***Official Political Discussion Thread***

People are just idiots and don't know what's good for them. This is why I lose so much faith in American people
Besides the congress website, how do you guys stay up with what congress is doing? Or in other words, what are the best non-bias websites to checkout?
if the people "don't know what's good for them," then who does???
I was saying that they clearly don't because they vote against their own interests and reading through many news articles and coverage about healthcare it's obvious many voters are stupid. They support people that wanna repeal their coverage and they have "no idea" they would do it despite all the talk that has been made about it?
I was skimming through this thread to see how the fake outage over Ben Carson's immigrant comment played out. Did I miss something? Was it ever actually acknowledged that Obama said the same thing with absolutely no backlash?


After you're done bashing my alleged affiliations. After you're done "discrediting" the source I'm using. After you say this is old news. Just stop for a moment... And acknowledge the liberal bias.

I'm not even defending what Carson and Obama said. I'm just scorekeeping the fact that they both said it. To have completely different reactions to the same statement and sentiment is ridiculous. It shows how black liberals in particular find it acceptable to unjustly throw another black person under the bus and openly question their blackness simply because of their political views.

These 2 clowns should be embarrassed. It's crazy how they're shamelessly pushing an agenda with no regard for the fact that some people can still think critically.

The messages in both instances are the same. To say otherwise shows a lack of either intelligence or integrity. Hopefully this gets through to someone despite the vitriol I'm sure to receive.
They are poor, sick and voted for Trump. What will happen to them without Obamacare?


Before the law, most West Virginians without children or disabilities could not qualify for Medicaid, no matter how poor they were.

Tug River Health Association treats about 8,700 patients, resulting in some 20,000 visits a year to its five clinics. In 2016, 12,284 of those visits were from patients on Medicaid, up from 5,674 in 2013, before the ACA took effect here.

And they all voted for Trump, who promised he had "a better plan," without ever showing the receipts.

if the people "don't know what's good for them," then who does???
I was saying that they clearly don't because they vote against their own interests and reading through many news articles and coverage about healthcare it's obvious many voters are stupid. They support people that wanna repeal their coverage and they have "no idea" they would do it despite all the talk that has been made about it?

"Take him seriously, not literally"
And they all voted for Trump, who promised he had "a better plan," without ever showing the receipts.
"Take him seriously, not literally"
I hope they alllll lose their health care. Racist Whites STAY voting against their own self intrests because of racism. Let them all lose their health care.
I gave that fool a couple hundred dollars, he better god damb win.

Trump got me outchea giving money to moderate Dems

And dude looking like he be banging Stifler's Mom
He prob wont win.
Any one think that if the healthcare bill passes the GOP losses the majority in the house in 2018?,

For that to happen, people HAVE TO VOTE. People have to stop coming up with excuses to not vote. Also, redrawing districts to minimize gerrymandering would help.
Im a fan of  Trump Care because I want to see all the poor racist Whites who voted for Trump lose their Health Care.
I was skimming through this thread to see how the fake outage over Ben Carson's immigrant comment played out. Did I miss something? Was it ever actually acknowledged that Obama said the same thing with absolutely no backlash?


After you're done bashing my alleged affiliations. After you're done "discrediting" the source I'm using. After you say this is old news. Just stop for a moment... And acknowledge the liberal bias.

I'm not even defending what Carson and Obama said. I'm just scorekeeping the fact that they both said it. To have completely different reactions to the same statement and sentiment is ridiculous. It shows how black liberals in particular find it acceptable to unjustly throw another black person under the bus and openly question their blackness simply because of their political views.

These 2 clowns should be embarrassed. It's crazy how they're shamelessly pushing an agenda with no regard for the fact that some people can still think critically.

The messages in both instances are the same. To say otherwise shows a lack of either intelligence or integrity. Hopefully this gets through to someone despite the vitriol I'm sure to receive.

Are you not tired of whataboutisms?

You can hear how Carson's statement tries to make African slavery fit in the context of quest for opportunity, as if they put themselves in bondage because they knew that eventually they would be better.

That's the difference between both statements, and trying to put slavery in that context is a misrepresentation of what being a slave was (property).
trasoul82 trasoul82 the article you posted is wildly inaccurate. The quotes they use from Obama are not at all similar to what Carson is saying. Carson is undermining the plight of slavery for Africans and trying to compare slavery to immigrants when they are nothing similar the backlash to Carson is for his comparison to the two because it is a WRONG to compare the two. Obama never does any such thing in any of the quotes used. What Obama speaks about is about is that we are all immigrants which is true but that regardless of where we come from that we must all come together and work together. His message in all of the quotes are about unifying the American people not to compare the plight of slavery to that of other immigrants because the experiences of both are completely different. There is no "liberal bias" or media slant in response to Carson's statements because what Carson is saying is a lie
Any one think that if the healthcare bill passes the GOP losses the majority in the house in 2018?,

For that to happen, people HAVE TO VOTE. People have to stop coming up with excuses to not vote. Also, redrawing districts to minimize gerrymandering would help.

