***Official Political Discussion Thread***

(coaleagues, I must slip back into flag hatin', SJW, Kale gang elitist mode for now, until I come back to you guys, keep on polluting, keep with that winning mindset and before long we finna have so many coal powered satellites that da moon finna turn a(^100)frican America)

This coal thing has to be one of the longest running gags I have seen on this site :lol:

It started with a direct parody of ninja but it grew into a lot more and became a repository of many of the right wing online archetypes. While our crowd sourced, hip hop version of the Colbert Report is genuinely funny, it does provoke some serious and not so thoughts as well.

- Need to remind everyone, ninja has never got down with antisemitism, as far as I know. The echoes is purely lifted from other users, not on this board. The same goes for a few of the other, more outrageous things said by #coalgang. As I said, it is an amalgam of all sorts of conservative and libertarian online types all though all of them get put through an urban and Latino America filter.

- This 2015, 2016, 2017 politics thread is different then politics threads 10 years ago or so. I joined in 2004 and while the politics leaned left, there was still a sizeable minority of conservatives. Now, we are unanimously liberal.

The demographics of NT do not seem have changed very much. This forum's population seems largely to be made up of people in and around DC, NYC, LA, the Bay Area and Portland and Seattle. The youth and blackness made sure that NT has always been overwhelmingly democratic. Ten or twelve years ago, one could also find moderate conservatives among NT's other major demographic groups: suburbanites, Asian Americans and Latino Americans .

While George W. Bush's policies were disastrous, his political style was very different from the Tea party and Trump's brand of politics. While he did lead a disgusting fight to limit equal rights for gay people, Bush era Republicans rarely engaged in the apocalyptic, "us or them." For the most part the Bush era message was basically that of "don't be a weirdo, just get a job, a ranch house in a suburban sunbelt, grill steaks on the weekend and just ignore this shrinking share of the electorate known as liberals. Liberals are either snotty aristocrats who go to distant Ivy League schools or they are the weirdos who live in tiny apartments in the nearby big city. They are the strange bleeding hearts who make it hard to find parking when you take you girl friend into the city center to see a play and to eat at a nice restaurant. They are different, quirky, but not a threat to you and you future in suburbia with its perpetually rising home prices, cheap gasoline and guilt free air conditioning. You'll be able to prosper, have two, three, four kids, those weird big city liberals will have zero or maybe one kid, we'll win with Demographics."

That type of normcore politics appeals to white people but also lots of non white people as well. Especially when we had a Democratic Part that tried to be identical on questions of economics and foreign policy, the GOP was able to make party identity a proxy for consumer choices. Dems want you in a studio apartment, eating raw vegetables and driving a smart car. The GOP wants to get you into a real house with a pool, they want hamburgers and steak on your table and they want you driving a big, comfy SUV. In those terms, lots of people choose the latter.

Between then and now, everything has changed. Climate change is appalling undeniable, the housing market crashed, suburbia stagnate, the city has flourished and the GOP base, seeing itself on the wrong end of demographic trends, feels that it is at war with the other.

As a consequence, the suburbs of major cities and anyone who is not deep into white identity politics feels like they have no place in any sort of conservative ideology. The same thing has happened to most Latinos and Americans of Asian descent (including South and West Asians) and as a result, virtually everyone here is now some variant of liberal.

So while it may seem like an echo chamber, if we look at it in a binary conservative versus liberal way, there is actually a great deal of substantive discourse and isagreement among the now very expansive and very liberal universe of American liberalism

- In the future, when the UFC and the various boxing commissions are manufacturing polarizing characters in order to sell pay per view fights, they need to be more imaginative. Some day, I want to see a white, social justice fighter matched up with a self hating black man. Imagine a weigh in where our white leftist, shows up with a Bob Marley tee shirt and a bandana over his face and our self hating black fighter literally tap dances with a Ben Carson/Biggie mashup shirt.
We got something better than a block function Comrade :smokin
Da Papa Vlad scoped musket to hold the libbies at bay

Da twin brother Papa Vlad musket to keep the libbies out da door

Aside from its natural libbie repellant properties, it also has a hidden extra layer of protection:
Da gust of wind engraving engraving b :pimp:

WELL SAID COMRADE. Those are all the weapons we need to fight back.
It will be here until da Dapper Don leaves office


It will be here until Benjamin Barson 2020 completes his fourth and final term as president-emperor in 2037.

