***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Famb just dropped some realness on the Nation. Slaves immigrated to this country in hopes of working have for their future generation to prosper.

They knew Cotton Country was popping like Hot Cisco back in the day

-On some real ****. **** this dude. This is some of the worst cornballing I have ever witnessed. I bet this fool freebases butter biscuits. Dude is disgusting and deserves the respect on no sane adult. At this point, his entire existence is a joke.

Dreams huh

edit: comment from TheRoot 
Ben Carson used to confuse the **** out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.
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How do you work longer, harder and for less than a slave?

Indentured servants worked their contracts and then were free to go.

Someone who is smart enough to perform brain surgery but so damn stupid at the same time.

Makes no sense!
Great surgeon, awful human being 
so let me get this straight: the new ban will not allow Iranian students to travel back to the united states if they don't already have a visa?

this is still absurd.

**** trump.

The way student visas work is like this:

You go to the local US embassy for the interview, and if your application to study here gets approved, you get a visa that is valid for no more than a year with a certain number of entries (one or unlimited, depending on the consulate official). The thing that shows your status as a student is a document called an I-20, which is completely independent from the visa.

What does that mean?

If your visa expires while you're studying in the US, you're still legally here so long as the date by which you're supposed to complete your studies on your I-20 hasn't passed. However, if you leave the US, you will have to apply for a new visa once you re-enter and go through the entire application procedure again. Previous entry into the US doesn't guarantee that your current application will be successful (in fact, it isn't uncommon to find cases where people have been denied a travel visa for coming too much in the US).

What does that mean for an international student?

You come here, spend 30k-40k on tuition + housing, food, and transportation (per year), go home for vacations after your freshman/sophomore year, and coming back to finish your studies in the US becomes a gamble. In other words, universities will see a decreasing number of international students.

Great! More spots for Americans!

Except that without addressing the rising cost of college education (and it won't be addressed) and considering the education funding cutbacks this administration will surely partake in (less money for public institutions), public universities will miss out on a pretty sure influx of cash (international tuition is usually 2 to 3 times the tuition paid by a resident student). This means that some programs will stop being offered, some departments may close, some professors may be laid off or turned into adjuncts, and some schools will definitely lose on research and innovation talent, which will mark the beginning stage of the Great American Brain Drain.

yeah, my schools been sending out notifications since like two months ago warning foreign students not to leave the country or they might not be allowed back in
Ben Carson the type to take a **** at ya house, wipe his ***, then throw the toilet paper in the trash

:x :x :x

Definite scumbag behavior right here.

I don't think Barson is dumb... Thinks he's just trying to play to the crowd that has "accepted" him.

I think most dudes with extreme opinions, no matter the venue, be it politics or entertainment, are just placating to their fan base.

Get a lot of these folks in a room solo and they'll be like "hell nah I don't believe the **** I say"

Ann Coulter on the Boondocks.
Ben Carson the type to take a **** at ya house, wipe his ***, then throw the toilet paper in the trash

:x :x :x

Definite scumbag behavior right here.

I don't think Barson is dumb... Thinks he's just trying to play to the crowd that has "accepted" him.

I think most dudes with extreme opinions, no matter the venue, be it politics or entertainment, are just placating to their fan base.

Get a lot of these folks in a room solo and they'll be like "hell nah I don't believe the **** I say"

Ann Coulter on the Boondocks.
Lol you underestimate some of these republican folks
They actually believe what they are saying is true even though it's very absurd
Just look at the president!
so let me get this straight: the new ban will not allow Iranian students to travel back to the united states if they don't already have a visa?

this is still absurd.

**** trump.

The way student visas work is like this:

You go to the local US embassy for the interview, and if your application to study here gets approved, you get a visa that is valid for no more than a year with a certain number of entries (one or unlimited, depending on the consulate official). The thing that shows your status as a student is a document called an I-20, which is completely independent from the visa.

What does that mean?