I have very little confidence that people will change. Abortion, gun rights, and LGBT rights will all be brought up, distracting people from things that actually impact their lives.
If Dr. Benjamin Franklin Carson 2020, MD wasn't so busy tap dancing maybe we would've given him the benefit of the doubt.

I like how the guy in the video says, "Anybody who's making it the same thing doesn't understand how language works," like we don't even need to bother articulating the difference to you. It's in the video.
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if the people "don't know what's good for them," then who does???
I was saying that they clearly don't because they vote against their own interests and reading through many news articles and coverage about healthcare it's obvious many voters are stupid. They support people that wanna repeal their coverage and they have "no idea" they would do it despite all the talk that has been made about it?

ok...still leaves my questioned unanswered...who should decide?

I was skimming through this thread to see how the fake outage over Ben Carson's immigrant comment played out. Did I miss something? Was it ever actually acknowledged that Obama said the same thing with absolutely no backlash?


After you're done bashing my alleged affiliations. After you're done "discrediting" the source I'm using. After you say this is old news. Just stop for a moment... And acknowledge the liberal bias.

I'm not even defending what Carson and Obama said. I'm just scorekeeping the fact that they both said it. To have completely different reactions to the same statement and sentiment is ridiculous. It shows how black liberals in particular find it acceptable to unjustly throw another black person under the bus and openly question their blackness simply because of their political views.

These 2 clowns should be embarrassed. It's crazy how they're shamelessly pushing an agenda with no regard for the fact that some people can still think critically.

The messages in both instances are the same. To say otherwise shows a lack of either intelligence or integrity. Hopefully this gets through to someone despite the vitriol I'm sure to receive.

while in the strictest sense both the carson & obama statement are similar, the sentiment behind the 2 are completely different though; context & intent matters...the healthcare point is basically the same, however the context & intent is again totally different; in obama's example he's literally explaining how insurance actually works and its comparable value with the aim to decrease healthcare costs, in the other case it is kinda making a false equivalency and is likely to increase healthcare costs...but i'd have to say there definitely is more overlap in that 2nd instance...that being said i do basically agree with your premise (in bold), that kind of double standard is almost going to be a given, and to an extent it is understandable, we are willing to give more leeway or reinterpret people we like/trust/agree with as opposed to those we don't, but i would agree that it is a mostly counterproductive practice...

Are you not tired of whataboutisms?

You can hear how Carson's statement tries to make African slavery fit in the context of quest for opportunity, as if they put themselves in bondage because they knew that eventually they would be better.

That's the difference between both statements, and trying to put slavery in that context is a misrepresentation of what being a slave was (property).

to the extent it is actually true where just because of who the person is, affects how a message is received, no...
If Dr. Benjamin Franklin Carson 2020, MD wasn't so busy tap dancing maybe we would've given him the benefit of the doubt.

I like how the guy in the video says, "Anybody who's making it the same thing doesn't understand how language works," like we don't even need to bother articulating the difference to you. It's in the video.

Not needing to articulate the difference and not being able to articulate the difference are not the same thing.

Again, I'm not saying Carson or Obama is correct in their comparing slavery to immigration. I'm just wondering why Obama got no flack whatsoever.

"There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters, might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land."


"So life in America was not always easy. It wasn’t always easy for new immigrants. Certainly it wasn’t easy for those of African heritage who had not come here voluntarily, and yet in their own way were immigrants themselves. There was discrimination and hardship and poverty. But, like you, they no doubt found inspiration in all those who had come before them. And they were able to muster faith that, here in America, they might build a better life and give their children something more."

Is Ben Carson the smoothest talker? Not at all. But to imply that he was saying that Africans were happy to be on the bottom of slave ships is pathetically disingenuous. This is a game of semantics based on the fact that Ben Carson is a conservative. I don't expect everyone to take the blinders off. I recognize that it's unrealistic to expect that. But there has to be someone who can step out of the circle jerk and see the clear bias. Bias that causes some to question the blackness of a man who is actually blacker than Obama.

As I predicted, there are some who are more concerned with the source (much like the same message from Obama being interpreted differently when it's said by Carson), so here is a Google link with plenty of sources who've acknowledge the issue:

^ is there some bias that gives Obama a bit more wiggle room than Carson based on the past decade of their actions and the viewpoints they have articulated on issues of race in this country? Absolutely.

People are just idiots and don't know what's good for them. This is why I lose so much faith in American people

if the people "don't know what's good for them," then who does???
In the same way the average person relies on a doctor for medical care or a lawyer for legal advice, I think it's perfectly reasonable to say that the average person doesn't know what the best political policies are either.
tokes99, I appreciate the fact that you can acknowledged that there is indeed some bias. That's all I'm trying to get to.

And not to knock anyone from Hawaii or Indonesia, but I think someone who grew up in urban Detroit would understand "the struggle" a little better. There's no need to question Dr. Carson's blackness.
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