***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump's baseline wasn't high to begin with. But when he does this, the media lets him get away with saying he said the wrong name on person or completely overlook him not knowing basic words. **** is crazy.
This stupid idea that these dopes keep propping up as a "solutions" instead of, I don't know, BETTER gun laws, but they kinda always forget about that drop ceiling above it. The shooter could easily climb up into the ceiling from another room, work their way over and get above this thing, lift a tile and well, I don't think I need to spell it out. 😞🤦🏻‍♂️
Don't think we'll ever see a case where a school shooter climbed into the ceiling to find victims. Gathering school aged children is like herding cats. That room is not going to work when bullets start flying. And if a shooter does go to room where a teacher has managed to get all the students sealed into that room, he'll just walk one door down where everyone is panicking and screaming and has forgotten there is supposedly a built in safe room behind the board with the days of week written on it.
Trump's baseline wasn't high to begin with. But when he does this, the media lets him get away with saying he said the wrong name on person or completely overlook him not knowing basic words. **** is crazy.

Don't think we'll ever see a case where a school shooter climbed into the ceiling to find victims. Gathering school aged children is like herding cats. That room is not going to work when bullets start flying. And if a shooter does go to room where a teacher has managed to get all the students sealed into that room, he'll just walk one door down where everyone is panicking and screaming and has forgotten there is supposedly a built in safe room behind the board with the days of week written on it.

Say what you want, but we also didn't think we'd see a mass shooting almost weekly. 😕 If a shooter wants to inflict mass damage, they'll find a way and I'm just pointing out a way it could happen.



In the context of the GOP primary and the narratives about Washington DC. This may be the first ever momentum killing primary "win." :lol:

Some smart politics for the Haley would have been making a deal with the lanyard dorks, professional incels, bowtie wearing nepo babies, military industrial complex bagmen, and crooked energy lobbyists who comprise DC Republican primary voters and have them vote for Trump so that Haley could counter act the narrative that she's the "swamp" candidate.
People couldn't tell that Trump hanging around one, let alone five Black women was fake?

I mean, he could get five actresses and/or right wing black lady grifters together, although getting five randomly selected black women to pose with him would be a longshot.

What Donald Trump's campaign could do with AI is stuff he truly couldn't do like pose in a room for of non counterfeit US dollars, crushing his cardio stress test at his annual physical, doing a whole rally without talking about a "big/massive/huge guys or guys" at any point, or him on Charlie Rose talking about a book other than The Art of Deal. The truly surreal stuff.

The answer is that if Trump is MAGA’s champion, Musk is its gatekeeper. He doesn’t just use his immense reach (he has 174 million followers on X) to fight the left; he owns the right wing’s public square. This is because outside of X, the public isn’t reading the right. And as a result, X now shapes the right as much as even Fox News.
On Feb. 22, a website called The Righting released an analysis using Comscore data to compare web traffic at top right-wing sites from January 2020 to January 2024. The findings are surprising: Right-wing media appears to be struggling even more than mainstream media. Of the top right-wing sites in 2020, only Newsmax gained audience over the past four years. Every other right-wing site lost visitors, and most lost a staggering percentage of them.

For example, The Righting reports that The Washington Examiner lost 66 percent of its visitors. The Washington Times lost 82 percent. Breitbart lost 87 percent and The Daily Wire 73 percent. Aside from Newsmax and Fox News (which lost only 24 percent of its visitors), every other right-wing site has lost at least half its visitors in four years. Some have lost so many that The Righting could no longer measure their reader numbers.
In fact, the loss is so profound that there are individual articles and columns in The New York Times that get more visitors than all of the content that many of these sites post for an entire month. As a practical matter, this means that social media — and principally Musk’s X — becomes the central way in which many right-wing figures reach the public.

There are several consequences of this reality. It’s altering the way the right speaks.

can someone explain why far left activist love protesting their closest allies?

it feels like

Donald Trump could announce that upon re-election he's going turn the entire gaza strip and it's inhabitants to ash with a hydrogen bomb...

and the next day there would still be activist chanting "genocide joe" at a Biden rally and nothing for Trump.
Not sure why anyone would just assume they’re being genuine, given as was pointed out they’re only protesting certain people
Purity culture amongst the left is definitely damaging-- although I support putting pressure on your reps, this feels and looks like uncritical flailing

Speaking as someone who has both supported and questioned Maxwell Frost on his stance on Palestine.

We on the left are just as susceptible to performative politics as everybody else

IMO they are simply setting up a situation where if Joe Biden manages to get a temporary ceasefire

They can still be and at Joe Biden because he did get a "permanent" ceasefire.

Remember it all makes sense when you realize they want Joe Biden to lose.
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