***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He does realize that, had 75,000 voters went for Hillary instead of Trump in Florida and Pennsylvania, Trump would've lost bigly?

or, if the 4 million extra California voters redistribute to red states, she'd be flirting with 500 electoral votes?

how anyone with a high school degree can't understand how the electoral college disproportionately favors small states is beyond me.
newsflash, no one cares about da Russians. John Podesta got phished cuz he's a idiot.

and that popular vote count margin is exclusively thanks to California... maybe liberals need to move around ds US and stop clustering in Coastal enclaves.

Are you blissfully ignorant of different opinions or do you just not understand them?

Meanwhile in the real world:

US Intel warns Israel government about sharing info with Trump administration:
He does realize that, had 75,000 voters went for Hillary instead of Trump in Florida and Pennsylvania, Trump would've lost bigly?

or, if the 4 million extra California voters redistribute to red states, she'd be flirting with 500 electoral votes?

how anyone with a high school degree can't understand how the electoral college disproportionately favors small states is beyond me.
He didn't understand energy efficiency when it was explained to him, so I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't understand how the electoral college disproportionately favors small states.
This bigoted piece of **** just doubled down on the Lewis slander. Saying he should focus on the fixing crime ridden inner cities, because Trump needs all the help he can get. Maybe his homie Steve can tell him not to blow that dog whistle.
Steve Harvey been a cornball brother

your opinion, but Steve Harvey is da ranking black American talk show big dog in charge, no one other than Tom Joyner seeing him.

everyone here can blather & bloviate about their disdain for him, fact of da matter is, he's pretty influential with da demographics Trump looking to make inroads on. Steve's ratings back up this influence.
He's still a snake in the grass cornball brother.

You talking about his ratings and influence is irrelvant.
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A US counterintelligence task force was established by the CIA in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of President-elect Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the BBC reported  on Friday.

The task force included the FBI, the Treasury and Justice Departments, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the National Security Agency (NSA).

It was set up after the director of the CIA, John Brennan, received a recording of a conversation about money from the Kremlin going into Trump's campaign coffers, the BBC's Paul Wood reported. The recording was apparently passed to the CIA by the intelligence agency of one of the Baltic States.

On October 15, the task force was granted a warrant by a judge in the FISA court — named after the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — to intercept the electronic records from two Russian banks that may have been implicated in the money transfer, a senior intelligence official told the BBC. Trump was not named in the warrant, but three of his associates were the subject of the inquiry.

All three associates contacted, but not named, by the BBC, denied the allegations. The current status of the investigation is unclear.

The BBC report comes amid claims, contained in a dossier written by former British spy  Christopher Steele, of Trump's extensive ties to Russia.

Steele, who was the head of the British intelligence agency MI6's Moscow desk and is known for his "knowledge of the intricate web" of Kremlin-tied companies and associates, wrote the dossier between July and December of 2016 as part of an opposition research project funded by anti-Trump Republicans. Democrats later took over funding for the project.

A two-page summary of Steele's memos was attached to the intelligence community's classified report on Russia's meddling in the US election, which was presented to  Trump, President Barack Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden earlier this month. The nation's top lawmakers on intelligence matters, known as the "gang of eight," were also briefed.

FBI Director James Comey discussed the dossier with Trump verbally after presenting the president-elect with the report on Russian meddling, intelligence sources told CNN and NBC last week.

The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, released a statement  last Wednesday reiterating that, while the intelligence community had "not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, "part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security."

The dossier has apparently been circulating among journalists and top lawmakers since early last year. Sen. John McCain of Arizona obtained a copy that he handed over to the FBI before the election. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada obtained an early copy of the dossier as well.
"Information not reliable"

They out here chasing ghosts.

That's not what the article says.

while the intelligence community had "not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, "part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security."

They haven't decided whether the info is reliable or not, which means that they are still looking for any piece of info that can discredit or confirm what's on their hands.

Still, that the US intelligence agencies have publicly told US allies not to trust the Trump administration suggests that there isn't nothing.

Also, Trump's behavior regarding his relationship with Russia isn't exactly that of someone who doesn't have anything to hide.
Amidst all this controversy, Trump has now told the WSJ he'd be open to lifting the sanctions "if we get along with Russia or they help us"
It would really help diminish suspicion if he didn't set off red flags again and again.
JUST IN: Trump to meet Putin in first foreign trip as president: report

And it begins...

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And there goes yet another gigantic red flag...
but sorry to break it to you, literally nobody cares about Russia b
seriously, stop defending Trump and Russia. it's over. it's not a secret anymore. there's been smoke for months and now there's fire. the jig is up. don't make fools of yourselves defending a traitor.

even if only 10% of the allegations are true, it's still too much.

and until i see the orange buffoon's tax returns, I don't want to hear anything in his defense.

**** Trump.
Since this is still unconfirmed, I wonder if this meeting might not happen. Maybe someone is trying to throw fuel on the fire.

Because Trump can't be that stupid..........What I'm I saying, yes he can :lol:
What I don't understand with all these Republicans becoming Russia fans is what exactly does America have to gain by become friendly with Russia?
What I don't understand with all these Republicans becoming Russia fans is what exactly does America have to gain by become friendly with Russia?

More AIDS (the number of AIDS victims is expected to double in Russia next year, which is consistent with the results of Pence's term in Indiana);

Less freedom for women (in Russia, they're in the process of voting on a bill that would abolish domestic violence);

Lots and lots of Oil;

Moving back to the 1950s while everybody moves towards the 2050s.
da opposite should be asked as well...less we remember this..

I don't understand what this has to do with what I'm asking.

what inscentive is their for america to change current relationship with America?

They annex crimea, flatten allepo, interfere with election,and so what does america get in return from alienating the rest of their allies being all buddy buddy and ignoring these crimes/
because Obama needed da Iran deal to work hell or high water...that deal doesn't get done without Russian cooperation.
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