***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Exactly, so why would I give a damb about them being banned. Blacks are the real refugees in this country and we've been here the longest. Banning them moves black people up the totem pole.
wow. lmaoo you are ignorant af
you have racial totem pole in your head lmaooo  im done

aren't you a cop too?
scary thought

Does he know a Chad Hazelton?
you're absolutely right.

in da end, "climate change" is a Political consortium of da left that basically wants to Levy a tax on carbon dioxide...and there's a gigantic industry that depends on this narrative to continue to go, even though it's literally at da bottom of what da majority of Americans think is important compared to more pressing issues.
The GOP was once the party who addressed Global Warming, which is now referred to as Climate change. The GOP stressed the importance of protecting our environment. That all started to change once the science came along that proved man made carbon that we are pumping into the atmosphere has a signature that can be measured. We are able to see how much of an effect we are truly making precisely now. This changed their approach because it conflicted with one of their biggest lobbyists, Big Oil. It's because Obama was on board with clean energy and getting us off of foreign oil dependency and cutting fossil fuels, which is why the Right has been at such an opposition as a party. There are however Republicans that are directly affected in their districts that sing an entirely different tune than you're trying to pass off as reality. The environment isn't a political issue, it's a humanity issue and we as a planet need to make sure conserving and protecting it is a top priority if not "the" top priority.

It's selfish individuals such as yourself that place your want for a specific type of car/engine over the well being of your fellow man. Individuals like you are exactly what's wrong with this world.
Has Muslim friends but shows no sympathy... hmmm sounds awfully similar to the white guy with "Black friends"
I have sympathy just said I can see why dude is saying what he's saying.

White Supremacy ain't giving Black folks a pass because they got another minority out the paint.

We are basically WS's main chick. It will have it's mistresses and side pieces but it always comes back to F us.
Just caught up on the last 15 pages, I see Ninja turned up da ignorance a few notches.

Da climate changes every day b 

A while back when he was confronted with climate science, his response was

"they (scientists) can go kick rocks b

America gon do what America wants to do" 
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what does this have to do with anything?

thats like when white people say "but blacks kill eachother in chicago!"
White Supremacy ain't giving Black folks a pass because they got another minority out the paint.

We are basically WS's main chick. It will have it's mistresses and side pieces but it always comes back to F us.
Has Muslim friends but shows no sympathy... hmmm sounds awfully similar to the white guy with "Black friends"
I have sympathy just said I can see why dude is saying what he's saying.

White Supremacy ain't giving Black folks a pass because they got another minority out the paint.

We are basically WS's main chick. It will have it's mistresses and side pieces but it always comes back to F us.

And that's cuz they made them forget their address and can't put them out on the street.

Imagine if they had made slaves keep their original names up until today, you'd see KKK marches all over the place to cosign a "return to Africa act"
what does this have to do with anything?

thats like when white people say "but blacks kill eachother in chicago!"
Just higlithing a reality.
And that's cuz they made them forget their address and can't put them out on the street.

Imagine if they had made slaves keep their original names up until today, you'd see KKK marches all over the place to cosign a "return to Africa act"
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