately and states them as fact, attacks anyone who questions his takes by calling them nazis, genocidal freaks, ...
I remember one time a trans person in his chat suggested that maybe he's maybe not the best at trans debates and speaking for trans people, which isn't exactly a furious critique. He decided to point out and immediately ban the user for questioning him and that he hoped "the rest of [the user]'s life is as horrible as it is every day. suck my ****. I despise you. You are cancer, in this community and every community you are in."

That's just one example but it is fairly standard procedure for how he deals with any criticism, regardless if it's from a hater or a well-meaning supporter.
Given his Gaza 'coverage', it's no surprise that people in his community are coming out as just straight up pro-Hamas. It's the reason his former podcast co-host, who is Jewish, decided to abandon the podcast. Not necessarily because of anything Hasan said to him, but because of the harassment he faces from the community he has fostered.
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The fact that Hasan Piker is by far the most popular figure/influencer in leftist social media (at least in terms of streaming numbers) is mindboggling. I struggle to think of a worse representative.
He's a self-described 'full socialist', not a mere Democratic Socialist peasant, yet doesn't pay his editors, flagrantly violates copyright law day in day out and goes even further by issuing false DMCA strikes against people he thinks 'steal' his content.

He is every bad stereotype rolled into one. Doesn't fact check anything, makes sweeping claims about breaking news immediately and states them as fact, attacks anyone who questions his takes by calling them nazis, genocidal freaks, ...
I remember one time a trans person in his chat suggested that maybe he's maybe not the best at trans debates and speaking for trans people, which isn't exactly a furious takedown. He decided to point out and immediately ban the user for questioning him and that he hoped "the rest of [the user]'s life is as horrible as it is every day. suck my ****."

That's just one example out of countless controversies but he is the epitome of a cancerous leftist influencer.

nah man leftist political influencers are all just "fun" and "approachable"
I don’t follow the sheep mentality of following whoever my party puts in front of me.

Even weirdos like Vivek can make a good point from time to time.

Nicki is a neo-con war monger. She’s trump/Cheney lite. The weapons industry has her in their back pocket. He made a good point there burying her.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend- today
I know you're ignorant and arguing is likely pointless, but I just find it funny that you're making this post in defense of someone who wants to deploy the US military in Mexico to fight a war against the cartels.
I know you're ignorant and arguing is likely pointless, but I just find it funny that you're making this post in defense of someone who wants to deploy the US military in Mexico to fight a war against the cartels.
The video was aimed at ****ting on nikkki Haley. Who cares if the person making the point is an idiot. Even an idiot can be right 0.0001 percent of the time.

“Defense of someone” is false but this is NT. Unless you’re 1000000% with the general takes in here, you’re automatically “bad” and there is no nuance.
“Been told yall” lol

what a time. Being anti war and genocide is seen as having unserious positions.

Go watch msnbc and have a nice day
Dude you are full of ****

That is not why I called you unserious

Everyone in here is antiwar and anti genocide

We just chose to engage in the topic like a serious manner

You don't

You post internet memes, and talk out your ***. Never engaging topics in a serious manner

Then act like you are the only free thinker in the room, everyone else is a sheep.

It is goofy behavior we have seen a dozen times before.

Close Twitter and TikTok, go touch some grass, and read a book.
just to be clear, im not saying literally every single leftist politics influncer is a toxic grifter.

im just saying there is a really significant eco system of "leftist says democratic party bad"
content the permeates online platforms like Twitch, IG, Tiktok.

it's often filled with half truths and misinformation.

and when ever you have an issue that splits the Democratic party coalition. Like Israel-Palestine or say like Student Loan Debt cancellation.

it immediately mobilizes to fill the information space with super anti dem coverage.
nah man leftist political influencers are all just "fun" and "approachable"
As far as the top leftist influencers/streamers go, the most popular are probably Hasan, Destiny and Vaush. You could put Ethan Klein from H3H3 there too I guess, though he's more of a podcast host than a streamer/influencer type.
Vaush is one of those 'debate bro' types who is generally well-mannered and can respond to criticism but he has some awful radical takes and he openly refuses to apologize for 100% confirmed sexual harassment of a mentally ill woman he met through the aforementioned streamer Destiny's Discord. So again, awful human being regardless of anything else.

