***Official Political Discussion Thread***

At least when everything goes to **** I'll be able to enjoy a heapin' helpin' of schadenfreude by watching these Trump idiots suffer along with the rest of us
poorly worded answer that can easily be misinterpreted (by design). And don't misquote Obama his words in that clip (in order) were: "WHEN YOU VOTE, YOU ARE A CITIZEN YOURSELF".

And if he didn't outright encourage illegal voting he encourage the harboring of illegals (saying it gives you more reason to vote). Either way it's dangerous. But Obama's probably an illegal himself, so who cares, right?/quote]


hood n' tea come get ya mans
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OK. In the full context, he was not encouraging illegals to vote (directly). I concede that point.

However, we still had a sitting president encouraging people to vote in the interest of illegal immigrantion. That's still outrageous.
Trollsoul trying to steal the crown from his fellow comrades for most ignorant posts.

Even your comrade and savior trump stopped the "Obama isn't a legal citizen" lies.

As fellow comrade reacho would say "keep up"
OK. In the full context, he was not encouraging illegals to vote (directly). I concede that point.

However, we still had a sitting president encouraging people to vote in the interest of illegal immigrantion. That's still outrageous.

Are you familiar with the immigration process and the concept of "mixed status" families?
Trasoul is already a leg up above the hoods for the simple fact that he conceded a point.

He still shifted goalposts like crazy but, at least he conceded a point.
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Trasoul is already a leg up above the hoods for the simple fact that he conceded a point.

He still shifted goalposts like crazy but, at least he conceded a point.

Don't give him too much credit. He actually believes Obama isn't a legal citizen :rofl:
OK. In the full context, he was not encouraging illegals to vote (directly). I concede that point.

However, we still had a sitting president encouraging people to vote in the interest of illegal immigrantion. That's still outrageous.

Are you familiar with the immigration process and the concept of "mixed status" families?

I'm very familiar with the immigration process. It's one of the reasons my son isn't living with me right now (he's not in Mexico, btw). But there's still a legal process that's supposed to be followed.
OK. In the full context, he was not encouraging illegals to vote (directly). I concede that point.

However, we still had a sitting president encouraging people to vote in the interest of illegal immigrantion. That's still outrageous.

Are you familiar with the immigration process and the concept of "mixed status" families?

I'm very familiar with the immigration process. It's one of the reasons my son isn't living with me right now (he's not in Mexico, btw). But there's still a legal process that's supposed to be followed.

And it's being followed. And it has flaws that need to be acknowledged and corrected.

Personally, I think Obama's immigration policy has been humane, responsible, and in accordance with the spirit of the law.

The conditions to qualify for either DACA and the DREAM act require good character and an ability to contribute to society, and they are targeted towards people who had no say in the decision to come to the USA illegally or to overstay (minors).

In parallel with the policies he implemented, he has stepped up the removal of illegals with poor character (criminal records and convictions).

Those who oppose what his actions and calls to immigration reform do so out of a desire to preserve the white majority of this country: they're the ones who typically complain about Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans, but turn a blind eye to foreigners from poor European countries.

There is no encouraging of illegal immigration coming from the President.
Trasoul is already a leg up above the hoods for the simple fact that he conceded a point.

He still shifted goalposts like crazy but, at least he conceded a point.

Speaking of shifting goalposts, what is the point of people listing the popular vote count? This isn't particularly for you, amel. Just in general... For anyone... What does listing the popular vote prove?
It's the end of 2016 and Obama still has to deal with tinfoil hat clowns acting like he's a secret Kenyan :smh:
For a supposed secret Kenyan muslim communist dictator anti-christ he sure accomplished a lot of martial law and sharia laws
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Speaking of shifting goalposts, what is the point of people listing the popular vote count? This isn't particularly for you, amel. Just in general... For anyone... What does listing the popular vote prove?

In this particular scenario it atleast proves the rhetoric "the country has spoken" and trumps "we won the popular vote" said by trump is explicitly false.

I also think it's a good metric to have for comparison and analysis purposes.
Speaking of shifting goalposts, what is the point of people listing the popular vote count? This isn't particularly for you, amel. Just in general... For anyone... What does listing the popular vote prove?

Because some in here believe Drumpf has a mandate from the people. He doesn't. Obama won the popular vote AND electoral college by a wider margin last election and you think he would have a mandate but you wouldn't know by the petty obstruction by the Congress.
It's the end of 2016 and Obama still has to deal with tinfoil hat clowns acting like he's a secret Kenyan :smh:
For a supposed secret Kenyan muslim communist dictator anti-christ he sure accomplished a lot of martial law and sharia laws

For the record:

One man started the "birther movement." And that man is Barack Hussein Obama (as far as we know).


EDIT: One theory is that he allowed the rumors to swirl because viewed it as an appealing characteristic in his collegiate days.

Still his fault, whatever the motivations.
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For the record:

One man started the "birther movement." And that man is Barack Hussein Obama (as far as we know).


[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] The current president started his own delegitimization campaign?!? I could have sworn it was the current president elect who kicked off his venture into the political realm on that very premise, that Obama wasn't a citizen and asking for a birth certificate.
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Originating from Breitbart huh?

Did you even read that link man?

The author of that booklet even admitted she made an error herself
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Originating from Breitbart huh?

Did you even read that link man?

The author of that booklet even admitted she made an error herself

But he never corrected it and allowed the rumors to continue for way longer than they had to. I never said he wrote it himself.

How was she supposed to "correct" a 20 year old booklet that only resurfaced through an alt-right,formerly fringe site?
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Originating from Breitbart huh?

Did you even read that link man?

The author of that booklet even admitted she made an error herself

Did YOU read it?

Andrew Breitbart was never a "Birther," and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of "Birtherism." In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

... [W]e discovered, and now present, the booklet described below — one that includes a marketing pitch for a forthcoming book by a then-young, otherwise unknown former president of the Harvard Law Review.

It is evidence — not of the President's foreign origin, but that Barack Obama's public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.

Again, he allowed the rumors to swirl when it was convenient to him, now it's "racist" because someone is confused of his birthplace. :lol:

Please point out to me when Obama ever said he was born in Kenya,I'll wait...

I'm asking for his own words,not some second hand account
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Obama ain't Trump. Doesn't need to address everything the media says.

But yeah, it's HIS fault people questioning his birth place :rofl:
Did YOU read it?
Again, he allowed the rumors to swirl when it was convenient to him, now it's "racist" because someone is confused of his birthplace.
Birtherism is no more than a racially motivated attempt at delegitimizing the first black president. The man produced both his long and short form birth certificate and that still wasn't enough for the birthers, your mans Trump included.
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