***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is like day one of her campaign

This comes off like a dog whistle

This is too

Kamala is not a Obama level orator, but I have watched many of her speeches, forums, and her in the Senate

She is a very good speaker

She was a Senator
Attorney General of the most populous state in the nation
And is the VP

Again, it seems you don't understand how campaigns work on a fundamental level
While you might be closely connected to the Democratic Party and have firsthand experience of Vice President Harris in action, many people form their opinions based on social media memes and TV snippets, which can portray her as uninvolved. It's understandable that individuals like ballinsam23 ballinsam23 hold such beliefs, as this seems to reflect the majority in the US. Many are staunchly loyal to one party without fully understanding what each candidate stands for or advocates. This trend predates social media but has been amplified by platforms that condense information into short video clips and misinformation.
Huh, what are you even talking about at this point?
He's referring to when Bernie seemed to have the Democratic Party nomination secured, but then, out of the blue, Biden's campaign, which seemed dead in the water, gained traction and he became the nominee. Whether or not this is exactly how it happened, this is how many Americans perceived it.

its day 1 of the campaign and it's already happening.
What research did you do?
Man my big cuz sent me a bunch of project 2025 **** and some of the ppl endorsing Trump on a state level and I was like I may not vote for Biden but I can’t vote for that either. As a black man. I’m really close to just sitting this joint out. 2020 was easier cuz I could vote for aye, but he ain’t running this year
This is why I talk about fighting back against disinformation and misinformation and how we have to do our part online. Those memes and nonsense are driven by low information folks and Russian bots that we have to fight against. Ask someone if they eat Borscht with their Nana’s Mac N Cheese and see what happens.
Man my big cuz sent me a bunch of project 2025 **** and some of the ppl endorsing Trump on a state level and I was like I may not vote for Biden but I can’t vote for that either. As a black man. I’m really close to just sitting this joint out. 2020 was easier cuz I could vote for aye, but he ain’t running this year
Do you live in a blue state?
Keep in mind that this poll was before Sunday where she became the presumptive Nominee. I would throw out any polling for at least a week or so when we have a clearer picture especially with our side coming home.

Yeah I don't think the polls re: Kamala are at all instructive right now. The hypothetical vs actual candidate is one of the problems

Another is that Kamala isn't all that well known. VPs are often ignored by voters and she hasn't benefited from a huge ad blitz

Expect to see a lot of media stories about how "the voters who hated both candidates" are warming to Harris because she's not decrepit
Nice strawman
My fault I was speed reading and jumped to the conclusion that people were going to say Kamala “was not like us” because of a Kendrick song and her interracial background and well what are we really talking about here? Really?

ill explain this once.

there are popular online black manosphere influencers who push gender war stuff between black men and women
and really push the "your not really black" not like us type arguments.

these influencers are popular with low trust, more loosely attached democratic party black male voters.

low trust black male voters (along with latino me)
is where biden is seeing the most erosion in his support from 2020.

Kamala being half black and married to a white man, might struggle to appeal to these type of low trust hard to reach black men.
and im guessing online trolls are going to be heavily pushing this narrative. its something the Harris campaign will have to deal with.

it's already started with these same people using "Not like us" as the theme song for this campaign.

You don’t have to explain Tariq Nasheed to me. I have known about Tariq Nasheed since he wrote the Manosphere book that the book cover cost a destiny child member a spot on Destiny’s Child. He had a podcast called the Mack lessons that was early manosphere, had his own forum, and throughout it all he has been mocked more than he is followed. Like he’s been a joke for decades.


^this guy and his message of hate isn’t going to have a heavy affect on black male voters.. Kevin Samuels manosphere worked because he wrapped his women hating views in respectability by wearing a suit and surrounding himself by wealth. Plus unlike Tariq, Samuel’s was a new social medial influencer who was able to control his image because you couldn’t find decades of grift done by him.

Now obviously we’re not monolithic but if you go to black spaces they are talking about Project 2025. Also maybe if they had more than a few months to fan internal hate it could have worked but once again don’t worry about black men. Give black people both men and women more credit.

This the normal for him? It’s Desantis level bad.

