***Official Political Discussion Thread***


The FBI has been briefing private sector companies on intelligence claiming to show that the Moscow-based cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab is an unacceptable threat to national security, current and former senior U.S. officials familiar with the matter tell CyberScoop.

The briefings are one part of an escalating conflict between the U.S. government and Kaspersky amid long-running suspicions among U.S. intelligence officials that Russian spy agencies use the company as an intelligence-gathering tool of global proportions.
Happy Sunday fam. DAPPER DON had an EXCELLENT week. LIBBIES don't have a clue about EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government and DON LOOKED EXTREMELY DAPPER ON TUESDAY. Barson made a fantastic statement on Twitter about hate. RUSTY found himself a wonderful woman in Tomi and their love grows stronger each day. AMAZING
Yo, RustyShackleford RustyShackleford I remember a few weeks back you were saying that this thread wasn't showing up in General on your computer. Did you figure out what was causing the issue? I haven't been able to find this thread in days. I keep having to go to watched threads and find it there.

@Methodical Management any idea what may be happening?

- Edit - even now that I replied, and the thread should be on the first page of General, I don't see it.

- 2nd Edit -

I had OP on ignore. I had to unignore him. I'm all good now :lol:
Yo, RustyShackleford RustyShackleford I remember a few weeks back you were saying that this thread wasn't showing up in General on your computer. Did you figure out what was causing the issue? I haven't been able to find this thread in days. I keep having to go to watched threads and find it there.

@Methodical Management any idea what may be happening?

- Edit - even now that I replied, and the thread should be on the first page of General, I don't see it.

You prolly blocked the thread started aka the da real OP
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116 roboticists and A.I. researchers, including SpaceX founder Elon Musk and Google Deepmind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman, have signed a letter to the United Nations calling for strict oversight of autonomous weapons, a.k.a. "killer robots." Though the letter itself is more circumspect, an accompanying press release says the group wants "a ban on their use internationally."

Other signatories of the letter include executives and founders from Denmark’s Universal Robotics, Canada’s Element AI, and France’s Aldebaran Robotics.

The letter describes the risks of robotic weaponry in dire terms, and says that the need for strong action is urgent. It is aimed at a group of U.N. officials considering adding robotic weapons to the UN’s Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. Dating back to 1981, the Convention and parallel treaties currently restrict chemical weapons, blinding laser weapons, mines, and other weapons deemed to cause “unnecessary or unjustifiable suffering to combatants or to affect civilians indiscriminately.”
I wish I knew how to use that feature. I've BEEN trying to block Rusty and other Kale Gang members for years but I still see their CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO. SMH WOW
We got something better than a block function Comrade :smokin
Da Papa Vlad scoped musket to hold the libbies at bay

Da twin brother Papa Vlad musket to keep the libbies out da door

Aside from its natural libbie repellant properties, it also has a hidden extra layer of protection:
Da gust of wind engraving engraving b :pimp:
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