***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ahh, more trolling because your made a fool of yourself again. Ninja not gonna run to your aid this time, even thought last time it backfired
18 people rescue you every time

Aea18 made me LOL with that
That is how you craft a witty comment....take note rusty

Rescue me from who exactly?

Definitely not from you, or Ninja, or Rico, or whatever right wing troll shows its face every few months.
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Intellectually flabby
Conservatives, evangelicals etc. are fine by me if they don't support racism and bigotry. I think most of us would agree that this thread could use some more opposing views.

You've deluded yourself that everyone here must hate opposing views because you and Ninja happen to represent the worst of conservatives.

When you constantly parrot white supremacist talking points, obviously people will take issue with that. Especially on a forum with a lot of people of color. That has little to do with the fact that they're opposite views.
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Ummm, ok, how does that change anything?

Let me ask you, do you do the same for liberal point of views. Because all over NT I see you spewing nonsense straw men
Obviously......im not out protesting the pride parade or yelling at syrian refugees to go home, so obviously I do give liberal points of view credit and respect.

Had hillary won, I literally would have shrugged and accepted it.

You love to label people quick tho, troll racist, sws.... thats the intellectual flabiness the vid talked about.

Then you jumped quick claiming you owned me not even considering like 6 people spoke.

You are absolutely thirsty to be right and feel morally superior, you're not.
Obviously......im not out protesting the pride parade or yelling at syrian refugees to go home, so obviously I do give liberal points of view credit and respect.

Had hillary won, I literally would have shrugged and accepted it.

You love to label people quick tho, troll racist, sws.... thats the intellectual flabiness the vid talked about.

Then you jumped quick claiming you owned me not even considering like 6 people spoke.

You are absolutely thirsty to be right and feel morally superior, you're not.
And you also have a long history of borderline racist remarks. Even the admin of this site called you out on that several times. If you don't want to be called a sws, racist, ... then just don't post racist and bigoted comments. It's quite simple.
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And you also have a long history of borderline racist remarks. Even the admin of this site called you out on that several times.
You have a long history of exaggerating long histories, hiding behind mods, and stalking ninjahood. 

Tell me exactly what ive said that can be defined as actual racism or shut up.
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Ummm, ok, how does that change anything?

Let me ask you, do you do the same for liberal point of views. Because all over NT I see you spewing nonsense straw men
Obviously......im not out protesting the pride parade or yelling at syrian refugees to go home, so obviously I do give liberal points of view credit and respect.
Had hillary won, I literally would have shrugged and accepted it.

You love to label people quick tho, troll racist, sws.... thats the intellectual flabiness the vid talked about.
Then you jumped quick claiming you owned me not even considering like 6 people spoke.

You are absolutely thirsty to be right and feel morally superior, you're not.

-Claiming you give liberal point of views a chance doesn't line up with reality.

-The only reason I call you a troll is because you have trolled a lot, the only reason I say you have said racist things is because you have said racist things a lot. Period

I am definitely not the only person that holds these views. If you don't want to be judged on you actions/comments. Change the content of your actions and comments, and people will view you differently

-You're projecting with the "claiming to own you". That is a move you love to pull. You even tried it yesterday with you the Big Pun things. You love when you can claim victory and not engage in a reasonable debate because your talking points run out of gas real damb quick.

All I have to do is box you in a corner a lil, and then you start copping pleas. That is evidence that your view points are not meant to further the discussion, they are meant to get a reaction. All I have to do is flip it on you, and you start to hate the taste of you own medicine.

I don't think I'm always right, but I can argue my point. And I don't think I moral superior to most people, but I am to you. Because I don't go around NT spewing the racial ignorance you do.

Ask have had debates with most of the people you claim to be my rescuers in here. We have argued on stuff, shook hands, and chopped in up in another thread.

The people I never give breaks to are people that spew ignorance regarding black/minorities people.
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u still acting like this is typical election...
And you're acting like him and his transition team don't have a shred of common sense left in them.
It sure does sound like a great idea to nominate an oil executive with close personal and business ties to Putin for secretary of state in the midst of all this Russia controversy. Trump might be perfectly fine with that but surely someone on his transition team has a bit of common sense left in them to prevent a PR disaster

because Trump's henchmen got a track record of being able to control him :nerd:...
Your new Russian-backed US regime brought to you by Goldman Sachs and Exxon...

