***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I guess all of sudden running for president doesn’t seem as glamorous as it did a few days ago huh?

Or as I like to say… that was yesterday’s news.
He was playing to the crowd while remaining a sitting duck.

I wasn't saying anything of the sort. I was just surprised the SS didn't seem to take that into account. You're doing too much.
You know I can easily just quote the post right? He wasn't "playing to the crown while remaining a sitting duck." He hid like a roach until the SS said the gunman was down. You weirdos build him into the alpha male when he's really just an old man that doesn't give a damn about you. A billionaire from NY that grew up with a gold spoon in his mouth getting poor whites to think he's a tough guy that cares about them and the country is one of the biggest cons ever pulled in this country.
You know I can easily just quote the post right? He wasn't "playing to the crown while remaining a sitting duck." He hid like a roach until the SS said the gunman was down. You weirdos build him into the alpha male when he's really just an old man that doesn't give a damn about you. A billionaire from NY that grew up with a gold spoon in his mouth getting poor whites to think he's a tough guy that cares about them and the country is one of the biggest cons ever pulled in this country.
Yeah, Biden grew up rich too and pretends to give a damn about minorities. Anything you say about Trump goes for biden as well except Biden probably lies more. That free tuition for public colleges and HBCUs really helped me out.
Yeah, Biden grew up rich too and pretends to give a damn about minorities. Anything you say about Trump goes for biden as well.
A simple wiki read says you're wrong.

Biden's father had been wealthy and the family purchased a home in the affluent Long Island suburb of Garden City in the fall of 1946,[10] but he suffered business setbacks around the time Biden was seven years old,[11][12][13] and for several years the family lived with Biden's maternal grandparents in Scranton.[14] Scranton fell into economic decline during the 1950s and Biden's father could not find steady work.[15] Beginning in 1953 when Biden was ten,[16] the family lived in an apartment in Claymont, Delaware, before moving to a house in nearby Mayfield.[17][18][12][14] Biden Sr. later became a successful used-car salesman, maintaining the family in a middle-class lifestyle.
Wait so this ain't a trump supporter? He must be a stan. Wanting to be with bro but got rejected

Thank goodness. I was hoping for the best atleast a white male...because that's who does things like this typically. But him looking like Dahmer and possibly being republican are wins.

Don't shoot at trump if you're gay, black, muslim, Mexican or a woman. It will galvanize his base.
You haven’t typed a coherent sentence this whole night Biden Jr
You suck at insults too

You are just a low information Trumper that thinks he is spitting game. But not informed enough, smart enough, or clever enough to form a cogent argument or even troll effectively

If you are mad at Build Back Better not passing, blame Joe Manchin and Sinema.

You aren't educating anyone. You are just making yourself look foolish.

You wait all this time to let this MAGA energy out, and this is the best you can do. Smh

You suck at insults too

You are just a low information Trumper that thinks he is spitting game. But not informed enough, smart enough, or clever enough to form a cogent argument or even troll effectively

If you are mad at Build Back Better not passing, blame Joe Manchin and Sinema.

You aren't educating anyone. You are just making yourself look foolish.

You wait all this time to let this MAGA energy out, and this is the best you can do. Smh

You biden guys been so emotional in here all night. It’s clear both candidates have their faults. What is so hard about that? I can quote Biden’s racist remarks back 50 years… But I won’t post that in here because you have the Internet you can do your homework.
You clearly have no idea about the things I have taken issue with Biden about in here.

I don't have to do ****. Every regulars knows.

You were too lazy to Google Trump's past advocacy for violence, so I know you will be too lazy to go though my long post history

You need to get better at this

You are gonna have a rough time if deflections and whataboutism is all you have to defend your guy Trump
So if Biden and Trump are both racist and liars, then why are you still crying in here like you didnt the get the right toy in your happy meal?
You biden guys been so emotional in here all night. It’s clear both candidates have their faults. What is so hard about that? I can quote Biden’s racist remarks back 50 years… But I won’t post that in here because you have the Internet you can do your homework.
Famb spare me

We have seen this schtick before

Biden's racism has been discussed in here numerous times

Like no on in here wanted him to win the 2020 primary

If you were had been reading this thread, you would know that

But observable reality shows that Trump infinity worst than him on issues regarding black America.

So now one is gonna entertain his clearly bad faith attempt to cape for Trump disguised in a both sides wrapper

We have been this play a dozens times before
So if Biden and Trump are both racist and liars, then why are you still crying in here like you didnt the get the right toy in your happy meal?
Man shut up

You sound pathetic with this tired edgelord schtick

Biden is better than Trump

Trump has been infinity more racist

Biden supports policies that would help black people

Trump is hostile to civil rights policy

Excuse me and everyone else for having ******* eyes, ears and being able to read.
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