I joined in 2004 and while the politics leaned left, there was still a sizeable minority of conservatives

Agreed on everything. I also joined around the same time and very much leaned conservative. You did a great job accounting for many of the reasons why. The GOP back then was about personal responsibility and not apologizing for eating steak or fighting war when needed. They weren't perfect and, if I went back in time, I wouldn't lean right, even then, but at least they stood for some ideas that I could identify with. Meanwhile, Democrats to me seemed reflexively judgemental of people who didn't espouse the same exact views or of people who thought any sort of foreign involvement was evil.

I was walking down the street this past week and overheard a liberal saying, "Any war is evil." It was that sort of naivete that drove me away from liberals in the past. Obama really changed that for me because he was always thoughtful in his decisions and willing to share that with the public. To some, that made him weak. To me, that made him great.

Dems want you in a studio apartment, eating raw vegetables and driving a smart car. The GOP wants to get you into a real house with a pool, they want hamburgers and steak on your table and they want you driving a big, comfy SUV. In those terms, lots of people choose the latter.

Now the Democrats are Sous vide-ing their grassfed ribeye and eating fat-infused burgers on their condo's rooftop grill before hopping in their Tesla to an underground bar to enjoy 21-year scotch and a Cuban.

Meanwhile Cleetus and his cousin-wife are trying to find discounted beef shank and a bottle of A1 to make it palatable before washing it down with some Bud. Their 1985 Ford truck can't go fast enough anymore to drive on the highway so, after they're done complaining about "mooslims" and "obummer" during the evening news, they're stuck trying to Uber into town but they can only afford pool so they're sitting in the back of a Prius next to some cross-dressing stranger who smells like weed but they're on their best behavior so that their driver Ali gives them 5 stars.
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I respect Rex but my reasons for spurning LIBBIE ideology began back in 1999 when my home town of Bluffington was the hub of the food services industry. Coal and Honker Burgers were aplenty and the only thing a young person had to worry about was trying to get Patty Mayonnaise's number. I wasn't exactly in to politics as I made a decent living conducting the COAL TRAIN and picking up shifts at the Honker Burger. Fast forward to 08 and the Obummer years. Obummer used an executive order to shut down the Honker Burger. After THAT happened, PATTY left me for Roger and moved away. Bluffington struggled under the Obummer years. Some say I'm in character but the real character was how I used TO be while under the influence of LIBBIE CONJECTURE. I'm proud DAPPER DON IS MY PRESIDENT and I will fight LIBBIES LIKE RUSTY WHEREVER THEY LIVE.
- In the future, when the UFC and the various boxing commissions are manufacturing polarizing characters in order to sell pay per view fights, they need to be more imaginative. Some day, I want to see a white, social justice fighter matched up with a self hating black man. Imagine a weigh in where our white leftist, shows up with a Bob Marley tee shirt and a bandana over his face and our self hating black fighter literally tap dances with a Ben Carson/Biggie mashup shirt.

Chopper Chopper finna beat the breaks off of aepps20 aepps20
Now the Democrats are Sous vide-ing their grassfed ribeye and eating fat-infused burgers on their condo's rooftop grill before hopping in their Tesla to an underground bar to enjoy 21-year scotch and a Cuban.

Sounds like my Sunday. Except the cigars still on layaway at the smoke shop
I don't like how the conversation went from visible white supremacy to taking down statues. It's another distraction that solves nothing.
Mr. Bannon made little secret of the fact that he believed “Javanka,” as he referred to the couple behind their backs, had naïve political instincts and were going to alienate Mr. Trump’s core coalition of white working-class voters.

Bannon got no time for da globalist, even if they are family :lol:
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