@ReutersPolitics: JUST IN: Transition team confirms Trump will nominate Goldman Sachs President Cohn as National Economic Council director
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You have a long history of exaggerating long histories, hiding behind mods, and stalking ninjahood. 

Tell me exactly what ive said that can be defined as actual racism or shut up.
You just recently made a thread about "debunking white privilege" 

White privilege is factual, period. There's an abundance of scientific studies, statistics, ... that prove its existence.

The denial of white privilege is straight out of the white supremacist playbook.

Your constant co-signing of Ninja's white supremacist talking points hasn't exactly gone unnoticed either.

For the record I don't think I've reported you yet. I've reported Ninja a few times when he goes on his racism doesn't exist rants.
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the swamp got drained and now he's gonna fill it up with gold coins for him to swim in, scrooge mcduck style :rofl:
Your new Russian-backed US regime brought to you by Goldman Sachs and Exxon...
But what about Hillary's paid speeches to da banks? :nerd:

It all makes Trumps campaign talk ring all the much more hollow :rofl: :x

Dude's turning the swamp into a goddamn lagoon

:rofl: Trump's cabinets is the god damb Everglades

-My homeboy likes to compare Wall Street corruption to wing sauce, the politician is the wing, with the American Public being lightweight that doesn't like flavor.

He said everyone can tolerate the mild, Hillary got people scared because they thought she was the medium, but Trump is the joint you gotta sign a release from before they give it to you.

The American Public gonna be on its knees in the bathroom, crying, wondering why the **** did they make this decision.
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Rusty.....miss me with the racist remark nonsense

Tell me what ive said....specifically that you can find here that is undeniably racist. Then ill take the ban it deserves and happily bow out.
You act like with peoples fingers hovering over the report button, im under the radar enough to get away with anything.

Stop exaggerating. 

Columbia....stop exaggerating. 

You sell front row wolf tickets with vip backstage passes
Your new Russian-backed US regime brought to you by Goldman Sachs and Exxon...
But what about Hillary's paid speeches to da banks? :nerd:

It all makes Trumps campaign talk ring all the much more hollow :rofl: :x

Dude's turning the swamp into a goddamn lagoon

:rofl: Trump's cabinets is the god damb Everglades

-My homeboy likes to compare Wall Street corruption to wing sauce, the politician is the wing, with the American Public being lightweight that doesn't like flavor.

He said everyone can tolerate the mild, Hillary got people scared because they thought she was the medium, but Trump is the joint you gotta sign a release from before they give it to you.

The American Public gonna be on its knees in the bathroom, crying, wondering why the **** did they made this decision.

:rofl: :rofl:

So on point though,Trump's definitely the Kamikaze wings :lol:
Rusty.....miss me with the racist remark nonsense

Tell me what ive said....specifically that you can find here that is undeniably racist. Then ill take the ban it deserves and happily bow out.

You act like with peoples fingers hovering over the report button, im under the radar enough to get away with anything.

Stop exaggerating. 

Columbia....stop exaggerating. 

You sell front row wolf tickets with vip backstage passes
Denying the existence white privilege is undeniably racist. There is no way an educated person can examine the abundance of scientific studies and statistics and determine that white privilege is just a fabricated concept without choosing to deliberately remain ignorant of said evidence. If you have not looked at any evidence that confirms its existence then you shouldn't have made an ill-informed thread stating otherwise.

Weren't you also co-signing Ninja's "systemic racism is just a leftist fable" in this thread? 
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Rusty.....miss me with the racist remark nonsense

Tell me what ive said....specifically that you can find here that is undeniably racist. Then ill take the ban it deserves and happily bow out.
You act like with peoples fingers hovering over the report button, im under the radar enough to get away with anything.
Stop exaggerating. 
Columbia....stop exaggerating. 
You sell front row wolf tickets with vip backstage passes

It's funny how you qualify it with the word "undeniably" because you know that you purposely walk that line.

When someone such as yourself routinely brings lingo and content from one of the largest racist enclaves on the internet (The_Donald) it's no shock to see why you've earned your label

We've had plenty of users who have worked that exact angle before. Can you guess how their tenure here ended?
Rusty.....miss me with the racist remark nonsense

Tell me what ive said....specifically that you can find here that is undeniably racist. Then ill take the ban it deserves and happily bow out.
[thread="509493"]You cant tho , you just write 10000 words to make yourself feel intelligent and righteous. [/thread]
You act like with peoples fingers hovering over the report button, im under the radar enough to get away with anything.
Stop exaggerating. 
Columbia....stop exaggerating. 
You sell front row wolf tickets with vip backstage passes

-I can write long post because I have researched the topic enough to do so, try it.

