***Official Political Discussion Thread***


By the time James McDaniel used this picture and the headline 'Satire Makes Fools of Gullible Trump Supporters' to confess he was peddling fake news, his website had gained more than one million views in the space of two weeks


When you hate so much you'll grasp on to anything.

:lol: the comments on the article on the site telling them they've been duped, idiots still won't accept it. Jesus Christ. This is who we allowed to dictate the future of the nation. I want the people who didn't vote or chose fringe candidates with no chance to think about that.
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A federal court has dealt Texas another loss over voting rights, finding that Republicans racially gerrymandered some congressional districts to weaken the electoral influence of the state's booming minority population.

The ruling late Friday by a three-judge panel in San Antonio gave Democrats hope of new voting maps that could give them more seats in Congress. But the 2-1 decision didn't mandate an immediate fix and Texas could appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Republicans currently hold two of the three congressional districts ruled newly invalid. The maps were originally drawn by the GOP-controlled Texas Legislature in 2011.

Texas that year also passed a voter ID law that ranks among the toughest in the nation but has since been weakened by court rulings.
Huge victory for basic voting rights in Texas. GOP gotta be scared now if Texas is ruling gerrymandering illegal 8)
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this is how you create enemies. thanks, ***** trump!

Meanwhile, the villagers of al Ghayil are not calling for the usual tribal standard of compensation for the families of victims. Few wanted to be named saying so, but all expressed the same sentiment less than two weeks after the raid: This time, they want revenge, not a payout.

While President Trump continues to hail the mission as a success, quoting Defense Secretary James Mattis in Congress last week that intelligence gathered “will lead to many more victories in the future against our enemy,” in Yakla, the clearest outcome appears to be lengthening the list of America’s adversaries beyond al Qaeda.

Mohammed al Taysi, the tribesman who tried to join the fight in al Ghayil, put it succinctly as we parted company at dusk along the track out of Yakla. “If they come back,” he said, referring to the SEALs, “tell them to bring their caskets. From now we are ready for any fight with the Americans and the dog Trump.”


one of the comments on the article by a deplorable:

And yes Trump is obviously overstating the possibility of completely extinguishing Islamic extremism. He does not mean it literally. Just as Chruchill vowed to extinguish Nazism yet there are still some nazis around today. How could you not understand this?
What a disgusting comment. The reality is the better parallel is between trump going after Islam and Hitler vowing to extinguish Judaism. :smh:
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Another possible victim of Trump's policies:


We might not be able to win the bid for the 2026 World Cup because of the ban.

The US is one of the few countries that could make money off the tournament. We already have the infrastructure (soccer and football stadiums), the hotels, the expendable money to make sure that every game is sold out, a decent level of awareness about the sport compared to 1994, and this buffoon is going to make us miss out on that.

**** Trump.
this is how you create enemies. thanks, ***** trump!

Meanwhile, the villagers of al Ghayil are not calling for the usual tribal standard of compensation for the families of victims. Few wanted to be named saying so, but all expressed the same sentiment less than two weeks after the raid: This time, they want revenge, not a payout.

While President Trump continues to hail the mission as a success, quoting Defense Secretary James Mattis in Congress last week that intelligence gathered “will lead to many more victories in the future against our enemy,” in Yakla, the clearest outcome appears to be lengthening the list of America’s adversaries beyond al Qaeda.

Mohammed al Taysi, the tribesman who tried to join the fight in al Ghayil, put it succinctly as we parted company at dusk along the track out of Yakla. “If they come back,” he said, referring to the SEALs, “tell them to bring their caskets. From now we are ready for any fight with the Americans and the dog Trump.”


one of the comments on the article by a deplorable:

And yes Trump is obviously overstating the possibility of completely extinguishing Islamic extremism. He does not mean it literally. Just as Chruchill vowed to extinguish Nazism yet there are still some nazis around today. How could you not understand this?
What a disgusting comment. The reality is the better parallel is between trump going after Islam and Hitler vowing to extinguish Judaism. :smh:

Good luck with that. Is he going to kill 2 billion people?

The worst part is that we already know his enablers will walk away from this mess unscathed.
^ I wouldn't put it past him to kill 2 billion. We will be lucky to avoid some sort of major conflict in the next 4 years
Another possible victim of Trump's policies:


We might not be able to win the bid for the 2026 World Cup because of the ban.

The US is one of the few countries that could make money off the tournament. We already have the infrastructure (soccer and football stadiums), the hotels, the expendable money to make sure that every game is sold out, a decent level of awareness about the sport compared to 1994, and this buffoon is going to make us miss out on that.

