***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i mean she’s in country music, so I get the hustle.. but she always wore eagles gear before

but what kills me is now of this is new.. they show jerry jones a million times during cowboys games

Jerry Jones is the owner of the team :lol:. Telling people who regularly watch the sport that they shouldn’t be annoyed by something that the NFL encouraged its partners specifically to focus on more, is even more annoying than them actually focusing on her. I completely understand why they’re doing it, but it’s disingenuous to tell people that they shouldn’t be annoyed by it or that it’s similar to X thing that it’s not really similar to at all. I
It seems like a really trivial thing to be annoyed at though.

Especially since from my understanding it only happens between plays
Yea I personally have no problem with Swift. Is she maybe shown a bit too much during the games. Sure, but we’ve had so many chiefs games in the NY market this past year that I’ve become numb to it.

I do find it funny how Swift has made her persona Nashvilleish considering she’s originally from Philly. She does a good job selling that.

Just so you know, she's NOT from Philly. She's from Wyomissing. That's a good drive north. I'm in Chester County (near the historical Valley Forge Park) and I'm 31 miles from Center City. Wyomissing is 60 miles from Philadelphia. You never say your from Philly if you live in the burbs. As others have stated, Wyomissing is a more upscale area outside Reading. Some really nice houses in the area.

That being said, I think she's terrific and it's fantastic that she lives rent free in pretty much every GOP clown's head!! 😂😂😂 They are seriously triggered because she's a strong, independent, self made woman, who helps get her fans registered to vote. This all triggers the snowflakes that are the GOP!!!
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I’m no doctor but I already see a blatant error in that article.
Provigil (generic: Modafinil) is NOT a sleep aid, in fact it’s the polar opposite. It’s a strong stimulant that functions largely like Adderall.

The sleeping pill Ambien (generic: Zolpidem) mentioned in the article is quite harmless. It has no real recreational effects.
It is not a benzodiazepine, which is surprisingly unique for sleeping aids. The only other in that class (referred to as hypnotica here) is Zopiclone.

Provigil (generic: Modafinil) and opioids however make this story significantly more damning. Modafinil is used recreationally and is basically an Adderall alternative.

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I’m no doctor but I already see a blatant error in that article.
Provigil (generic: Modafinil) is NOT a sleep aid, in fact it’s the polar opposite. It’s a strong stimulant that functions largely like Adderall.

The sleeping pill Ambien (generic: Zolpidem) mentioned in the article is quite harmless. It has no real recreational effects.
It is not a benzodiazepine, which is surprisingly unique for sleeping aids. The only other in that class (referred to as hypnotica here) is Zopiclone.

Provigil (generic: Modafinil) and opioids however make this story significantly more damning. Modafinil is used recreationally and is basically an Adderall alternative.


Provigil (and Adderall) may both have recreational uses, but are often taken, and even prescribed, as performance enhancers by people in competitive jobs. Even if you don’t suffer from ADHD, the stimulants can help with focus and energy in a 14 hour work day.

A side effect of this is that you end up too wired to sleep which could mess you up for work the next day. So the (un)natural conclusion is to pair with a script for Xanax or other Benzos. As you mention, Ambien is a less harmful alternative.

I highly suspect these people were more likely stressing out their body to work more for DJT then they were partying it up as sad as that thought is.
Provigil (and Adderall) may both have recreational uses, but are often taken, and even prescribed, as performance enhancers by people in competitive jobs. Even if you don’t suffer from ADHD, the stimulants can help with focus and energy in a 14 hour work day.

A side effect of this is that you end up too wired to sleep which could mess you up for work the next day. So the (un)natural conclusion is to pair with a script for Xanax or other Benzos. As you mention, Ambien is a less harmful alternative.

