***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The strategy of the right is to contradict every piece of science and logic out there knowing that every once in a while they'll be right, and then they can use that to claim that their hunches are more accurate than any science or logic.

Economic policy - wrong
Environment - wrong
Vaccines - wrong
Public support for ACA - wrong
Trump getting more votes than Hillary - wrong
Widespread voter fraud - wrong
Inauguration crowd sizes - wrong
Any argument about international politics - wrong
Any argument about American history - wrong
Regulations being automatically bad for the economy - wrong
Anything to do with inner cities - wrong
Gun violence - wrong
Mental health - wrong
Trump winning the electoral college - right

OH, forget all the wrong. They are right about everything now????

Among the allegations and revelations:

Bannon failed to pay or underpaid child and spousal support at a time when he was making $500,000 a year and was, according to documents he shared, worth much more.
Letters filed with the court by two school administrators allege that Bannon threatened them.
Bannon rarely saw his daughters and at one point did not see them for a full two years. During that time they had no idea where he lived.
In sworn declarations submitted to the court, Piccard says that Bannon was abusive towards his daughters.
This and simple not true.

-First off Muslim immigrants from 7 countries don't make up that big of a share of the overall population

-Second they are not located most of the poor African American community. Never are Latinos btw. Moving cost are exceptionally high so you have a mismatch of supply and demand

-Muslims tend to be middle class and highly educated, they don't do a lot of the unskilled labor that poor black people need in the neighborhoods.

-Next removing that many people from your economy makes it contract which can have down the line effects on other unskilled workers in black communities

-Anyway The smart thing would be to give them legal status to bid up their wage and make employers indifference between the two types of works.

Getting rid of foreign immigrants is not the key to African American economic prosperity. History doesn't agree with that sentiment. Institutionalized racism, structural inequity, and white supremacy.

You argument is extremely flawed and is based on a lot of false assumptions and bad economics
My argument is simple. Why allow more refugees into a country where the economy is struggling and a huge population of people are either unemployed or underemployed. Middle America is tired of paying for everyone else's problems. I'm willing to give Trump a chance 

Interesting choice of words...ya know just considering.
This and simple not true.

-First off Muslim immigrants from 7 countries don't make up that big of a share of the overall population

-Second they are not located most of the poor African American community. Never are Latinos btw. Moving cost are exceptionally high so you have a mismatch of supply and demand

-Muslims tend to be middle class and highly educated, they don't do a lot of the unskilled labor that poor black people need in the neighborhoods.

-Next removing that many people from your economy makes it contract which can have down the line effects on other unskilled workers in black communities

-Anyway The smart thing would be to give them legal status to bid up their wage and make employers indifference between the two types of works.

Getting rid of foreign immigrants is not the key to African American economic prosperity. History doesn't agree with that sentiment. Institutionalized racism, structural inequity, and white supremacy.

You argument is extremely flawed and is based on a lot of false assumptions and bad economics
My argument is simple. Why allow more refugees into a country where the economy is struggling and a huge population of people are either unemployed or underemployed. Middle America is tired of paying for everyone else's problems. I'm willing to give Trump a chance 

It may be simple, but that does not make it right

it is extremely flawed.

And by extremely flawed I mean it flat out won't work.
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My argument is simple. Why allow more refugees into a country where the economy is struggling and a huge population of people are either unemployed or underemployed. Middle America is tired of paying for everyone else's problems. I'm willing to give Trump a chance 
Son does have a good point though. We should fix home first before we worry about others.
People who are legal residents being prevented from coming home because of where they were originally born IS a home problem.

And what happens abroad tends to affect America in one way or another. Isolationism in 2017 is no longer a viable diplomatic strategy.
My argument is simple. Why allow more refugees into a country where the economy is struggling and a huge population of people are either unemployed or underemployed. Middle America is tired of paying for everyone else's problems. I'm willing to give Trump a chance 

Valid point. However, the current issue is specifically banning Muslim majority countries.
the economy is struggling and a huge population of people are either unemployed or underemployed

Why do people keep saying both these things?

Neither is true. Sure, you could make a convoluted argument that they are true (unemployment measures aren't accurate, etc.), but you can't just drop them as the crux of an argument without going into a more thorough discussion.

It's not just you. I see lots of people, especially on the right, dropping those lines like they're fact and then using it to justify something dramatic.



It could be stronger but it's not exactly "struggling."
We have lifelong American citizens who are living like refugees in their homeland.
This and simple not true.

-First off Muslim immigrants from 7 countries don't make up that big of a share of the overall population

-Second they are not located most of the poor African American community. Never are Latinos btw. Moving cost are exceptionally high so you have a mismatch of supply and demand

-Muslims tend to be middle class and highly educated, they don't do a lot of the unskilled labor that poor black people need in the neighborhoods.

-Next removing that many people from your economy makes it contract which can have down the line effects on other unskilled workers in black communities

-Anyway The smart thing would be to give them legal status to bid up their wage and make employers indifference between the two types of works.

Getting rid of foreign immigrants is not the key to African American economic prosperity. History doesn't agree with that sentiment. Institutionalized racism, structural inequity, and white supremacy.

You argument is extremely flawed and is based on a lot of false assumptions and bad economics
My argument is simple. Why allow more refugees into a country where the economy is struggling and a huge population of people are either unemployed or underemployed. Middle America is tired of paying for everyone else's problems. I'm willing to give Trump a chance 

I imagine had we done this during the depression era we wouldn't have been able to bounce back and have all these great contributions and advancements by immigrants.

In more recent times:

My argument is simple. Why allow more refugees into a country where the economy is struggling and a huge population of people are either unemployed or underemployed. Middle America is tired of paying for everyone else's problems. I'm willing to give Trump a chance 
Son does have a good point though. We should fix home first before we worry about others.

Umm, because we agreed to take in refugees decades upon decades ago. And we vote in people that continuous destabilize the refugees homeland.

His argument makes no sense because banning refugees won't improve black unemployment

And Trump is the man you all want to trust to do this?
Umm, because we agreed to take in refugees decades upon decades ago. And we vote in people that continuous destabilize the refugees homeland.

His argument makes no sense because banning refugees won't improve black unemployment

And Trump is the man you all want to trust to do this?
Dont agree about Trump and banning people,  but the money we spend helping others can be spent in apalachia and inner cities first. 
Son does have a good point though. We should fix home first before we worry about others.
That sounds good and I completely agree that we need to look out for ourselves first, but I have two main things to say about it:

1) This has been the argument for my whole life. But there's never going to be a time where we don't have problems to fix at home first. We can't just shut down and not take care of anything else until everything at home is fixed. This is how things never get done, when you condition task A on the completion of task B, especially when they have little to do with each other.

2) We both know damn well that the people advocating for this ban (mostly conservatives) have NO INTENTION to do anything for the inner cities or others in America who need help the most.

The people benefiting from this are the "snowflake" soccer moms driving their $80k SUVs in the suburbs who get nervous when they see someone at the grocery store who isn't a white blonde. Now they can go buy their gluten-free groceries in peace.
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Umm, because we agreed to take in refugees decades upon decades ago. And we vote in people that continuous destabilize the refugees homeland.

His argument makes no sense because banning refugees won't improve black unemployment

And Trump is the man you all want to trust to do this?
Dont agree about Trump and banning people,  but the money we spend helping others can be spent in apalachia and inner cities first. 

You just said dude has a good point. His argument is giving Trump a chance and banning people

And we help these people partly because our country messes hist up in their region constantly.

Spending on American's first is a noble position to have, and one I somewhat agree with, but look at the nonsense dude was trying to pedal before you cosign.
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