***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump and Sherrif Joe--two birds of a feather. And two wastes of skin. Old, racist white men will always stick together.

Absolutely disgusting. Thankfully both are near the end of their lives.
it's funny that gorka resigned because trump wasn't extreme enough.

same week as people leaving trump because he's too extreme.

but this is supposed to be some political genius?
This just makes me more irritated at Obama.
Dude they ain't playing fair
U had the ball in ur hands
All the stuff u coulda did for African Americans
All the pardons u coulda did
Like bruh
They had 400 years
**** taking the high road
He should went as low as the Underground Railroad :smh:
After what's happening now
Ain't no way another black president ever getting elected again
Cause they know we gonna want payback
I actually don't think Trump will pardon the sheriff. Even he can't be that stupid.

To the victors go Da spoils B. Da Don using his executive authority to do what needed to be done. Libbies DON'T HAVE a clue about EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government.
This pardon is proof that if the Russian investigation doesn't reach Trump in a significant way, it might very well be wasted efforts as the dude will just pardon all involved.

Might even exchange pardons for a few more membership fees to his clubs.

Trump is so transparent. Those who believed all the BS he said during the election probably belong to the same group of folks who put sunscreen in their eyes to watch the eclipse...
This pardon is proof that if the Russian investigation doesn't reach Trump in a significant way, it might very well be wasted efforts as the dude will just pardon all involved.

Might even exchange pardons for a few more membership fees to his clubs.

Trump is so transparent. Those who believed all the BS he said during the election probably belong to the same group of folks who put sunscreen in their eyes to watch the eclipse...
The law and order president doe
It's funny how he not only does this on a Friday, but before a hurricane is about to hit the central coast. Will anyone still be talking about this on Friday?

So much stuff happens during the administration that these type of stories are quickly overshadowed.
It's funny how he not only does this on a Friday, but before a hurricane is about to hit the central coast. Will anyone still be talking about this on Friday?

So much stuff happens during the administration that these type of stories are quickly overshadowed.
Eh people can multi task
Let's not be surprised that Trump pardoned a racist

I personally saw it unfold in real time in Nicaragua, where I spent the better part of a decade working as a journalist. When Daniel Ortega was elected president in 2006 with a twiggy 38% victory, Nicaragua had a constitutional ban on consecutive reelection as a safeguard against dictatorship. I thought Ortega would struggle through an unpopular five-year presidency and then go away. Eleven years later, Ortega is starting his third consecutive term as president after rewriting the constitution, banning opposition parties, and consolidating all branches of government under his personal control.

This is what probably awaits us all if the Democrats don't regain control of Congress. Republicans will pay lip service to the idea of primarying Trump, but will welcome the ability to strengthen their numbers in the legislative branch. Stay home in 2018/2020, and you give the GOP the ability to call a constitutional convention. Can anyone here say they trust them enough to keep the two term limit intact?

Dictatorships don't always happen through force. Most times, dictators rely on voter apathy to weaken their country's constitution.
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