***Official Political Discussion Thread***

And it's a ripoff to those who don't live in a doctor's office.

Do you think the only people with car insurance are those who frequently get into car accidents?

Do you even understand the concept of insurance?

You better stay out of this one. Rusty isn't the best debater, but you aren't helping... At all.

I asked a question. Can't answer huh?
He's gonna say "something something trump will fix everything something something"

You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.

da liberal propaganda
I've seen how Obamacare works and it's not a sustainable solution. And it's a ripoff to those who don't live in a doctor's office.

Against, you're making projections with no track record of foresight. You can call me short-sighted, but all I've said is let's wait and see. That's patience.

And where are your solutions to your whining? Everything is doom and gloom. So that's it. Just cry and moan, hold up your fist, and then...? Are you going to get involved with your community at the local level? Or are you just going to pull up random national stats and complain about the macro view?

I'm sure all I'll get its an insinuation that I'm caping for people who you feel are better than you. You're a black inferiorist.

You should come to DC and witness history with me. It's OK. We're free to walk around with people of all colors but you can bring your papers if it makes you feel more comfortable. It's going to be a great day.

I work as an economic, part of my job is to say up to date will many of the issues, I have read more about these issues and their solutions, especially the ACA. The price jumps this year's were caused by the GOP cutting compensation to health insurance. The ACA can be easily fixed and the next best alternative is single payer. I know the issues, you spew ignorant right wing talking points.

On every issue I mentioned I can put forward a solution. People like you and Trump don't even know they exist.

I lived in DC, I have been to an inauguration, I don't need to see the King bigot getting sworn in.

But enjoy yourself, maybe some racist white people will pat you on the head, call you special, and aww.

And no one is buying the "you think white people are better than you talking point". This weak deflection doesn't insult me, just makes you look like a bigger cornball. But proceed, seems like that's the look you are going for.
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I would love to hear Trasoul plan to fix the ACA, and the health insurance situation.

Hell, what are the plans to fix anything.

I have e read all of Trump's thin proposals, and the RNC platform. Didn't find much solutions to anything in there.
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This dude only insult is based on his failing to understand a Malcolm X analogy about field Negroes and house Negroes.

I would love to hear Trasoul plan to fix the ACA.
Don't know for sure but I think most solutions to the ACA go something like this:

Repeal Obamacare. Replace with identical policy but call it Trumpcare. Put his cheesy ***** *** **** looking doughboy bigot face on the website and we'll suddenly hear from da deplorables about how great it is now that they can get health care.
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:lol: :smh: @ Steve Harvey talking about Obama told him to meet with Donald.

**** this guy.

DL Hughley wasn't haven't none of it he went in :smokin

"The reason you met with a rapper, a football player and a comedian, is because that's the roles your comfortable us being in"
:lol: :smh: @ Steve Harvey talking about Obama told him to meet with Donald.

**** this guy.

DL Hughley wasn't haven't none of it he went in :smokin

"The reason you met with a rapper, a football player and a comedian, is because that's the roles your comfortable us being in"

Glad DL still got some damn sense.

It's really insulting how people even some clowns ITT think that Black people really look at Black celebrities as leaders that we'll blindly follow without question.

"Oh _____________(insert tap dancing Black celebrity's name) likes him so I likes him too." :stoneface:
Random thought:

TYT is really the left wing version of Fox News. I cringe at some of the stupid **** they say, and using them has your main left wing new source will make you a dumber person.

My favorite from the is when they condemn the GOP and conservatives for their racism towards Obama, and then in the next video they will say something like "So what if the GOP were obstructionist, push through it, FDR did, every Dem president faced opposition".

I just love here progressives use white supremacy and racism as a convenient talking point for when it suits them, just love it.

And of course, the simple answer to everything "You lost because you were not Progressive enough". I literally want to slap every progressive that acts like the Tea Party were just disgruntled moderates, mad that Obama because refused to be there hero.
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What MLK had to say about Barry Goldwater and the republicans in 1964.

Sounds like he's describing a certain orange man child that will shorty be our president in a few days....

Since Rob "The Robbster" Schneider said something stupid, Roget Ebert (R.I.P.) once Earthed the **** out of Deuce Bigalow. 

Only thing I disagree with MLK in that comment was him claiming Goldwater was not a racist. Barry was damb racist, if you're gonna empower white supremacy in such a way, you are a damb racist.
nah, the jarsta won. Rob is a step below.

if you read his tweets, he comes across as a simple-minded fool, thinking he's saving face by equally going after both Trump and Obama.
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