I highly suspect these people were more likely stressing out their body to work more for DJT then they were partying it up as sad as that thought is.
I know Provigil and Adderall are prescribed for focus increase as well, or even bipolar disorder, but it’s helpful that you laid it out. I assume most people think Adderall is prescribed purely for ADHD, or illegitimately.
While I haven’t taken Adderall or Modafinil myself, my best friend is a former coke addict who is now addicted to Adderall and Modafinil. Both are commonly sold and the street value of Modafinil is only slightly lower from what I’ve seen and heard from her.

I agree to some extent with your conclusion but suspect both took place. Without more details it’s all just speculation though.

Ambien going missing or being illegitimately prescribed is a nothingburger compared to opioids and Provigil.
It seems like a really trivial thing to be annoyed at though.

Especially since from my understanding it only happens between plays
Yea, but the announcers constantly referencing it and then showing her double digit times each game is just annoying. Clearly there’s a lot of misogyny and right wing stuff in a lot of the critiques — but Pat Mahomes TDs getting a Taylor Swift zoom in every time is just annoying. NFL memos were literally leaked regarding them encouraging partners to play it up early on. Can’t be mad at people tuning into watch the game being annoyed with that
medications like ambien - sedatives/benzos/anxiolytics etc. can be way more dangerous than opiates and stimulants. especially in terms of withdrawal.

About 20 years ago, I had an acquaintance who was doing her internship in a rural Louisiana hospital. She said that their default process for anyone being admitted was to start them on rehab because basically the whole town was addicted to benzos (Xanax).
Yea, but the announcers constantly referencing it and then showing her double digit times each game is just annoying. Clearly there’s a lot of misogyny and right wing stuff in a lot of the critiques — but Pat Mahomes TDs getting a Taylor Swift zoom in every time is just annoying. NFL memos were literally leaked regarding them encouraging partners to play it up early on.
Ehhhh, still seems trivial to me.

An NFL broadcast approaches like 3 hours. Seeing Swift for what is probably a couple of minutes total doesn't seem like much.

Can’t be mad at people tuning into watch the game being annoyed with that
But they show they still show the game though, don't they?

Like a little fewer cutaways to the crowd cheering, dudes on the sideline, people high-fiving, or an alternate angel of the play doesn't like a big deal to me.

But hey, people have status quo bias. So I shouldn't be too surprised. People like things how the like things
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medications like ambien - sedatives/benzos/anxiolytics etc. can be way more dangerous than opiates and stimulants. especially in terms of withdrawal.
Ambien isn’t a benzo and can easily be quit cold turkey (as I have) but yes that’s generally correct.
Fun fact: Benzodiazepine withdrawals can indirectly kill you as a side-effect, through drastically altering your mindstate with intrusive suicidal thoughts.

Alcohol withdrawal is the only drug known to directly cause sudden death on its own though, while ironically being the most easily available.

Given my extensive experience with dozens of opioid withdrawals throughout the last 8 years or so, I assume the physical withdrawals from opioids is significantly worse but there’s 2 proven ways to slowly taper down with nullified withdrawal; replacement therapy and kratom. More importantly though, the withdrawal is pretty much only physical torture, not so much psychological like benzos from what I’ve heard.

Replacement therapy like methadon to withdraw from heroin drastically reduces withdrawal, and the same principle can be applied all the way down the ladder.

As a Tramadol addict, when I need to taper down I can entirely nullify my withdrawals by adding a bit of codeine while tapering down 100mg at once. Then when tapered down to the desired Tramadol dose, withdrawing from the small use of codeine is light work.

Kratom is a drug that supposedly stimulates but I’ve never noticed any effects when using it to withdraw from Tramadol. It’s not an opioid but binds to the same receptors in your brain and essentially tricks it into believing you ingested an opioid.

At least when it comes to Tramadol, you can use Kratom to also entirely nullify all withdrawal effects at a pace of tapering down 100mg at once. Unlike the replacement therapy, you can then just discontinue the kratom without any issues.
Zero effect from using the kratom for this purpose and zero effects from discontinuing it.
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