***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Running Newsom basically gives Don Jr.'s highly partisan girlfriend a way to swing an election

I like Newsom, but something wild would definitely come

Still remember cats in high school running with the “mt dew lowers your sperm count” myth and downing that **** by the liter. Dudes wanted any excuse to be #teamraw

I have zero clue how certain rumors got started and was all over the place.. cause I was young as hell when I first heard that yellow 5 shh
The more I think about it, the more that Charles Barkley unironically would be a good VP choice. He is as “ADOS” as they come but he’s also the kind of Black guy who wouldn’t alienate swing voters. He’s also a celebrity which is an asset in our political environment. He’s wealthy but has a working class, down to Earth aesthetic.

I have know idea if he’s up for it but he’d create so much buzz, keep the hoteps (and various other racialized yet lumpen young men) in the fold, and win over a lot of undecided Midwestern/suburban white dads.

He never won a ring but he’d be able to win something even more meaningful.

Harris-Barkley 2024, the not turrible ticket.
Unironically huh? Chuck is an idiot and the idea of him running the country if something happened to the president would probably scare him more than it should everyone else 😂
Wasn't there a study that showed that Drinking Mountain Dew was almost as bad as ingesting battery acid?

Gotta own the libs somehow.

Unironically huh? Chuck is an idiot and the idea of him running the country if something happened to the president would probably scare him more than it should everyone else 😂

Swing voters went with Trump in 2016. The Chuckster is Pericles in comparison.
Swing voters went with Trump in 2016. The Chuckster is Pericles in comparison.
I’d rather all the dummies stay out of politics, especially presidential politics. Two wrongs doesn’t make a right. If you haven’t even taken a political science class do I want you in charge of the nukes and managing foreign policy? Hell nah
Like I said

I fear Vance if he gets real power

But at the top of the ticket he would be beatable

He is very Paul Ryanish.

Really cool only to people that think like him. But the more you learn the more you see the weirdness
Was gonna say DeSantis-ish with higher lifts but this works too
Deluded fans believing their benevolent flat backed leader isn’t secretly voting Red for financial reasons. She’s dating a hardcore Trumper too.
Lolwut? She’s publicly supporting Dems, feeding the homeless in every city she goes to, and giving her entire crew huge bonuses… cause she’s secretly a republican? Where do you guys pull this nonsense from? 🤣
Lolwut? She’s publicly supporting Dems, feeding the homeless in every city she goes to, and giving her entire crew huge bonuses… cause she’s secretly a republican? Where do you guys pull this nonsense from? 🤣

Yeah, this is clown ****. I couldn't give two ****s about the one with the long back, but assuming that everyone who is financially independent automatically votes for their personal financial gain above any of their personal values just tells me what you would do, not what anyone else would do.
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