***Official Political Discussion Thread***

After Russia invaded them with military force, which would deem the referendum illegitimate. It is a violation of both the Ukrainian constitution and international law.


Crimea already had a Russian black fleet stationed there.

and since when does international law support a rebel overthrow of a Democratically elected government? :nerd:

Crimea unilaterally declared independence, and only Russia recognized them before absorbing them. Ukraine didn't. That alone makes any future decision taken by the Crimean authorities (including the decision to join Russia) illegitimate.

For a country to split, both affected parties have to consent to it. Sudan and South Sudan did it. Yougoslavia broke apart the same way (after a long conflict). Crimea and Ukraine didn't.
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Pr disaster?

Thats a threat now?

From the discredited media ?

Oh man

Some of you are clingling to clogged inferior weaponry and charging still.. despite missing legs
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Crimea already had a Russian black fleet stationed there.

and since when does international law support a rebel overthrow of a Democratically elected government?
I take it you mean a Russian fleet in the black sea.

And said Russian fleet regularly broke Ukrainian law, refusing to cooperate with Ukrainian authorities.

I'm not sure how a fleet in the area means it's okay to just invade the territory with military force but feel free to elaborate on that. 

I don't think the west should have interfered with the Ukrainian revolution. That entire situation is messed up, both on Ukraine and Crimea's side.
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Pr disaster?

Thats a threat now?

From the discredited media ?

Oh man

Some of you are clingling to clogged inferior weaponry and charging still.. despite missing legs
It would be a horrible decision, period. Trump and his nominee would be under constant scrutiny, and probably not just from the media.

Do either of you seriously think it's a good idea to nominate an oil executive with very close personal and business ties to Putin/Russia for secretary of state amidst this controversy? 

"Hmm, intelligence agencies are reporting on Russian interference with the election. I think we better nominate this guy with close Putin ties to our cabinet instead of just about anyone else."

In what world does that make sense?
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To me....it's mind blowing how Trump slid with so much bs.

This dude Donald actually openly encouraged the Russians to hack Hillary's emails back in July. But that was a minor story.


Here we are now.....and Trump supporters are acting like there isn't any smoke. :lol:.

It's obvious as hell....

When I say that the media is complicit in electing him, it's because of things like this. They never called him on the BS and they never fact-checked his statements, even though they KNOW how much influence they have on people's opinions.
 I know they are reflecting to try and pull their credibility out of the toilet but this video absolutely describes this whole thread to perfection. 

I remember distinctly the dudes, from both aisles and the"middle", that where in here talking that "The leaks are news, they are important". And being pissed off that Hillary's emails were not getting enough attention from the media.

Comey letter made the entire news world talking about a nothing story for the last week, and the hacks have been found out to be part of a plan to sabotage Clinton.

Now, not a peep from these people. But to be honest, I'm thankful for that.

People are out protesting in front of Trump Tower NYC. Locals, is it like this every day?

Russia straight up trolling now 

 The appointment of ExxonMobil CEO, who has close ties with the Kremlin, would help improve relations between Russia and US, a Russian politician said
The Kremlin has praised the professionalism of Rex Tillerson, thought to be Donald Trump’s leading contender for secretary of state, the ExxonMobil CEO who has forged close ties to Russia.

“On account of his work as the head of one of the largest oil companies, he had contacts with our representatives more than once,” President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Monday. “He fulfills his responsibilities in a highly professional manner.”

Analysis Rex Tillerson: an appointment that would confirm Putin's US election win
The president-elect is reportedly favouring the Exxon Mobil CEO but experts say the Senate may bridle over a realpolitik choice that would benefit Russia

Peskov also said “there’s a big difference being secretary of state and directing even a very big company” and that the Kremlin hoped for a “readiness to demonstrate a constructive attitude and display professionalism” from Washington.

Putin had hosted Tillerson on several occasions, Peskov added. The Russian president honoured the oil executive with an order of friendship award in 2013.

Although US president-elect Donald Trump has not yet nominated Tillerson, several news outlets have reported he is likely to do so in the next few days.

Sergei Markov, a consultant to Putin’s staff, said that Tillerson’s likely appointment, combined with jobs offered to Michael Flynn, the president-elect’s national security adviser, and Trump’s nominee for defense secretary, retired General James Mattis, added up to “a fantastic team.”

“These are people that Russia can do business with,” he told Bloomberg.

Carter Page, an American energy consultant with ties to the president-elect who has criticised US sanctions against Russia, also lauded Tillerson on Monday during a trip to Russia. Trump named Page as one of his foreign policy advisers in March, but his campaign subsequently denied any connection to the consultant after reports that US intelligence was probing Page’s ties to Russia.

“The US and Russia still have 99 problems to address at home and around the world. But this marks the start of a new era where they can now work on them together, instead of remaining consistently obstructed by a long history of toxic personal relationships,” Page said of the expected Tillerson pick, news agency Sputnik reported.

Russian officials have greeted the possible appointment warmly. Senator Alexei Pushkov, a leading voice in foreign affairs, said the choice of Tillerson “confirms the seriousness of Trump’s intentions” to improve relations with Moscow. “Judging by his appointments to key positions in his administration, Trump wants to see America decisive and strong, but doesn’t see any reason for a conflict with Russia,” Pushkov tweeted after the news broke.

Tillerson is known to have grown close to Putin and Rosneft head Igor Sechin while working on oil exploration in Russia, which was frozen when the US imposed sanctions in 2014. The three were filmed raising a champagne toast to an agreement between Rosneft and ExxonMobil. Putin also commended the “increasingly close relations” between Tillerson’s company and Russia.

Sechin once said that before sanctions he and Tillerson had been planning a motorcycle road trip in the US.
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Ahh, more trolling because your made a fool of yourself again. Ninja not gonna run to your aid this time, even thought last time it backfired

18 people rescue you every time

Aea18 made me LOL with that

That is how you craft a witty comment....take note rusty
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You stupidly posted a video of a conservative saying that conservative ideas should be considered. But thought you were going it because it was on MSNBC :lol:

Sit your *** down dude.
The whole table agreed ... way to not watch :lol:

Ummm, ok, how does that change anything?

Let me ask you, do you do the same for liberal point of views. Because all over NT I see you spewing nonsense straw men
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