***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Reading the twitters of morons, I'm glad I don't know people like them in real life. They wouldn't like me either since i'm not white or republican. You read their timeline and it's endless hate while at the same time they say they're not an evil racist.
FAX UPON FAX MACHINE UPON FACSIMILE B. Republicans frees the slaves and were for civil rights not LIBBIES

I feel like I wasn't sure if this was a joke or not, but even if you were joking there deserves to be a huge FYI to consider here for others (just in case):

LONG STORY SHORT, up until relatively recently (mid 20th century), the Democrats were once the Conservative party and the Republicans were once the Liberal party. For various reasons, there was a "switch" wherein which the political ideology of both parties did a massive 360.

I implore people to look at the actual political ideologies on the level of "left vs right" as opposed to "Republican vs. Democrat". Were this the 1860s, we damn sure would have been Republicans celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation, whereas Donald Dump and his contingency of clowns would have bemoaned the libtards and their destruction of the natural, God-given order.
They talk about how both sides at charlottesville were hostile and angry. Like people are supposed to be friendly towards those repping swastikas and the kkk.
They talk about how both sides at charlottesville were hostile and angry. Like people are supposed to be friendly towards those repping swastikas and the kkk.
stop fighting it and put on my mom's dress and read this bedtime story to me before i remove all your skin. geez! why don't you ever cooperate!
They actually hate conservatives and hate liberals but are considered very far left. Essentially the alt-left I guess and are considering themselves at war with the order + the far right. They show up and either sides events with the sole purpose of disrupting and causing destruction. They are a means of confusing people, they show up and cause damage and it's blamed on whoever is there protesting. Usually the first ones to toss a brick through a window or start a fire.

you're so on point, Donald Trump basically plagiarized you this afternoon.

Trump’s deleted cartoon dramatically altered the message, says Indianapolis Star creator

In his original cartoon, which ran just days before the inauguration, the Democratic donkey cannot hold back the political momentum of the Trump Express.

well well well......

didn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. :lol:
This man really said with a straight face he improved race relations since taking office
This piece of **** Trump really out did himself today. Wow

-Dear struggle contrarians, you and your false equivalencies from this day on will put you in the same lane as this clown. If you wanna still preach before sides are similar, then go ahead, sound like an uninformed *** too.

-All Trump supporters, if you still on the Trump train after this, you are a white supremacists too. Accept that, come to terms with that. Because your Bigot Lord is giving you guys no place to hide

geeee..... ive seen this speech before....

Lol I don't think anyone gives a **** about the statue in Charlottesville. That can stay up forever for whatever anybody cares. I think ppl took more issue with the neo nazi and kkk endorsements and Ohhhh yea, the fact someone got killed and the president refused to call it terrorism

If you're trying to make a slippery slope argument about statues then you're really missing the point.
Lol I don't think anyone gives a **** about the statue in Charlottesville. That can stay up forever for whatever anybody cares. I think ppl took more issue with the neo nazi and kkk endorsements

ostensibly da legality permitted rally's genesis was to protest da potential removal of da General Lee status and each fringe faction from both sides took it as a opportunity to add spices to da pot i.e. da KKK white supremacists/alt right & their Antifa/anarchists alt left counterparts.
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