***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The best part of these kind of hit clips is that they’ll drop a couple of truths (prosecuting weed, smoking it herself, never going to the border), and then tell you to vote in your best interest without mentioning a damn thing about Trump’s agenda. It’s no mystery what the “wall st sniper” agenda is. Dolla dolla bills, y’all!

I dunno who these are actually reaching though. Probably teenagers on TikTok and the outrage machine on the left that has to amplify these dumb mfs
In defense of brotha's, that's just Umar fishing for clicks and paid speaking opps

Though it wholeheartedly happens and is a prominent issue for men all over
I keep skimming these post and I thought you were talking about erectile dysfunction. Which I always thought was the main reason for resenting women.
The best part of these kind of hit clips is that they’ll drop a couple of truths (prosecuting weed, smoking it herself, never going to the border), and then tell you to vote in your best interest without mentioning a damn thing about Trump’s agenda. It’s no mystery what the “wall st sniper” agenda is. Dolla dolla bills, y’all!

I dunno who these are actually reaching though. Probably teenagers on TikTok and the outrage machine on the left that has to amplify these dumb mfs

The political machine is working overtime, but to be completely honest, it's the same on both sides. One side is trying to deter minorities from voting, while the other is trying to manipulate minority voters to secure their vote.

The political machine is working overtime, but to be completely honest, it's the same on both sides. One side is trying to deter minorities from voting, while the other is trying to manipulate minority voters to secure their vote.

Ace is a joke. She’s trying to get back into the racists good graces

The political machine is working overtime, but to be completely honest, it's the same on both sides. One side is trying to deter minorities from voting, while the other is trying to manipulate minority voters to secure their vote.

Isn't this what they say about every woman who's accomplished everything? It's especially sad to see another woman (especially another black woman) Make comments like this.
This is the biggest issue. I can understand arguments based on merit, but when it becomes a debate over morals, it’s frustrating. I recall when Don Lemon questioned her identity, saying she was just a person of color and not black.
That’s what I always say fam - both sides are the same.
I truly believe that, regardless of what either side is pushing, they are fundamentally the same. You can debate all you want, but ultimately, you have to choose the agenda or plan that best aligns with your values and needs and hope they follow through.

This is the biggest issue. I can understand arguments based on merit, but when it becomes a debate over morals, it’s frustrating. I recall when Don Lemon questioned her identity, saying she was just a person of color and not black.
Don Lemon is trash and Dems were happy to have him on their side while he trashed Trump but he’s someone no one should be listening to.
This is the worst part about it and why I don't understand why so many white women, Latinos and black men vote for the GOP. Every time they see a non-white man in a role they assume this person is a DEI hire who is not qualified to be there. They've been so open about it ("I'm scared when I see a black or female airline pilot because I assume they didn't earn it").

There was a female secret service agent at the Trump shooting and everyone jumped on her saying that she was a DEI hire even though she had been a secret service agent for over 20 years. I just don't understand how you can be down with a party who thinks this of you.

Simple: money.

It's all about money. You don't have a lot of struggling/average minorities who support the GOP. The higher you climb the economic ladder, however, the more you see them. That's simply because they've reached the point where money can isolate them from the worst policy outcomes of the GOP.

The GOP survives only because American society discourages folks from looking at what is happening beyond their white picket fence.
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