**** Trump.
Well there's always bribing the Fifa officials, worked well for Qatar 
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Another possible victim of Trump's policies:


We might not be able to win the bid for the 2026 World Cup because of the ban.

The US is one of the few countries that could make money off the tournament. We already have the infrastructure (soccer and football stadiums), the hotels, the expendable money to make sure that every game is sold out, a decent level of awareness about the sport compared to 1994, and this buffoon is going to make us miss out on that.

**** Trump.
Dammit not Trump is affecting my dream of attending a World Cup match 

Wikileaks claims it's an organization to hold those with power accountable and promote transparency but they haven't produced any leaks of Russia. Assange says they don't cover Russia for two reasons; no one there speaks Russian, and because Russia has such a free and empowered critical press: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/dec/24/julian-assange-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-interview

Except press freedom has plummeted in the 16 years Putin including 10x the number of journalists murdered compared to other countries, and almost always those critical to the Kremlin: http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/article/2016/jan/04/does-vladimir-putin-kill-journalists/

The lack of Russian-speaking staff sounds kinda plausible though until you find out that early on in the history of wikileaks, Assange denied a US focus and said they would be targetting Russia and China as well: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/dec/02/julian-assange-wikileaks-china-russia

In fact, Assange personally claimed to have a bombshell release on Russia: http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Euro...ussia.-But-will-Russians-get-to-read-about-it

However, we'll never know what that was because it was never released after Russia obliquely threatened Assange: http://foreignpolicy.com/2010/11/01/russias-fsb-to-wikileaks-we-could-destroy-you/

Whatever ultimately happened, the two sides must have made up fast because they've been they've been working together ever since. In fact, Assange was literally hosting a show on the Russian state propaganda channel the following year: https://www.rt.com/tags/the-julian-assange-show

Wikileaks on the Panama Papers via their friends at RT: https://www.rt.com/news/338683-wikileaks-usaid-putin-attack/
The one thing that will really force republicans to think twice about their slavish support of trump is John Ossoff winning the 6th congressional district in april.

so if you are american, and you want to stop trump, forget the russia stuff, donate to Jon ossoff and if you live in georgia in his district, go vote for him.

Russia conspiracies will not save you.

I gave that fool a couple hundred dollars, he better god damb win. :lol:

Trump got me outchea giving money to moderate Dems :smh:

And dude looking like he be banging Stifler's Mom
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"Both parties are the same"
WASHINGTON – South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard made South Dakota the first state this year to enact anti-LGBT legislation following the signing of S.B. 149 today, which permits taxpayer-funded agencies to deny services to LGBT people, authorizing discrimination through the use of religious exemptions. With today’s signing of S.B. 149, the legislation becomes the first this year in a series of anti-LGBT bills advancing in state legislatures across the country.

“Today’s signing of S.B. 149 is deeply troubling not only because it opens the door to widespread discrimination against LGBT people and children in South Dakota, but because it’s only one of many bills moving through state legislatures across the country that authorizes taxpayer-funded discrimination against LGBT Americans,” said James Esseks, director of ACLU’s LGBT Project. “These laws run contrary to one of our core American values: the rule of law, which means we are all held to and protected by the same laws. These exemptions encourage people to pick and choose which laws they are going to follow based on their religious beliefs.”

While South Dakota becomes the first state in 2017 to enact anti-LGBT legislation into law, other state legislatures across the country are aggressively pursuing similar measures, including Texas (S.B. 892 and H.B. 1805), Oklahoma (H.B. 1507), and Alabama (S.B. 145), among others.

“South Dakota just enacted the first anti-LGBT legislation of 2017, shamefully targeting LGBT parents and vulnerable kids,” said Laura E. Durso, vicepresident of the LGBT Research and Communications Project at the Center for American Progress. “S.B. 149 allows religiously-affiliated foster care and adoption agencies to turn away qualified LGBT parents and single moms who simply want to start families and give young people a safe, loving home. Same-sex couples are six times as likely to foster than different-sex couples are, and this bill proves once again that opponents of equality are happy to put children at risk and deny them permanent homes to further their anti-LGBT agenda."

Local and national child welfare experts sent letters opposing S.B. 149, including The Adoption Exchange, Child Welfare League of America, National Association of Social Workers, and Voice for Adoption. This was in addition to family law experts including South Dakota pediatricians, and local and national LGBT rights organizations including the Movement Advancement Project, the Human Rights Campaign, and more.

“We’re deeply disappointed by Governor Daugaard’s decision to green light Senate Bill 149,” said Libby Skarin, policy director of the ACLU of South Dakota. “This discriminatory legislation takes South Dakota in the wrong direction, and sends the message that our leaders are more concerned with the desires of religious agencies than the rights of individuals and children in our state.”
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