Man my big cuz sent me a bunch of project 2025 **** and some of the ppl endorsing Trump on a state level and I was like I may not vote for Biden but I can’t vote for that either. As a black man. I’m really close to just sitting this joint out. 2020 was easier cuz I could vote for aye, but he ain’t running this year
Don’t get it…it’s currently a 2 party system. The Republican party is actively rolling back your rights and eliminating inclusion laws that were established to try and make the playing fields closer.
James David Vance probably washes his hands every time he has to shake hands with a Rural. Next thing we know he will start switching up his flow like like Brian Kelly

For all of talk of Dems not having a plan, they seem to be handling this thing right to me

They are not just announcing Harris but allowing the delegates and party leaders to roll out their support while possible other candidates openly bow out of contention

Also it’s no mistake all the potential VP choices were making the rounds talking about the VP role and not angling for the top job
I do not think anyone is saying that

It is just the "Drake isn't black" stuff was a clever angle for a rap diss. But it was not something to take seriously, because fundamentally it a stupid thing to argue. But people still took it seriously

Kamala isn't really black is equally stupid

It is just that people might only face how stupid such arguments are in a certain context.

It isn't even a dig at Kendrick, it is a dig an people that took rap lyrics too seriously.

I didn’t take it as him saying “drake isn’t black”, it’s just dude ain’t from certain places and certain things ain’t his culture.. which ain’t a crime, obviously

I’m sure you’re familiar with it.. but my whole life I’ve seen other bahamians or Caribbean dudes I knew as children and then they go away for school for couple months and start talking with accents.. we BEEN clownin those dudes

And if there is video of you mispronouncing the N word as a teen, maybe you should avoid it when you get older instead of trying to fit in
My fault I was speed reading and jumped to the conclusion that people were going to say Kamala “was not like us” because of a Kendrick song and her interracial background and well what are we really talking about here? Really?

You don’t have to explain Tariq Nasheed to me. I have known about Tariq Nasheed since he wrote the Manosphere book that the book cover cost a destiny child member a spot on Destiny’s Child. He had a podcast called the Mack lessons that was early manosphere, had his own forum, and throughout it all he has been mocked more than he is followed. Like he’s been a joke for decades.


^this guy and his message of hate isn’t going to have a heavy affect on black male voters.. Kevin Samuels manosphere worked because he wrapped his women hating views in respectability by wearing a suit and surrounding himself by wealth. Plus unlike Tariq, Samuel’s was a new social medial influencer who was able to control his image because you couldn’t find decades of grift done by him.

Now obviously we’re not monolithic but if you go to black spaces they are talking about Project 2025. Also maybe if they had more than a few months to fan internal hate it could have worked but once again don’t worry about black men. Give black people both men and women more credit.
I can't speak for Osh but the point is not that grifters like Tariq Nasheed will dominate the discussion, or flip a majority of black male voters.

Most black men will vote Democrat

Most black men don't like the Republican party

But it is will documented that the Dems have not been turning out enough black voters reliably for a while. And that there is a lot of disillusionment with the party among black voters, concentrated more with men than women. More with non college educated voters. L

There are a lot of black voters that are happy with the Democratic Party, that creates an open ing for opposition campaigns to fan those flames, and it creates a political problem for the Dems.

I am in a ton of space spaces all the time. I have witness the disillusionment.
I can't speak for Osh but the point is not that grifters like Tariq Nasheed will dominate the discussion, or flip a majority of black male voters.

Most black men will vote Democrat

Most black men don't like the Republican party

But it is will documented that the Dems have not been turning out enough black voters reliably for a while. And that there is a lot of disillusionment with the party among black voters, concentrated more with men than women. More with non college educated voters. L

There are a lot of black voters that are happy with the Democratic Party, that creates an open ing for opposition campaigns to fan those flames, and it creates a political problem for the Dems.

I am in a ton of space spaces all the time. I have witness the disillusionment.

Margins will be very tight so the more we can push back against the disillusionment the better but it is good to be aware because if you don’t know then you can’t fix it.
Man my big cuz sent me a bunch of project 2025 **** and some of the ppl endorsing Trump on a state level and I was like I may not vote for Biden but I can’t vote for that either. As a black man. I’m really close to just sitting this joint out. 2020 was easier cuz I could vote for aye, but he ain’t running this year

As a black man, choosing not to vote against people actively trying to take away your right is weird. I'll never understand this train of thought. Especially at the local level.
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