***Official Political Discussion Thread***

^yo Smokey the Blood Bear acting a bool with that AK :rofl:

Are the Russians funding the bears? :nerd:

Russia got acrobatic bears, **** is real out there.

Arm these damn schools. No kid is safe from these bears. [emoji]128299[/emoji][emoji]128299[/emoji][emoji]128299[/emoji]
True. Grizzly bears might attack our schools with rocks. Main reason why she said we need guns in schools.
It makes total sense
I chuckled when she said this, I almost thought she was joking 
it was a roller coaster of emotions. laughter gave way to tears.

it was the best of times. it was the worst of times.
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The whole irony is that Betsy DeVos is a prime example of pay to play politics, which Trump supporters are supposedly against.

Idk the mental gymnastics you would have to do in order to defend ol Betsy
The whole irony is that Betsy DeVos is a prime example of pay to play politics, which Trump supporters are supposedly against.

Idk the mental gymnastics you would have to do in order to defend ol Betsy
Betsy looks evil
The whole irony is that Betsy DeVos is a prime example of pay to play politics, which Trump supporters are supposedly against.

Idk the mental gymnastics you would have to do in order to defend ol Betsy
I am really starting to believe he is nominating people to these positions for the sake of proving he can do whatever he wants. I wasn't too sure until the Rick Perry pick, that was way too blatant of a selection. Trump is just rubbing it in the faces of the Democrats and the voters with these choices man.

Scott Pruitt has sued the EPA on multiple occasions and doesn't believe in climate change, make him the head of it.  

Betsy DeVos has advocated against public education for years and has no political experience, make her the head honcho of public schools. 

Rick Perry thinks we need to get rid of the Dept of Energy, put him in charge of it. 

Trump says the big banks and elites are hurting the country, nominates multiple Goldman Sachs associates including Steve ******* Bannon and the forecloser in Chief Steve Munuchen (sp?).

All I can do is laugh at this, and hope for as little of a **** up as is possible 
Trump is gonna be their puppet, as long as his company get wealthier that man don't give a rats **** about what they do.
Yup seems about right, is pretty obvious that's the card the republicans are playing....they gonna need a scapegoat for all the morally ***** crap they about to pull off, once the damage is done and all fingers are pointing at Trump, they'll try to act like the Heroes, impeach him and have Pence take over, the biggest fools in America were the people that actually voted for him....congratulations NH & Co, YOU PLAYED YOURSELVES.
when you think about it is a win/win for the republicans, had a real politician won, even a crappy one, they still would have had to save face and not be so blatant about their moves, electing Trump couldn't have been better for them, like NH said earlier "da Don is not like any other politician, blah blah" that's the exact mentality the Reps are banking on....while they pull the strings, Trumps image is the only one that will take the heat, which is cool because is pretty much expected....he's the unorthodox president they say...lol

I take what's in it for Trump is $$$$$$$ and that's all he's ever been motivated by, he's a celebrity star, he doesn't care about his image anymore than a Love and HipHop member does.

Seriously those who voted him in, I'm not sure how you will be able to look yourselves in the mirror knowing you fell for the worst con game ever man...like how did they pull ya strings like this?
Only way Donald Trump could have had a library named after him was to become president.

The man doesn't even read!
OK I see that and all but Trump was able to slither out of any nonsense during his entire campaign. I find it hard to believe they will stop him and or he doesn't have a plan of his own. Either way we lose.
I wonder when he will expect someone to name an elemtanry school after him...his ego is so fragile he will probably complain about that too. "Obama worst president of all time gets schools named after him but the people's president can't. SAD!"
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