***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The current discussions about states not being able to replace Biden with Harris seem to be part of broader political strategies. While Republicans may be laying the groundwork for future legal challenges, it is uncertain how this will affect the Democrats' ability to secure Harris on the ballot.

I think that at this time, there is no clear evidence that such barriers will definitively prevent her from being listed, but the outcome will depend on interpretations of state and federal election laws and the evolving strategies of both parties.
The current discussions about states not being able to replace Biden with Harris seem to be part of broader political strategies. While Republicans may be laying the groundwork for future legal challenges, it is uncertain how this will affect the Democrats' ability to secure Harris on the ballot.

I think that at this time, there is no clear evidence that such barriers will definitively prevent her from being listed, but the outcome will depend on interpretations of state and federal election laws and the evolving strategies of both parties.

Ballots aren’t finalized for a few weeks, it’s BS

And it’s why trump could name Vance as his VP just a few days ago

Biden isn’t being replaced on ballots, because ballots have yet to be finalized

This was already a GOP plan even with biden as the presumed nominee, but at least then it was based on the original date for the DNC convention and how that would impact certain states.. which is why the DNC was going finalize the process earlier to avoid the issue
Ballots aren’t finalized for a few weeks, it’s BS

And it’s why trump could name Vance as his VP just a few days ago

Biden isn’t being replaced on ballots, because ballots have yet to be finalized

This was already a GOP plan even with biden as the presumed nominee, but at least then it was based on the original date for the DNC convention and how that would impact certain states.. which is why the DNC was going finalize the process earlier to avoid the issue
What concerns me is the foundation being laid. I find this entire situation to be a joke from both parties. If there are legal challenges or public outrage, the Democrats brought it upon themselves. It was evident that Biden wasn't fit to run again, yet they pushed for it anyway.
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What concerns me is the foundation being laid. I find this entire situation to be a farce from both parties. If there are legal challenges or public outrage, the Democrats brought it upon themselves. It was evident that Biden wasn't fit to run again, yet they pushed for it anyway.

Not sure what both parties have to do with any farce..

Not sure what both parties have to do with any farce..

Not farce but joke!

But to answer your question, the Republicans caving in to Trump and the Democrats pushing Biden.

Let's be clear: neither party represents my views 100%, and I don't believe either party truly has the best interests of the working or middle class at heart. The focus always seems to be on the elite or the underprivileged. While it's natural to sympathize with the underprivileged, the middle class is often overlooked and squeezed. They earn too much to qualify for assistance but too little to comfortably afford everything.

I don't support the far left or far right and wish there was a middle ground or party. However, it is what it is.
Not farce but joke!

not sure what any of what you are saying has to do with ballots that aren’t finalized

The date of the original DNC actually credited a potential issue in a swing state

Republicans challenging now would represent a “farce” or “joke” since the date for ballots to be finalized has not reached

So I am not sure how you view that as a “both sides” issue

not sure what any of what you are saying has to do with ballots that aren’t finalized

The date of the original DNC actually credited a potential issue in a swing state

Republicans challenging now would represent a “farce” or “joke” since the date for ballots to be finalized has not reached

So I am not sure how you view that as a “both sides” issue
That's probably because you don't see it the same way I do. To me, telling the public for months that Biden was fine, pushing him for reelection despite knowing he wasn't, and then the party being so divided that he drops out and Harris becomes the nominee—it's a farce, a joke, complete buffoonery!

Regarding the ballot issue, I'm uncertain how different states handle it, but I keep hearing that for a few states it has passed the deadline or would require special circumstances for a change. Whether this is factual or not, it’s clear that this situation could have been avoided months ago.

You seemed to be more knowledgeable on the situation, but many Americans are clueless. That's what I mean!
That's probably because you don't see it the same way I do.

I have no idea what you do for a living, but I assume at some point in your life you have had a deadline in some form (like schoolwork for example)

You are saying a whole lot given that simple concept I was attempting to clarify for you

The deadline hasn’t reached
any chance kamala running was planned a while ago? seeing numerous ads. seems very strategic. hard to think this is all going out in a weeks time
Love how “dei” is the new accepted racist/sexist dog whistle

This is the worst part about it and why I don't understand why so many white women, Latinos and black men vote for the GOP. Every time they see a non-white man in a role they assume this person is a DEI hire who is not qualified to be there. They've been so open about it ("I'm scared when I see a black or female airline pilot because I assume they didn't earn it").

There was a female secret service agent at the Trump shooting and everyone jumped on her saying that she was a DEI hire even though she had been a secret service agent for over 20 years. I just don't understand how you can be down with a party who thinks this of you.
Every time they see a non-white man in a role they assume this person is a DEI hire who is not qualified to be there.
Is it that or do they know they’re likely qualified and not ok with seeing minorities succeed because it’s threatening to them?

In 2016 the white male loser was the hot demographic because they felt the world was against them and they needed to regain perceived standing and opportunities (that never came their way).
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