***Official Political Discussion Thread***


The tweet reads like niketock88 niketock88 's posts.

A coup? Trump isn't the sitting president, how is it a coup?
You do realize that Biden probably won’t continue his campaign right?Are you and what’s his name going to be emotional again today? Kid went into hiding after bragging about his cub scout badges, how many black belts he has and how many articles he reads. That was sad.
You do realize that Biden probably won’t continue his campaign right?Are you and what’s his name going to be emotional again today? Kid went into hiding after bragging about his cub scout badges, how many black belts he has and how many articles he reads. That was sad.

Thank you for proving me right.

What does Biden have to do with Alex misusing words? Trump isn't the sitting president; "coup" - as in "coup d'etat" - doesn't apply to this situation.
Thank you for proving me right.

What does Biden have to do with Alex misusing words? Trump isn't the sitting president; "coup" - as in "coup d'etat" - doesn't apply to this situation.

Because hes basically saying Biden doesn’t have a chance, is about to get dropped off the campaign and we might as well name trump the president. OK, I’m done teaching for the day.
After thinking about it, this is. Irving more than a concerned citizen, tourist if you will, staging a (mostly) peaceful protest. After all, Jan 6th was nothing more than that and more people died and/or were injured.

Nothing to see here 🤷🏽‍♂️, just a white christian republican male. “Boys will be boys”.

Anywho….. who’s in line to be his body shi…… I mean VP???

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It might be early but I don't think this is going to get Trump sympathy. I don't wish death on anyone, but if you create an environment where anyone can get deadly weapons, then anyone can also be hurt by those same deadly weapons.

Before Covid there was a period of time when a new mass shooting seemed to occur almost everyday. America has a gun problem and steps need to be taken to curb that problem or we will continue to have incidents like what occurred yesterday.
It’s not about sympathy, it’s about people viewing him as some type of martyr because he got shot and didn’t die. Quite literally if he had been an inch to the right, this is a whole different conversation.

(Martyr might not be the right word here but you get what I’m implying)
It’s not about sympathy, it’s about people viewing him as some type of martyr because he got shot and didn’t die. Quite literally if he had been an inch to the right, this is a whole different conversation.

(Martyr might not be the right word here but you get what I’m implying)
The right word is victim of gun violence. There are so many guns out there anyone can be shot. Most survivors of shootings have the same story about if the bullet had been a inch in another direction.

It’s not cool, or admirable. Its a all to common story.
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