***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Playboy chief: Trump’s cover is “a personal embarrassment”
So basically you voted for Trump and don’t have **** to say because he’s a disaster.

Can’t say I blame you for keeping quiet.

Actually... I didn't. He was my 16th pick on the Republican ticket. Even then, I didn't vote for him. (Not that it would have mattered anyway. I'm in California. The democrat is going to win by 25-30% anyways so it doesn't matter if a Republican or any other party is on the ticket. They're not going to win. For that matter, on a state level, if you're a Democrat that's NOT in the Bay Area your chances of being elected to state office are almost zero. Besides Schwarzenegger, no "Republican" (I use that word lightly since he turned to a Democrat after his 4 propositions were all voted down) has been voted to state elected office since Peter Wilson in 1994.

Well for certain during the Republican primary, the likes of Carson, Rubio, Cruz, and Trump ran on very similar platforms that you just talked about, except that Trump took it up several notches on the dog whistling, which I remember crc calling the Trump campaign a mess during the election year.

Other than that, yeah we all know crc is a typical Republican. I'm just basing off what's been posted....but you never know who they really voted for.

I'm not sure what a "Basic Republican" is anymore. I unregistered myself several years ago because the party doesn't stand for much anymore. They can't even repeal Obamacare with a majority in every part of the government AND the nuclear option on their side in the senate parliamentary rules. On top of that, they just voted to dismiss net neutrality rules AND allow ISP's to sell our information without our consent. The Republican party of today is FAR from the free market party they claim.
The “house negro,” Cain explained, is “one of the names you get called by other black people when you are a success at something, and you do not buy into ‘black group think,’ or act and say what they want you to say.”

This sounds oddly familiar.
The democrats control the senate so few bills will pass

12 minutes later...Passing so many bills b

This man :smh::rofl:

It's ridiculously obvious that there are multiple people using that account - you can tell he genuine Dapper Don ones rbut Etta easily - and his aides are clearly trying to mitigate his nonsense all day long - but they can't imitate his 2 grade vocabulary.
Too much LIBBIE CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO. Not nearly enough talk about Dem obstruction of justice in Congress. Don is right. We need to find a way to LOCK up the 8 DEMS holding Black Lung acquisition back. SMH WOW
Too much LIBBIE CONJECTURE AND INNUENDO. Not nearly enough talk about Dem obstruction of justice in Congress. Don is right. We need to find a way to LOCK up the 8 DEMS holding Black Lung acquisition back. SMH WOW
We need to LOCK UP this RINO too Comrade!
How long is this investigation supposed to take. I hope they impeach him sooner then 3 years from now.
So instead of not going on vacation and caring about Texas, he goes on vacation and pardons a racist

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