***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Delk level reasoning.
I think people are missing the point about concerns about black voters especially black men

-No one is saying there won't be enthusiasm among many black voters for Harris

-There is a good chance Harris replicates the splits with black voters from previous years

-Black men will overwhelming vote for Harris

But that is not the concern. It is low propensity voters on the margin that are dissatisfied with the Democratic Party generally.

Obama's presidency covered up issues with slippage with black voters than had showed before he came on seen. Once he left, it came apparent again.

In the case of Trump, even though he got blown out in the black vote, he still out performed compared his 2016 in many heavily black cities

With margins so close in many swing states, any slippage can swing an election. That is why I am concerned about negative propaganda campaigns aimed at these voters

No one is accusing black voters of sinking anyone. It is just pointing out a political problem for a Democratic Party.
I think people are missing the point about concerns about black voters especially black men

-No one is saying there won't be enthusiasm among many black voters for Harris

-There is a good chance Harris replicates the splits with black voters from previous years

-Black men will overwhelming vote for Harris

But that is not the concern. It is low propensity voters on the margin that are dissatisfied with the Democratic Party generally.

Obama's presidency covered up issues with slippage with black voters than had showed before he came on seen. Once he left, it came apparent again.

In the case of Trump, even though he got blown out in the black vote, he still out performed compared his 2016 in many heavily black cities

With margins so close in many swing states, any slippage can swing an election. That is why I am concerned about negative propaganda campaigns aimed at these voters

No one is accusing black voters of sinking anyone. It is just pointing out a political problem for a Democratic Party.
I probably missed some post about accusations of black voters sinking a candidacy. I def dont agree with that 🤷🏿‍♂️ wholeheartedly agree with all of your post

Just speaking for myself I just like to continue to point out some other demographics that tip the scales just as much on the margins and don't nearly face the same scrutiny or repercussions 🤷🏿‍♂️

There's alot of margins that need to be focused on and critiqued how they are targeted. Ima keep pointing at those folks though first ngl

*please disregard most of my milk post in the NBA thread thanks*

I had it wrong yesterday. Forgot Kelly was a senator, not the governor (oops!). While I'm not sure having a senator from Arizona is the best idea, he's literally done everything, Navy officer with multiple medals, a literal astronaut. And, his wife was the victim of an assassination attempt, so Trump can't even hold that over him. He's the smartest guy in the room.

However, they need to shore up the rust belt vote.
I’d be worried Arizona would go Trump despite all of Mark Kelly’s resume, if so disaster and then PA would be hanging out there electorally for grabs.
I think NC could be in the bag with Kamala so idk if we need Roy Cooper even if he’d be great, the Carolina we always worry about is South Carolina.
Pennsylvania voters are worried if Shapiro leaves it opens the door for a GOP governor again. He'd be great, and would probbly secure the state.
Yeah I’m starting to lean that way

Electoral votes:

PA - 19 - Shapiro
NC - 16 (deeply consider Cooper if you are unsure about NC)
MI - 15 -Whitmer
AZ - 11 - Kelly
MN - 10 - Walz

I’m throwing out JB Pritzker in Illinois because Illinois will not go Trump’s way.
If Shapiro prevents Trump and it opens the door for a GOP PA person then it’d be for the greater good
Yeah I’m starting to lean that way

Electoral votes:

PA - 19 - Shapiro
NC - 16 (deeply consider Cooper if you are unsure about NC)
MI - 15 -Whitmer
AZ - 11 - Kelly
MN - 10 - Walz

I’m throwing out JB Pritzker in Illinois because Illinois will not go Trump’s way.

Yeah, Illinois is firmly blue. No need for Pritzker. Need a major swing state VP. Shapiro is probably the way to go, even if it means PA goes back to red for governor. NC is the wild card. If you got him, and NC turns blue, and they hold onto PA, MI, MN, WI and AZ, it's a done deal.
I love my govvy my cuzzy Tim Walz, but I wouldn’t advise Kamala to select him. Says a lot for him he’s being considered. He’s great on healthcare and unity.
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