***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Maybe I’m missing the posts but where has that link been made?


If this is real…. Did he shoot Trump, because Trump was best buddies with Epstein, and might have been doing pedophile stuff with him?

Ahh man, this might get deep.
I disagree. You tell one side he's a pedo convict rapist, the other side will just show you vids of Biden being touchy with little kids.

Policy saves lives. Gun reform would save a **** ton of lives. If we continue this rhetoric of "traditional politics are dead" this country will never recover.
Then dems post epsitn pics, travel and phone logs. Welcome the challenge

I agree with your second statement TO A DEGREE but the policy can come after you win and pack the ******* courts like they should of done day 1
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Man when did CNN turn so garbage, feels like I'm watching Fox News lite now :smh:

They have dudes up here blaming Biden and democrats for causing this shooting due to the rethoric of using Project 2025 to scare people and this being the last election and that caused this attempted assassination.

So all the fear mongering the GOP does and our landscape is what it is today because of Trump and his rhetoric.
Like 2 years ago.
Man when did CNN turn so garbage, feels like I'm watching Fox News lite now :smh:

They have dudes up here blaming Biden and democrats for causing this shooting due to the rethoric of using Project 2025 to scare people and this being the last election and that caused this attempted assassination.

So all the fear mongering the GOP does and our landscape is what it is today because of Trump and his rhetoric.

I changed the channel right after that clown started blaming Biden.

There is only one politician that was banned from social media for inciting violence.
Man when did CNN turn so garbage, feels like I'm watching Fox News lite now :smh:

They have dudes up here blaming Biden and democrats for causing this shooting due to the rethoric of using Project 2025 to scare people and this being the last election and that caused this attempted assassination.

So all the fear mongering the GOP does and our landscape is what it is today because of Trump and his rhetoric.
Their ratings tanked once Trump was no longer the President. Follow the money. There’s always money in the banana stand…
Susan Collins who would be vital for Trump to try and move the women in the Republican party past their justified resentment over Roe v. Wase says she won’t vote for Trump….. Crickets

Bernie Sanders who was Bidens biggest competition in 2020 writes a Op-ed in support on Biden winning a second term. …… this is bad for Democrats

I am not even going to make a joke out of this, its just clear that the focus for some people is way to much on Biden and not enough of the state of the race.


As I expected. :sick:

Party with no backbone. They're going through the stuff like this and then be shocked and quit fingers when they get blown out in November.
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