-And I love how you qualify your racially insensitive remarks. It has to be undeniable. That it the type of garbage that allows so much stupid talking points to be pedaled. Because once you don't sound like David Duke, it must be ok.

Dude you're no unique, we all know how your story is going to end Whether it takes months, or over a decade like Blco
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It's funny how you qualify it with the word "undeniably" because you know that you purposely walk that line.

When someone such as yourself routinely brings lingo and content from one of the largest racist enclaves on the internet (The_Donald) it's no shock to see why you've earned your label

We've had plenty of users who have worked that exact angle before. Can you guess how their tenure here ended?
Columbia....people smarter than myself debate it regularly... nice try.

Plvn....you are reaching so hard to make me somebody who you want me to be its kinda creepy.

Heres an angle you can work, take what ever label you have for me and stick it where the sun dont shine
-I can write long post because I have researched the topic enough to do so, try it.

-And I love how you qualify your racially insensitive remarks. It has to be undeniable. That it the type of garbage that allows so much stupid talking points to be pedaled. Because once you don't sound like David Duke, it must be ok.
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Columbia....people smarter than myself debate it regularly... nice try.
And a reasonable educated person will come to the conclusion that white privilege is a fact.

Sources are included in the video description. There's plenty more statistics and studies that further confirm it's existence.
 On average, black men's prison sentences are 20% longer than white men's for comparable crimes:


Black people and white people use illegal drugs at similar rates, but black people are far more likely to be arrested for drug use:


African Americans are far more likely to be stopped and searched (although the contraband hit rate is higher among white people) in California: 


And in New York (where the data isn't quite as good but appears to be comparable to CA): http://www.nyclu.org/content/nypd-qua...

Those wrongfully convicted and later exonerated by DNA are disproportionately African American: http://www.innocenceproject.org/Conte...

Black kids are far more likely to be tried as adults and more likely to receive life sentences: http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/...

Black former convicts get fewer employer callbacks than white former convicts: http://www.irp.wisc.edu/publications/...

Emily and Brendan are more hirable than Lakisha and Jamal: http://www.chicagobooth.edu/capideas/...

On that front, this study is also interesting: http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/apl/9...  and similar results have been found in the UK: http://www.theguardian.com/money/2009...  and also in Australia: http://ftp.iza.org/dp4947.pdf  

Also, this news story has some great analysis: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/25/bus...

High schools with mostly African American and Latino students are less likely to offer courses in Algebra II or Chemistry than high schools with mostly white students: https://www.documentcloud.org/documen...

This article explores many of the other ways that increasingly segregated schools have negatively affected African American students: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/21/sun...

And this story discusses the fact that African American students are more than twice as likely to be suspended as white students--even in preschool. http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2...

The ACP report on racial disparities in U.S. health care: http://www.acponline.org/advocacy/cur...
This (dated) study is also damning: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36...  and there's lot of good info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and...

More info on increasing disparities in life expectancy between black and white people in the US: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/artic...

The most recent polls show fewer white people thinking racism is not a problem than the ones I used in this video (although still a huge divide): http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/22/politic...  and http://www.washingtonpost.com/politic...  and http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2014/12...

Racial wealth disparity and the role that inheritance plays: http://iasp.brandeis.edu/pdfs/Author/...  
Related wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_i...

The widening of the wealth gap: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/...
And a reasonable educated person will come to the conclusion that white privilege is a fact.

Sources are included in the video description. There's plenty more statistics and studies that further confirm it's existence.

Ill dismiss this as leftist propaganda and accuse you of not drinking coffee, rusty style.

Thats because I actually view you as an extremist columbia.

Im not gonna provide any solid evidence as to why, well because.....

Maybe if you stopped having a long history of making borderline extremists comments id watch
Ill dismiss this as leftist propaganda and accuse you of not drinking coffee, rusty style.

Thats because I actually view you as an extremist columbia.

Im not gonna provide any solid evidence as to why, well because.....

Maybe if you stopped having a long history of making borderline extremists comments id watch

And you still want to act surprised you're called a racist. Maybe if you took the time to examine evidence you wouldn't have this problem. For a moment I actually assumed you would watch/read the evidence, I guess that's my bad for expecting better.
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