***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Dr. Umar is doing everything he can to disqualify Kamala.

Donald Trump wanted to usher the age of the loyal government employee.

A Schedule F appointment was a job classification in the excepted service of the United States federal civil service that existed briefly at the end of the Trump administration during 2020–2021. It would have contained policy-related positions, removing their civil service protections and making them easy to fire. It was never fully implemented, and no one was appointed to it before it was repealed at the beginning of the Biden administration.

The purpose of the provision was to increase the President's control over the federal career civil service. While proponents stated this would increase flexibility and accountability, it was widely criticized as providing means to retaliate against federal officials for political reasons. It was estimated that tens or hundreds of thousands of career employees could have lost their civil service protections, increasing the number of political appointments by a factor of ten.

Governments like those Trump is very fond of - dictatorships - are ruled just like this.

Government workers are at the mercy of the president, which forces those who work those jobs to be yes men in order to remain employed. The immediate consequences tend to be an increase in corruption and incompetence (because few qualified people would want to work in an environment that would force them to cosign dumb decisions from above). Eventually, the government ends up becoming a symbol of the ruling elite. The consequences of such a government include youth exile/brain drain, endemic economic malaise, susceptibility to economic shocks, poorly maintained infrastructure, lack of investment in the human capital, degradation of the judicial body, an inequitable justice system, degradation of socioeconomic and intellectual standards, normalization of violence through law enforcement (especially against any real and perceived threats to the ruling elite), increase of the surveillance state, sham elections, open repression of the media and the press, etc...

If Dr Umar spent as much time studying the politics of Africa as he does railing against snow bunnies (since he loves to pepper his rants with mentions of the continent), he would understand why Kamala is way, way, way better than Trump, especially for Black men.
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Just for all the nonsense we'll all see online and want to post and repost

Pretty much where I'm at.

When Joe quit the race, one of my "bOth SiDeS ArE bAd" friends tried to play the contrarian game about the process of how we got here and her qualifications in the group chat. Told him "Alright bro, you got this" and stopped replying.

Not going to waste my energy trying to explain information thats readily available.
Just for all the nonsense we'll all see online and want to post and repost

Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the rest of the election only tweets with news, polling data or video from candidates was shared here?

Amplifying scum and stupidity to scare people about who will vote for who is worthless. These people would have nothing other than their own echo chamber. They want us to be scared into thinking Trump will win.
Translation: Guys, stop attacking her race explicitly. We have so many clever dogblowhorns now. When you feel that urge to let the N word fly, just rant about DEI. Put some wokeness in there for seasoning, or a CRT for dessert.
Might help to read the article my guy! The DEI callouts are exactly what he said they should stop. Quite frankly I hope they keep it up cause it’s not a winning strategy at all.
One side is trying to deter minorities from voting, while the other is trying to manipulate minority voters to secure their vote.

Unfortunately, some people will somehow equate these as similar

Voting is a right.. they should be attempting to persuade you to vote for them

Instead of being fully aware you won’t and attempting to make you disillusioned in the entire process
Might help to read the article my guy! The DEI callouts are exactly what he said they should stop. Quite frankly I hope they keep it up cause it’s not a winning strategy at all.

I read that article (prior to seeing it in here) because CNN teased a segment on it. And I had that same thought as Belgium Belgium

DEI isn't a dogwhistle anymore because they jumped the shark with it especially around the bridge collapse where they tried to say Mayor Scott was a DEI hire and he flipped it and started wearing a shirt that said DEI = Duly Elected Incumbent. :lol:

So they will fall back on actual dogwhistles. And as much dogwhistly **** I've seen and heard over the years, there is still a ton of **** that I didn't know about. Little symbols and word substitutions and flags and ****. I'd see pics online unrelated, like it would be someone parked ridiculous, and someone would point out a white power sticker on the truck. Or there are things they say to each other with coded meanings so they can say racist **** without being detected. Like I knew people were racist behind the scenes but I don't know if I really realized how many ****** little codes and stuff they use to try to hide in plain sight.

That's the **** they're going to revert to. Not "DEI", or "Collecting Government Checks". It'll be actual dogwhistles. And they are 100% out there. It's depressing and I didn't dive into it the last time I ran across articles and discussions about them (maybe around 2020), but they are absolutely out there.

I think we all know Republicans post McCain are never ever going to be like "oh lets play fair, straight up". That is absolutely not happening :lol:
I read that article (prior to seeing it in here) because CNN teased a segment on it. And I had that same thought as Belgium Belgium

DEI isn't a dogwhistle anymore because they jumped the shark with it especially around the bridge collapse where they tried to say Mayor Scott was a DEI hire and he flipped it and started wearing a shirt that said DEI = Duly Elected Incumbent. :lol:

So they will fall back on actual dogwhistles. And as much dogwhistly **** I've seen and heard over the years, there is still a ton of **** that I didn't know about. Little symbols and word substitutions and flags and ****. I'd see pics online unrelated, like it would be someone parked ridiculous, and someone would point out a white power sticker on the truck. Or there are things they say to each other with coded meanings so they can say racist **** without being detected. Like I knew people were racist behind the scenes but I don't know if I really realized how many ****** little codes and stuff they use to try to hide in plain sight.

That's the **** they're going to revert to. Not "DEI", or "Collecting Government Checks". It'll be actual dogwhistles. And they are 100% out there. It's depressing and I didn't dive into it the last time I ran across articles and discussions about them (maybe around 2020), but they are absolutely out there.

I think we all know Republicans post McCain are never ever going to be like "oh lets play fair, straight up". That is absolutely not happening :lol:
Completely agree. Mike sees all the bad coverage running clip after clip of loudmouth morons like Tim Burchett and his not so subtle point is to be less overt and that DEI is a loser, especially when dozens of them are out there saying the same stuff.

I don’t know what dog whistles they’ll trot out, but I imagine they’ll try to focus on her “drug use” (smoking weed, but they’ll probably modify/leave that out) and tie it back to what a hypocrite she is for prosecuting 15k people for drugs. Things like that, similar to that memo with the “weird” section implying she thought electricity had a smell to it, but with a racial slant behind it.

Basically all this was today was Johnson saying that the term “DEI” is being overused and is a political loser.

Why is Project 2025 linked to Trump? I understand it's a conservative initiative focused on the first 180 days of a new administration, but it's not Trump's initiative. Trump's plan is called Agenda 47. While he is a Republican, it's clear that he doesn't always follow the party's direction, which is concerning.
Why is Project 2025 linked to Trump? I understand it's a conservative initiative focused on the first 180 days of a new administration, but it's not Trump's initiative. Trump's plan is called Agenda 47. While he is a Republican, it's clear that he doesn't always follow the party's direction, which is concerning.

Because the head of the agenda is a former member of his cabinet and close confidant. They are constantly together and all of items are what he was slowly doing during his first term but without a clear knowledge of how to actually implement it. They’ve have 4 years to figure out how to implement it without being able to stop it and they’ve done it.
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