***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Reminds me of


I need to rewatch

Great movie!! The ending when he confronts Tilda Swinton's character is fantastic!! "I'm Shive the God of Death!!"

"NEW YORK (AP) — A video posted to Donald Trump’s account on his social media network Monday included references to a “unified Reich” among hypothetical news headlines if he wins the election in November.

The headline appears among messages flashing across the screen such as “Trump wins!!” and “Economy booms!” Other headlines appear to be references to World War I.

The word “Reich” is often largely associated with Nazi Germany’s Third Reich, though the references in the video Trump shared appear to be a reference to the formation of the modern pan-German nation, unifying smaller states into a single Reich, or empire, in 1871.

The 30-second video appeared on Trump’s account at a time when the presumptive Republican nominee for president, while seeking to portray President Joe Biden as soft on antisemitism, has himself repeatedly faced criticism for using language and rhetoric associated with Nazi Germany."

"NEW YORK (AP) — A video posted to Donald Trump’s account on his social media network Monday included references to a “unified Reich” among hypothetical news headlines if he wins the election in November.

The headline appears among messages flashing across the screen such as “Trump wins!!” and “Economy booms!” Other headlines appear to be references to World War I.

The word “Reich” is often largely associated with Nazi Germany’s Third Reich, though the references in the video Trump shared appear to be a reference to the formation of the modern pan-German nation, unifying smaller states into a single Reich, or empire, in 1871.

The 30-second video appeared on Trump’s account at a time when the presumptive Republican nominee for president, while seeking to portray President Joe Biden as soft on antisemitism, has himself repeatedly faced criticism for using language and rhetoric associated with Nazi Germany."

And this is where the “you decisions have consequences and both sides are not the same.”

As someone who has lost family to both German death camps and Russian Siberian work camps this is not a laughing matter to me. But if **** goes bad I can also say ✌️ and move back to Europe. Many people don’t have that option. And those people who discount a second trump term don’t realize just how bad it would be. It would be the beginning of the end of democracy.
As someone who has lost family to both German death camps and Russian Siberian work camps this is not a laughing matter to me. But if **** goes bad I can also say ✌️ and move back to Europe. Many people don’t have that option. And those people who discount a second trump term don’t realize just how bad it would be. It would be the beginning of the end of democracy.
A lot of those who left dictatorships - should - resonate with the campaign messaging of Trump in ways that the average American can't - fortunately - understand. And I say should because I personally know many who once were among those persecuted by oppressive regimes (university students in the 90s), and who would gladly vote for Trump over cultural issues (the gheys).

2016-2020 wasn't a joke. It was a taste of what's to come if he wins again, especially with a compromised supreme court. In other countries, it's the constitutional courts that legitimize dictatorships.
A lot of those who left dictatorships - should - resonate with the campaign messaging of Trump in ways that the average American can't - fortunately - understand. And I say should because I personally know many who once were among those persecuted by oppressive regimes (university students in the 90s), and who would gladly vote for Trump over cultural issues (the gheys).

2016-2020 wasn't a joke. It was a taste of what's to come if he wins again, especially with a compromised supreme court. In other countries, it's the constitutional courts that legitimize dictatorships.

All this.
Just look at Hungary, which many Republicans cite as something to strive towards.
On paper, it's a parliamentary system. Not all that different on paper from any other parliamentary country.
Through gerrymandering etc, Orban's party eventually reached the 60% supermajority required to be able to rewrite the constitution. It was rewritten in favor of maintaining power, including by completely changing the court system and replacing their equivalent of the Supreme Court with a handpicked group of Orban loyalists.
The same happened with media organizations, which were put under a government body, and prosecutor's offices. The latter was done to close and later outright prevent investigations into Orban and his associates, and of course to fine and prosecute political opponents.

The original 60% constitutional change clause had been there since at least the 1950s, idk if it pre-dates the amendment of their constitution after communism ended.
They original writers maybe didn't think anyone would ever hit a 60% supermajority. And to be fair, Orban's party did have to spend years of gerrymandering etc to eventually get there.
And this is where the “you decisions have consequences and both sides are not the same.”

As someone who has lost family to both German death camps and Russian Siberian work camps this is not a laughing matter to me. But if **** goes bad I can also say ✌️ and move back to Europe. Many people don’t have that option. And those people who discount a second trump term don’t realize just how bad it would be. It would be the beginning of the end of democracy.
But gENoCiIDe JoeeEEE
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