Destiny is more of a liberal and is literally the genesis of political debates on streaming platforms. Another 'debate bro' type but much more open to criticism and dealing with polar opposite views. He's easily the most normal and approachable out of those 3 and that's saying something.

To be clear I don't watch any of these people. One of my guilty pleasures however is staying informed on Youtube/Twitch drama, which has often involved the aforementioned people throughout the years.
I watched a whole hour of this the other day :smh::lol: It's an excellent video to be fair, and accurately describes why Hasan is such a cancer.
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Another lost war for the USA. More billions made by weapons companies and elites. More tax money from middle class Americans going to fill pockets of Ukrainians. 20 mill Ukrainians flee. 400000 Ukrainian soldiers dead. Russia now stronger than ever. No point wars.

Let me guess. You wanna bomb Tehran? Lol

The multipolar world is passing us by.

Carry on
might sound weird but this war has caused ukranians to migrate, and these ukranian wiminz :nerd:
Democrats are in a unique position where they don't have a loyal propaganda outfit.

Fox News; "Dems are bad"

Mainstream media: "Some say Dems are bad and others say Republicans are bad" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Online left media: "Dems are bad✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿🏳️‍🌈"
Does anybody know what would happen if either presidential candidates for 2024 (trump biden) were to have a serious health issue sometime between now and the election? I’m more curious in a sense if something happened to either one after the primaries are finished and both parties have elected their candidate.
Does anybody know what would happen if either presidential candidates for 2024 (trump biden) were to have a serious health issue sometime between now and the election? I’m more curious in a sense if something happened to either one after the primaries are finished and both parties have elected their candidate.

I’m pretty sure that invokes the Woodrow Wilson protocol where we just pretend he’s okay and Jill/Melania runs the government secretly.

Or, if the president-elect dies the constitution has already considered that - basically it would be the VP.

Later, in a meeting with Egypt’s president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, she went further, saying: “Under no circumstances will the United States permit the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, the besiegement of Gaza, or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza.”

So far, so tough. It all seems a far cry from the administration’s tone in the immediate aftermath of 7 October, when a soothing approach – labelled “big hug, quiet punches” by one veteran analyst – was deployed, aimed at winning Israeli hearts and minds to better enable the US to play an influential behind-the-scenes restraining role.

The changed posture is an admission of that approach’s failure, according to Joe Cirincione, a Washington national security analyst. Yet it is unlikely to yield better results, he warned, since it is not backed up by a threat of real consequences.

“They have changed their rhetoric but not their policy,” said Cirincione, who initially praised Biden’s handling of the crisis. “They’re emphasising that Israel must reduce civilian casualties, but when Israel doesn’t reduce civilian casualties they don’t do anything about it. It’s not real – it’s messaging.

“They are just providing cover for Netanyahu. They aren’t changing his policy. I have great admiration for [Antony] Blinken [the US secretary of state], but he looks pathetic at this point.”

Palestinians, including children, wounded in Israeli attacks are brought to Nasser hospital for treatment in Khan Yunis, Gaza, on Tuesday.

Yet to the administration’s critics, it is the White House which is losing credit.

There’s something called revealed preference,” Peter Beinart, editor-at-large of Jewish Currents, said in a commentary on his Substack column. “Revealed preference is not what you say, but what you do. And the Biden administration’s revealed preference is Israel can do whatever it wants without consequence.

“What does it do to American credibility, including Biden’s credibility, to be continually saying you want Israel to do things, and then when Israel doesn’t do them, you just basically shrug?”

The only way to render its influence credible with Netanyahu, Cirincione argued, is to make continued US aid conditional – a “worthwhile thought”, Biden said late last month before administration officials shut down the idea days later.

“You could stop supplying Israel with 1,000- and 2,000lb bombs and stop sending them artillery shells,” Cirincione said. “If you want Israel to stop mass slaughter of civilians, don’t send them the weapons they are using to commit mass slaughter.”

He believes there is increasing support among Democrats for conditioning aid, a position once considerably outside the party’s mainstream. “I would say at least one-third of the Democratic caucus support conditioning aid and I believe you could bring [Chuck] Schumer [the Democratic Senate majority leader] along. Condition aid so that it is to defend Israel, but not to destroy Gaza.”
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