If your visa expires while you're studying in the US, you're still legally here so long as the date by which you're supposed to complete your studies on your I-20 hasn't passed. However, if you leave the US, you will have to apply for a new visa once you re-enter and go through the entire application procedure again. Previous entry into the US doesn't guarantee that your current application will be successful (in fact, it isn't uncommon to find cases where people have been denied a travel visa for coming too much in the US).

What does that mean for an international student?

You come here, spend 30k-40k on tuition + housing, food, and transportation (per year), go home for vacations after your freshman/sophomore year, and coming back to finish your studies in the US becomes a gamble. In other words, universities will see a decreasing number of international students.

Great! More spots for Americans!

Except that without addressing the rising cost of college education (and it won't be addressed) and considering the education funding cutbacks this administration will surely partake in (less money for public institutions), public universities will miss out on a pretty sure influx of cash (international tuition is usually 2 to 3 times the tuition paid by a resident student). This means that some programs will stop being offered, some departments may close, some professors may be laid off or turned into adjuncts, and some schools will definitely lose on research and innovation talent, which will mark the beginning stage of the Great American Brain Drain.
Yes, plus keep in mind how difficult it was for international students to return to the US before trump. I know people who would be stuck out of the country for 2 or 3 months. Now it's next to impossible.

And it's not just undergraduates. Many trainees are international. Many come from the Middle East, especially Iran. And they are the nicest damn people you'll ever meet, they are pro-American, and they are more progressive and modern than most Americans.

So **** trump with a rusted razor blade, that piece of orange ****.
Ben Carson was beloved by the black community and respect by liberals not to long ago.

Nothing is forcing him to be that big of a buffoon.
Ben Carson the type to take a **** at ya house, wipe his ***, then throw the toilet paper in the trash

:x :x :x

Definite scumbag behavior right here.

I don't think Barson is dumb... Thinks he's just trying to play to the crowd that has "accepted" him.

I think most dudes with extreme opinions, no matter the venue, be it politics or entertainment, are just placating to their fan base.

Get a lot of these folks in a room solo and they'll be like "hell nah I don't believe the **** I say"

Ann Coulter on the Boondocks.
Lol you underestimate some of these republican folks
They actually believe what they are saying is true even though it's very absurd
Just look at the president!

Some troll but hey all pretty much believe the **** they say.

Boondocks Ann Coulter was just a race baiting entertainer, real life Ann Coulter is still a vile bigot off camera.
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Famb just dropped some realness on the Nation. Slaves immigrated to this country in hopes of working have for their future generation to prosper.

They knew Cotton Country was popping like Hot Cisco back in the day :smokin


-On some real ****. **** this dude. This is some of the worst cornballing I have ever witnessed. I bet this fool freebases butter biscuits. Dude is disgusting and deserves the respect on no sane adult. At this point, his entire existence is a joke.

Not to detract from the highlighted part, which is absurd, unholy, disrespectful, and insane, I just want to point out that the first two paragraphs, where he talks about the brain, are also incorrect and plain wrong. Just because he was a neurosurgeon, doesn't mean he knows anything about the capabilities of the brain. Examples:

- there are 100 trillion connections in the brain, not "hundreds of billions". that'd be like saying i bought a new lamborghini for hundreds of dollars.
- the "capacity of the brain" argument is idiotic and about as well-sourced as the long-running myth that we only use 10% of our brains
- the brain does not remember "everything you've ever seen, everything you've ever heard." again, a simple-minded myth that shows an utter lack of understanding of nearly every scientific field known to man. sounds like he gets his scientific knowledge from watching Wild Wild West.

an idiot through and through. you'd think a black neurosurgeon would at least get the brain right or get slavery right. nope. neither.

these are the best-of-the-best that trump promised us he would surround himself with.
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D o n t r u m p
no info for the DEA
Federal agents mad ‘cause I'm flagrant
Tap my cell and the phone in the basement

Jk he not that cool
How do you work for less than what slaves "make"? Clown. No idea how you can say that while being a black man. If I were black, I'd disown my own father if he said that bull @#$@
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Ben signed a deal with the devil, took long enough for him to step up and dance on stage....needless to say he didn't dissappoint....

It's become plainly obvious what this administrations game is, say the most outlandish **** to distract the public/media.
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