***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That Carson statement is so embarrassing. It doesn't even make sense. It's unclear whether he's referring to slaves as immigrants in search of opportunity, which is idiotic, or if he's referring to the poorest of immigrants who were harbored on vessels that were also quartering slaves, which has historical accuracy. If that's the case then he basically goes on to say those white immigrants worked even harder and for less than the slaves. No matter how it's meant to be interpreted, it's the worst statement I've seen all year and the bar has already been set astronomically high in that regard.
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almost worse than well-done steaks



what a classless fool.
Just wear a ****ing tie clip and actual button the top button on the suit when standing up 
 this dude is just dumb on so many levels
GOP released their ACA replacement plan like 15 mins ago.

I'm not going sit down and read all 120 pages, I going call this exercise "Find the Finesse".

-Word is that the Medicaid expansion will continue. Look at how many **** boy Republican governors have a change of health are expand Medicaid for the GOP to brag about how many more people they got covered. And clowns are going to buy it too.

Funny how so many policies become more appealing to the GOP now that a liberal black man is not proposing them.
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GOP released their ACA replacement plan like 15 mins ago.

I'm not going sit down and read all 120 pages, I going call this exercise "Find the Finesse".

-Word is that the Medicaid expansion will continue. Look at how many **** boy Republican governors have a change of health are expand Medicaid for the GOP to brag about how many more people they got covered. And clowns are going to buy it too.

Funny how so many policies become more appealing to the GOP now that a liberal black man is not proposing them.
Rico tells me that you should read all 120 pages because in there you will be pleasantly surprised to find language describing how the Republican party plans to help out minorities in this country.
BTW, word is the GOP didn't include cost estimates or coverage estimates for their plan.

Surprise, surprise. I guess the CBO has them shook.
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Now it's OK to take the federal government money :smh:

Can't wait to hear the spin on how we can "afford" it now.
-Apparently they are going to gradually end the Medicaid expansion. 2020 is the last year. Medicaid get block granted.

-And it lifts the limits on how much insurance companies can deduct executive salaries

That is how the GOP plans to appease the insurance industry, buy straight up buying them off. :rofl:

osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh come get your mans Paul Ryan
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They will vilify the individual mandate, but then want to talk about adverse selection to push this.

Dese ****** had 7 years Chelle, 7.....



Word is that because of the Medicaid clauses it might be DOA in the Senate, and the CBO's scoring (which has not happen yet) might make it ineligible to even use budget reconciliation in the repeal process (not 100% on this).

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Famb just dropped some realness on the Nation. Slaves immigrated to this country in hopes of working have for their future generation to prosper.

They knew Cotton Country was popping like Hot Cisco back in the day :smokin

-On some real ****. **** this dude. This is some of the worst cornballing I have ever witnessed. I bet this fool freebases butter biscuits. Dude is disgusting and deserves the respect on no sane adult. At this point, his entire existence is a joke.

edit: comment from TheRoot 

Ben Carson used to confuse the **** out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.
:rofl: :lol:

Yo I'm crying :rofl:
So major changes to the ACA proposed by Baul Bryan:

- Add an 'H' before the 'C' but keep the protection for preexisting conditions and children up to 26.
- No longer require everyone to be covered. That way, the homeless and uninsured can go back to using the ED while the average taxpayer foots the bill.
- Tax credits can't be used "to purchase plans that offer elective abortion coverage."
- Reduces taxes on the rich (payments will presumably be covered by increasing the deficit)

btw the idea of a "health savings account" sounds like the dumbest thing ever (not on a personal level but on a policy level).
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They increased the age band from 3x to 5x. That means an older person can now be charged 5x more for health insurance than a young person. Before it was capped at 3x.

The AARP must be furious.
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-Apparently they are going to gradually end the Medicaid expansion. 2020 is the last year. Medicaid get block granted.

-And it lifts the limits on how much insurance companies can deduct executive salaries

That is how the GOP plans to appease the insurance industry, buy straight up buying them off. :rofl:

osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh come get your mans Paul Ryan
How is this a good idea? GOP really being flagrant now with Barson spewing that BS and Trump's antics but now this too? Smh
The GOP spent the past few months scrambling to come up with enough changes to the ACA that they could pitch it as a totally new thing. It reminds me of copying off someone else's homework and changing a few words here and there so that you don't get caught.

btw, this article is great: http://time.com/4691555/donald-trump-rage-anger-tweets-travel-ban-health-russia/

Donald Trump Has an Angry Weekend, Beset by Multiple Frustrations

some excerpts:

- Trump simmered all weekend in Florida before returning to Washington ahead of signing new immigration restrictions, according to associates who spoke to the president and, like others interviewed, requested anonymity to discuss private conversations. Those close to Trump said it was the angriest he's been as president, his rage bursting to the surface at his senior staff Friday afternoon in the Oval Office.

- Sessions' decision particularly infuriated a president who promised repeatedly during the campaign that he'd "win so much the American people would be tired of winning" and he felt that it was a sign of weakness, the person said.

- White House press secretary Sean Spicer, an honored guest at Saturday night's annual white-tie Gridiron Dinner, a night of witticisms delivered by reporters and politicos alike, spent most of the night with his head buried in his phone, missing many of the jokes, several at his expense.

ANGRY APE! :rofl:

the best temperament!
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They increased the age band from 3x to 5x. That means an older person can now be charged 5x more for health insurance than a young person. Before it was capped at 3x.

The AARP must me furious.
Do they keep the pre-existing condition mandate and ban on lifetime coverage limits? If I recall correctly, I think they were floating "high risk pools" as an idea to cover pre-existing conditions
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They increased the age band from 3x to 5x. That means an older person can now be charged 5x more for health insurance than a young person. Before it was capped at 3x.

The AARP must me furious.

Paul Ryan is who thought he was, a complete moron masquerading as a smart person. This **** politically toxic, vulnerable Republicans would super stupid to vote for this and no way it gets through the senate.

and to think...

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