***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Local news says Maryland went to Barry & incumbent senator democrat Ben Cardin...Yeah Yuh...
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6 in 10 voters in Ohio approve of the federal bailout of the auto industry...might be good news for Barry...

Tamaran Hall looking right on NBC...
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please reconcile for me the purpose of a filibuster and 'if a President is the same party affiliation as the Senate he can just pass through whatever B.S. he wants...'

they fly in the face of each other and the reality of the filibuster in the present-day senate would explain why obama has had a tough time pushing anything through capitol hill. again, i repeat: 400+ filibusters in the senate in the past 4 years.
Because I'm sure everything Obama was pushing through (only using him because he's the current President) was bipartisan based??? in this day and age of politics, it's become a known and accepted (60 vote rule) not that I agree with it.. 

P.S- and if you check the history you'll see 
There’s an interesting question around exactly when this change in norms happened. If you look at the graph, you have three major moments of discontinuity. One, around 1972, that appears to provoke reform of the filibuster rules so cloture is easier to achieve. Another, in the early 1990s, that seems covers the latter half of George H.W. Bush’s administration and the beginning of Bill Clinton’s presidency. And then the practice absolutely skyrockets when Barack Obama takes office.

We can argue about why there were these jumps. But their long-term effect seems to be to raise the bar permanently. Every time filibustering becomes much more common, it pretty much remains at that level, even as Congress and the White House changes hands. So the filibuster becomes more common under Bill Clinton, but remains almost that common under George W. Bush.
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Because I'm sure everything Obama was pushing through (only using him because he's the current President) was bipartisan based??? 
good dodge.

but not really, because you're inherently acknowledging that president obama has not been able to push through whatever b.s. he wants to, despite sharing party affiliation with a majority of the senate for his entire 4 years in the white house.

you have completely talked yourself out of the original comment i disagreed with.
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obviously i'm not surprised though.
They still fly the confederate flag in Georgia right?
i haven't seen one in a long time..

but i'm sure they do out in the rural areas.
Because I'm sure everything Obama was pushing through (only using him because he's the current President) was bipartisan based??? 

Brah the GOP fight Obama on everything. Obama literally invites these dudes to the White House for a bipartisan meeting, they reject it, and instead hold a press conference bashing Obama saying he is not willing to work with them. At the same scheduled time the White House meeting would have taken place.

Obama has been willing to comprise, GOP has not
I can't wait to see the celebratory posts on here when Obama is confirmed the winner. And then to see whatever Romney supporters stick around to talk about how bad this is for America.
Brah the GOP fight Obama on everything. Obama literally invites these dudes to the White House for a bipartisan meeting, they reject it, and instead hold a press conference bashing Obama saying he is not willing to work with them. At the same scheduled time the White House meeting would have taken place.
Obama has been willing to comprise, GOP has not

Please, please, please just google before you start posting stuff like this. You can't say I'm willing to compromise and then propose NOTHING aside from your own ideologue poo poo.
Brah the GOP fight Obama on everything. Obama literally invites these dudes to the White House for a bipartisan meeting, they reject it, and instead hold a press conference bashing Obama saying he is not willing to work with them. At the same scheduled time the White House meeting would have taken place.
Obama has been willing to comprise, GOP has not

WORD TO HARRY REID. "I will not work with Mitt Romney no matter what if he wins" Your senate majority leader. Obamacare passed w/o one republican vote.. Bipartisan of peace. Both sides don't work with each other though haha. Pain in the *** to get stuff done
good dodge.

but not really, because you're inherently acknowledging that president obama has not been able to push through whatever b.s. he wants to, despite sharing party affiliation with a majority of the senate for his entire 4 years in the white house.

you have completely talked yourself out of the original comment i disagreed with.
Bro'.. IT'S NOT about OBAMA! it's about the system.. I don't have an agenda against OBAMA as much as you do FOR OBAMA.. I simple stated, WHOEVER wins the presidency I like to see the Senate the opposite party so the president can't push through whatever BS he wants... You can start turning that into well Obama has been filibustered 400 times, yada, yada.. 
Please, please, please just google before you start posting stuff like this. You can't say I'm willing to compromise and then propose NOTHING aside from your own ideologue poo poo.

So Obama hasn't said he is willing to entertain cuts, if he can get the extra revenue?

Dropping the public option wasn't a compromise to get Obamacare passed?

Stop with the both sides are the same rhetoric, it is simply not true

The a Dem is in control, of course all the proposed policies will be from the left. That's why they got voted in
I have the strangest attraction to Rachel Maddow.

In other news, does anyone know how those marijuana laws in OR,WA and CO are fairing? or is it too early?
WORD TO HARRY REID. "I will not work with Mitt Romney no matter what if he wins" Your senate majority leader. Obamacare passed w/o one republican vote.. Bipartisan of peace. Both sides don't work with each other though haha. Pain in the *** to get stuff done
harry reid never said that. just because you put quotes around a sentence and attribute to a figure does not mean they said that.
good dodge.

but not really, because you're inherently acknowledging that president obama has not been able to push through whatever b.s. he wants to, despite sharing party affiliation with a majority of the senate for his entire 4 years in the white house.

you have completely talked yourself out of the original comment i disagreed with.
I haven't talked myself out of any comment... I refrain from debating when you try to put the "Obama" spin on it.. If you're going to use filibuster as an argument take it back to past presidents as well cause' Obama isn't the only president to be filibustered... 
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